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Terraform Registry

This module is available as Registry Terraform modules will be moved in a dedicated Github Repo to make it easier

For backwards compatibility this terraform code will be maintained

Please Use Terraform Registry

Module Input Variables

Variable Name Example Value Description Default Value Required
es_endpoint AWS ES fqdn None True
index logstash-* Index/indices to process comma separated, with all every index will be processed except skip_index .* False
skip_index .kibana* Index/indices to skip .kibana* False
index_format %Y.%m.%d Combined with index varible is used to evaluate the index age %Y.%m.%d False
delete_after 7 Numbers of days to preserve 15 False
python_version 3.6 Python version to be used 3.6 False
schedule cron(0 3 * * ? *) Cron Schedule expression for running the cleanup function cron(0 3 * * ? *) False
prefix public- A prefix for the resource names, this helps create multiple instances of this stack for different environments False
suffix -public A prefix for the resource names, this helps create multiple instances of this stack for different environments False
subnet_ids ["subnet-1111111", "subnet-222222"] Subnet IDs you want to deploy the lambda in. Only fill this in if you want to deploy your Lambda function inside a VPC. False
security_group_ids ["sg-1111111", "sg-222222"] Addiational Security Ids to add. False


terraform {
  required_version = ">= 0.12"

provider "aws" {
  region = "eu-west-1"

module "public_es_cleanup" {
  source       = ""

  prefix       = "public_es_"
  es_endpoint  = ""
  delete_after = 365

module "vpc_es_cleanup" {
  source             = ""

  prefix             = "vpc_es_"
  es_endpoint        = ""
  index              = "all"
  delete_after       = 30
  subnet_ids         = ["subnet-d8660da2"]
  security_group_ids = ["sg-02dd3aa6da1b5"]


In order order to use new module version you must have terraform-provider-aws greated than ~> 2.7 and use Terraform ~> 0.12