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The Signal

The Signal is a third-person shooter with horror vibes created by myself and Berun Agic for the coding challenge our university holds each year (FIT CC). It is built in Unity Engine using the Universal Renderer Pipeline. We put it together in little over two months using various assets pulled from the Unity Asset store, as well as some art created by us. It is our first ever game project in Unity as well as our first larger project that we've worked on, so many things might be (and probably are) inefficient and just bad practice in general. As a step towards learning more about game engines, game development and better coding practices it has been an invaluable time developing this for us. Below you can find more about the gameplay, design details and credits.

As of June 4th 2022, it has won 1st place in the game development category of the coding challenge.


The game features two camera types for the player: a normal movement one and an aim camera that quickly snaps to the player model's shoulder. The weapon the player has is an automatic pulse rifle that is reasonably powerful in taking down any of the multitude of baddies that litter our scenes.

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The game features three scenes that have the player investigate the derelict ship which has been infested with aliens. The mood we went with is that of a horror-esque game, with a run-down looking environement that suits the theme well. Besides the elimination of the hordes of enemies on the station, the player can also collect several logs that are placed in various locations in the game that give some background and explanations as to what is happening. They serve as sort of an achievement and collected logs can always be viewed again in the player's journal.

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As for enemy types, we have 4 enemy types with varying characteristics such as speed, attack power and health with some being naturally harder to kill due to lower damage bonuses from headshots or torso shots. There is also a boss that awaits the player at the last scene, whom by killing the game ends.

Credits and mentions

Special thanks to our colleague Mujo Babajic for providing us with some badass music tracks that we could add to our game. Check him out at YouTube | GitHub

All the assets we used are linked in here.

All other sounds were taken from Mixkit. Player and enemy 3D models were taken from Mixamo.