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English | 简体中文 docker pulls QQ

Sdcb Chats is a powerful and flexible frontend for large language models that supports various features and platforms. Whether you want to manage multiple model interfaces or need a simple deployment process, Sdcb Chats can meet your needs.



  • Multi-model support: Dynamically manage multiple large language model interfaces.
  • Visual model support: Integrate visual models to enhance user interaction experience.
  • User permission management: Provide fine-grained user permission settings to ensure security.
  • Account balance management: Track and manage user account balances in real-time.
  • Model management: Easily add, delete, and configure models.
  • API gateway functionality: Transparently forward user chat requests based on the OpenAI protocol.
  • Simple deployment: Support Docker images for 4 operating system/platform architectures. Additionally, provide executables for 8 different operating systems for users who do not use Docker for one-click deployment.
  • Multi-database support: Compatible with SQLite, SQL Server, and PostgreSQL databases, with no dependence on other components besides the database.
  • Multi-file service support: Compatible with local files, AWS S3, Minio, Aliyun OSS, Azure Blob Storage, etc., with runtime configuration modifications.
  • Multiple login method support: Supports Keycloak SSO and phone SMS code login.

Quick Start

Development Documentation

Chats is developed using C#/TypeScript. For information on how to compile Chats, please refer to the development documentation link.

Docker Deployment

For most users, Docker provides the simplest and fastest way to deploy. Here is an all-in-one deployment command:

mkdir ./AppData && chmod 777 ./AppData && docker run --restart unless-stopped --name sdcb-chats -e DBType=sqlite -e ConnectionStrings__ChatsDB="Data Source=./AppData/chats.db" -v ./AppData:/app/AppData -p 8080:8080 sdcb/chats:latest


  • Database storage location: By default, the SQLite database for Chats will be created in the ./AppData directory. To avoid accidental clearing of the database each time the Docker container is restarted, we first create an AppData folder and set its permissions to writable (chmod 777).

  • Port mapping: This command maps port 8080 of the container to port 8080 of the host, allowing you to access the application via http://localhost:8080.

  • Database type configuration: The DBType environment variable specifies the database type, with the default value being sqlite. Besides SQLite, the application also supports using mssql (or sqlserver) and postgresql (or pgsql) as database options.

  • Connection string: The default value of ConnectionStrings__ChatsDB is Data Source=./AppData/chats.db, which is the ADO.NET connection string for connecting to the database.

  • Non-first-time run: If your AppData directory is already created and Docker has write permission to it, you can simplify the start command as follows:

    docker run --restart unless-stopped --name sdcb-chats -v ./AppData:/app/AppData -p 8080:8080 sdcb/chats:latest
  • Database initialization: After the container starts, if the database file does not exist, it will be automatically created and initial data inserted. The initial admin username is chats, and the default password is RESET!!!. It is strongly recommended that you immediately set a new password in the user management interface at the bottom left after logging in for the first time to ensure security.

By following the above steps, you will be able to use Docker to successfully deploy and run the application. If you encounter any problems during deployment, feel free to contact us.

Chats provides the following images:

Description Docker Image
Linux x64{version}-linux-x64
Linux ARM64{version}-linux-arm64
Windows Nano Server 1809{version}-nanoserver-1809
Windows Nano Server LTSC 2022{version}-nanoserver-ltsc2022


  • The Latest and r{version} images already include support for the following four operating system versions:
    • Linux x64
    • Linux ARM64
    • Windows Nano Server 1809 (suitable for Windows Server 2019)
    • Windows Nano Server LTSC 2022 (suitable for Windows Server 2022)

Therefore, when using docker pull, users do not need to specify a particular operating system version, as Docker will automatically choose the correct version suitable for your system. This functionality is achieved through Docker's manifest creation, ensuring that users can easily obtain the image compatible with their environment.

Please note, in r{version}, {version} represents the specific version number, such as r141 (the latest version number at the time of writing this document).

Executable Deployment Guide

For environments where using Docker is inconvenient, Chats provides direct deployment options for 8 types of operating systems or architectures. You can obtain the corresponding compiled package from the following links:

Platform GitHub Download Link Alternative Download Link
Windows 64-bit chats-win-x64.7z
Linux 64-bit chats-linux-x64.7z
Linux ARM64 chats-linux-arm64.7z
Linux musl x64 chats-linux-musl-x64.7z
Linux musl ARM64 chats-linux-musl-arm64.7z
macOS ARM64 chats-osx-arm64.7z
macOS x64 chats-osx-x64.7z
Generic package dependent on .NET chats.7z
Pure front-end files chats-fe.7z

Version and Download Instructions

  1. Specific Version Download Address:

    • To download a specific version of Chats, replace release/latest/download in the link with releases/download/r-{version}. For example, the Linux ARM64 file link for version 141 is:
  2. Alternative Download Base Address:

    • In case of access issues, you can use the alternative download address, adjust {version} to the specific version number or use latest:{version}/{artifact-id}.zip
    • For example, to directly download the latest Windows 64-bit version via the alternative download:

Executable Directory Structure and Running Instructions

The directory structure after extracting the AOT executable files is as follows:

 2024/12/06  16:35    <DIR>          .
 2024/12/06  16:35    <DIR>          ..
 2024/12/06  16:35               119 appsettings.Development.json
 2024/12/06  16:35               417 appsettings.json
 2024/12/06  16:35           367,144 aspnetcorev2_inprocess.dll
 2024/12/06  16:35        84,012,075 Chats.BE.exe
 2024/12/06  16:35           200,296 Chats.BE.pdb
 2024/12/06  16:35         1,759,232 e_sqlite3.dll
 2024/12/06  16:35           504,872 Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.SNI.dll
 2024/12/06  16:35               465 web.config
 2024/12/06  16:35    <DIR>          wwwroot
  • Start Application: Run Chats.BE.exe to start the Chats application. Although this filename indicates "backend," it actually contains both frontend and backend components.
  • Database Configuration: By default, the application will create a directory named AppData in the current directory and use SQLite as the database. Command-line parameters can be used to specify a different database type:
    .\Chats.BE.exe --urls http://+:5000 --DBType=mssql --ConnectionStrings:ChatsDB="Data Source=(localdb)\mssqllocaldb; Initial Catalog=ChatsDB; Integrated Security=True"
    • Parameter --urls: Used to specify the address and port the application listens on.
    • Parameter DBType: Options are sqlite, mssql, or pgsql.
    • Parameter --ConnectionStrings:ChatsDB: For specifying the ADO.NET connection string for the database.

Special Note

  • For the downloaded, .NET SDK support will be required. Install the .NET runtime, then use dotnet Chats.BE.dll to start the program.

Supported LLMs

  • Azure OpenAI
  • Tencent HunYuan
  • Moonshot
  • OpenAI (or OpenAI API compatible APIs, like ollama)
  • Wenxin Qianfan
  • Aliyun DashScope
  • Xunfei Sparkdesk
  • DeepSeek
  • x.AI
  • GitHub Models