Ardupilot - open-source autopilot for unmanned vehicles (drones, planes, boats, you tell me)
SITL - software in the loop - a simulator for ardupilot
SITL was a PITA to work with, when you have 0 experience with ardupilot, so I've made a docker image and a python helper script to make the whole procedure a bit easier for newcomers.
The script is documented, so I'll just post the output of ./ --help
usage: [-h] [-m] [-c] -v VEHICLE [-l LOCATION]
SITL Runner
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-m, --map Show the map window
-c, --console Show the console window
-v VEHICLE, --vehicle VEHICLE
Choose vehicle (ArduPlane or ArduCopter)
-l LOCATION, --location LOCATION
Select location (Legnica by default)
Just use docker-compose from here
Or if you HAVE to use just docker, here's your long boi:
docker run -it --net=host --env="DISPLAY" --volume="$HOME/.Xauthority:/home/akl/.Xauthority:rw" wnt3rmute/ardupilot-sitl ./ -L Ballarat --console --map -v ArduCopter -N
GUI works through sharing the .Xauthority
file (see tutorials on how to use host's X from inside Docker.
Wayland works through XWayland (last time that I checked).