First, you need to setup your navigation graph (check getting started section), and then setup it in main
fun main() = application {
onCloseRequest = ::exitApplication,
title = "Odyssey Desktop Example",
state = rememberWindowState(
width = 1024.dp,
height = 800.dp,
position = WindowPosition.Aligned(Alignment.Center)
) {
setNavigationContent(OdysseyConfiguration(), onApplicationFinish = {
}) {
Navigation Configuration
function is expect/actual and contains OdysseyConfiguration
class which is expect/actual
too, so for every platform
it contains different implementations. For desktop it has following parameters
* @param startScreen (optional) - sealed class with two types of params First and Custom.
* if you check first, which is by default, it will take first screen from your navigation graph, otherwise
* it takes as entry point screen with provided name
* @param backgroundColor (optional) - color for animation background. For example if you have dark theme you may want
* provide your theme color to avoid blink effect in animations
actual class OdysseyConfiguration(
val startScreen: StartScreen = StartScreen.First,
val backgroundColor: Color = Color.White
Theme, LocalCompositionProvider
If you need add theme or any composition local provider you can wrap setNavigationContent in any Composable function
fun main() = application {
onCloseRequest = ::exitApplication,
title = "Odyssey Desktop Example",
state = rememberWindowState(
width = 1024.dp,
height = 800.dp,
position = WindowPosition.Aligned(Alignment.Center)
) {
OdysseyTheme {
val configuration = OdysseyConfiguration(
backgroundColor = Odyssey.color.primaryBackground
setNavigationContent(configuration, onApplicationFinish = {
}) {