To work with tab navigation you should use topNavigation inside graph builder
Tab Navigation Bar as well as Every tab has some visual characteristics like backgroundColor
and selected/unselected colors
To setup this you need make tabs configuration. To create this you should inherit TabsNavModel() class
and override desired parameters. navConfiguration
has Composable get, so you can use any LocalProviders
you want
For example with theming:
class TopConfiguration : TabsNavModel<TopNavConfiguration>() {
override val navConfiguration: TopNavConfiguration
get() {
return TopNavConfiguration(
backgroundColor = Odyssey.color.secondaryBackground,
contentColor = Odyssey.color.primaryText
You can use the same approach for every tab. For example:
override val configuration: TabConfiguration
get() {
return TabConfiguration(
title = "Feed",
selectedColor = Odyssey.color.primaryText,
unselectedColor = Odyssey.color.controlColor,
titleStyle = TextStyle(
fontSize = 14.sp,
fontWeight = FontWeight.Medium
As you can see you have selected and unselected colors both for tabs and for all bottom navigation It's because tab configuration will override all configuration and if you need specific color for tab you should use in its own class
And after that you can start you topNavigation
with navigation graph
fun RootComposeBuilder.topNavScreen() {
topNavigation(name = "top", tabsNavModel = TopConfiguration()) {
tab(FeedTab()) {
screen(name = "tab") {
TabScreen(it as? Int)
tab(SearchTab()) {
screen(name = "tab") {
TabScreen(it as? Int)
tab(CartTab()) {
screen(name = "tab") {
TabScreen(it as? Int)