CHANGEME Description of the problem or issue here.
Current behaviour:
CHANGEME Tell us what happens. If this is a crash, post the crashlog (upload to
Expected behaviour:
CHANGEME Tell us what should happen instead.
Steps to reproduce the problem:
- CHANGEME Step 1 include entries of affected creatures / items / quests with a link to the relevant wowhead page.
- Step 2
- Step 3
Writing server debug on console will return the best results for reporting bugs (3.3.5a for now) CHANGEME 3.3.5, master or both
TC rev. hash/commit:
CHANGEME Copy the first line of the worldserver
, authserver
or bnetserver
For example: TrinityCore rev. 0000000000 2000-01-09 11:31:41 +0100 (my branch) (Win64, RelWithDebInfo, Static) (bnetserver)
TDB version: CHANGEME Version of the TrinityCore database
Operating system: CHANGEME OS