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File metadata and controls

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Immersive includes a simple integrated text templating engine.

Basic Syntax

A template consists of regular text, with substitutions between {{/}}. In addition to the regular control character escapes (\a, \b, \e, \f, \n, \r, \t, \v), \{ can be escaped outside of substitution tags. Inside a tag \} and \: must be escaped, as well as \[ depending on the part of the tag it is in.

The most basic substitution tag is {{<variable name>}}. So given a variable named foo with the content rem ips the template Lo{{foo}}um would render as Lorem ipsum.

Variables can either be single (text) values or lists of values. The names of list variables are usually plurals. A list variable is simply rendered as all its elements concatenated together. The template ab{{list}}gh would become abcdefgh if the elements of list are (c, d, e, f).

For the following examples these variables will be used: text=Lorem ipsum and list=(A1, B2, C3, D4).


Both types of variables can be limited using an indexing operator, either a single index: {{list[2]}}B2 / {{text[4]}}e; or a range of indices: {{list[2:3]}}B2C3 / {{text[1:4]}}Lore. If either index is left out (e.g. [2:] or [:4]), it is assumed to be 1 for the first and the length of the text/list for the second. Indices can be negative, in which case they go backwards from the end of the variable: {{list[:-2]}}A1B2C3 / {{text[3:-3]}}rem ips. If the indices given result in an empty substitution the variable is effectively ignored. Before the index (or prefix) is encountered, [ has to be escaped as \[ if it is part of the variable name.

Affixes & Separators

List substitutions can have a prefix, a suffix, and a separator: {{list:pre[:]suf: | }}pre[A1 | B2 | C3 | D4]suf. Thus : has to be escaped at any position inside a tag. If both index and affixes/a separator are used the tag looks like this: {{list[2:3]pre[:]suf: | }}pre[B2 | C3]suf.

The prefix and suffix can be left empty if the substitution should only have a separator: {{list::: \: }}A1 : B2 : C3 : D4; and the suffix and separator can be left out if not needed: {{list:List\:}}List:A1B2C3D4.