Using numpy, pandas, and matplotlib to analyze data from the Pokemon video games
Pokemon type colors are taken from
count count2 total typeColors darkTypeColors
Type 1
Ice 31 17 48 #77DDFF (0.238, 0.442, 0.51)
Fairy 29 35 64 #FFAAFF (0.51, 0.34, 0.51)
Ghost 35 30 65 #6666BB (0.204, 0.204, 0.374)
Steel 36 29 65 #AAAABB (0.34, 0.34, 0.374)
Electric 59 10 69 #FFCC33 (0.51, 0.408, 0.102)
Dark 45 24 69 #775544 (0.238, 0.17, 0.136)
Dragon 37 33 70 #7766EE (0.238, 0.204, 0.476)
Fighting 40 33 73 #BB5544 (0.374, 0.17, 0.136)
Rock 58 16 74 #BBAA66 (0.374, 0.34, 0.204)
Ground 40 35 75 #DDBB55 (0.442, 0.374, 0.17)
Fire 66 15 81 #FF4422 (0.51, 0.136, 0.068)
Poison 42 41 83 #AA5599 (0.34, 0.17, 0.306)
Bug 83 9 92 #AABB22 (0.34, 0.374, 0.068)
Psychic 60 42 102 #FF5599 (0.51, 0.17, 0.306)
Flying 9 100 109 #6699FF (0.204, 0.306, 0.51)
Grass 103 24 127 #77CC55 (0.238, 0.408, 0.17)
Normal 118 13 131 #BBBBAA (0.374, 0.374, 0.34)
Water 134 20 154 #3399FF (0.102, 0.306, 0.51)