Releases: Blakenator/light-git-client
Releases · Blakenator/light-git-client
- Added LICENSE.txt
- updated error log in GitClient.ts to use serialize-error
- reorganized models
- added warning in diff viewer when hunk has watcher warnings
- added diff stage status indicator (staged, unstaged, or nothing) in diff viewer
- added command success indicator in command history
- added missing transitions to branch viewer & change lists
- made rename arrow an actual arrow in change list
- fixed bug with getting diff on renamed files
- refactored code watcher warning modal to use observer pattern
- upgraded diff viewer to allow lazy-loading
- added support for Tab key to select autocomplete
0.5.0 Intuition
- Centralized error handling & made errors more descriptive
- made command history update automatically
- fixed commit message deselection bug
- added revert hunk button to diff viewer
- fixed bugs with git config editor & added explicit delete button
- made tab buttons hidden by default
- Added branch premerge diff feature (see all changes on branch since common ancestor)
- added check on repository load to see if folder is actually a git repo or worktree
- added true infinite scroll to commit history
- added open devtools settings menu button for debugging
- added poor lambda names code watcher to default code watchers
- made checked out branch icon blue to be more obvious
- added indicator to remote branch views to indicate when its checked out locally
- made branch actions invisible until hovered
- made error dialog more versatile
- added title & description to new tab page
- Reduced header padding to increase screen real estate
- made filtering branches hide empty folders (needs improvement)
- added icon for currently checked out branch
- added tooltips for change list icons
- made change list buttons conditionally visible and work more consistently fixed large part of commit history table overflow
- limited command history max characters per entry to 1000 and default page size to 10
- Added Line numbers to code watcher popup and fixed spacing
- updated docs
- increased line height for diff
- Fixed duplicate line watcher default regex
- added setting to include unchanged surrounding lines in watcher analysis
- Fixed bugs with diffs
- added ability to change hunks
- added code watchers & pre-commit warnings
- fixed autofocus issues
- made diff overlays look better
- Added Git Config modal
- added merge branch button
- added full command history to error log
- added tooltips to buttons
- fixed change list spacing
- fixed commit message autocomplete bug
- fixed create stash dialog bug
- made command history infinite scroll & limited output height
- used loading indicator more consistently
- fixed styling bug for scrollbars and dialog titles
- Extracted parsing diff string to method & fixed add file error
- added command history window
- added mergetool & include whitespace settings
- fixed shift click selection in change list
- made close button always visible in the error message dialog
0.4.0 Features
- Added autocomplete on changed file names/folders and current branch names to commit message textarea
- made change overlay not respond to mouse events
- made line numbers not selectable in diff view
- made git fetch prune