A reactive version of Spectre.Console Live, Progress, and Status
visit https://spectreconsole.net/ for more information on Spectre.Console visit https://github.com/spectreconsole/spectre.console for the original source code of Spectre.Console
An example of using Spectre.Console.Rx to animate some status, a table and a progress bar.
using System.Reactive.Concurrency;
using System.Reactive.Linq;
using ProgressDemo;
using Spectre.Console.Rx;
// NOTE: This code executes synchronously, only one instance of the console context can be executing at a time.
// This is because the console context is not thread safe.
// Remember to call IsFinished() on the console context when you're done with it.
var table = new Table().LeftAligned();
"[yellow]Initializing warp drive[/]",
p => p.AutoRefresh(true).Spinner(Spinner.Known.Default))
ctx => ctx.Schedule(async scheduler =>
// Initialize
await scheduler.Sleep(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(3000));
WriteLogMessage("Starting gravimetric field displacement manifold");
await scheduler.Sleep(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1000));
WriteLogMessage("Warming up deuterium chamber");
await scheduler.Sleep(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(2000));
WriteLogMessage("Generating antideuterium");
// Warp nacelles
await scheduler.Sleep(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(3000));
ctx.Status("[bold blue]Unfolding warp nacelles[/]");
WriteLogMessage("Unfolding left warp nacelle");
await scheduler.Sleep(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(2000));
WriteLogMessage("Left warp nacelle [green]online[/]");
WriteLogMessage("Unfolding right warp nacelle");
await scheduler.Sleep(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1000));
WriteLogMessage("Right warp nacelle [green]online[/]");
// Warp bubble
await scheduler.Sleep(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(3000));
ctx.Status("[bold blue]Generating warp bubble[/]");
await scheduler.Sleep(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(3000));
ctx.Status("[bold blue]Stabilizing warp bubble[/]");
// Safety
ctx.Status("[bold blue]Performing safety checks[/]");
WriteLogMessage("Enabling interior dampening");
await scheduler.Sleep(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(2000));
WriteLogMessage("Interior dampening [green]enabled[/]");
// Warp!
await scheduler.Sleep(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(3000));
WriteLogMessage("Preparing for warp");
await scheduler.Sleep(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1000));
for (var warp = 1; warp < 10; warp++)
ctx.Status($"[bold blue]Warp {warp}[/]");
await scheduler.Sleep(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(500));
// Done
WriteLogMessage("[bold green]Crusing at Warp 9[/]");
// Finish animation and allow next animation to start
// Animate
AnsiConsoleRx.Live(table, ld => ld.AutoClear(false).Overflow(VerticalOverflow.Ellipsis).Cropping(VerticalOverflowCropping.Top))
ctx =>
// Columns
ctx.Update(230, () => table.AddColumn("Release date"))
.Update(230, () => table.AddColumn("Title"))
.Update(230, () => table.AddColumn("Budget"))
.Update(230, () => table.AddColumn("Opening Weekend"))
.Update(230, () => table.AddColumn("Box office"))
// Rows
.Update(70, () => table.AddRow("May 25, 1977", "[yellow]Star Wars[/] [grey]Ep.[/] [u]IV[/]", "$11,000,000", "$1,554,475", "$775,398,007"))
.Update(70, () => table.AddRow("May 21, 1980", "[yellow]Star Wars[/] [grey]Ep.[/] [u]V[/]", "$18,000,000", "$4,910,483", "$547,969,004"))
.Update(70, () => table.AddRow("May 25, 1983", "[yellow]Star Wars[/] [grey]Ep.[/] [u]VI[/]", "$32,500,000", "$23,019,618", "$475,106,177"))
.Update(70, () => table.AddRow("May 19, 1999", "[yellow]Star Wars[/] [grey]Ep.[/] [u]I[/]", "$115,000,000", "$64,810,870", "$1,027,044,677"))
.Update(70, () => table.AddRow("May 16, 2002", "[yellow]Star Wars[/] [grey]Ep.[/] [u]II[/]", "$115,000,000", "$80,027,814", "$649,436,358"))
.Update(70, () => table.AddRow("May 19, 2005", "[yellow]Star Wars[/] [grey]Ep.[/] [u]III[/]", "$113,000,000", "$108,435,841", "$850,035,635"))
.Update(70, () => table.AddRow("Dec 18, 2015", "[yellow]Star Wars[/] [grey]Ep.[/] [u]VII[/]", "$245,000,000", "$247,966,675", "$2,068,223,624"))
.Update(70, () => table.AddRow("Dec 15, 2017", "[yellow]Star Wars[/] [grey]Ep.[/] [u]VIII[/]", "$317,000,000", "$220,009,584", "$1,333,539,889"))
.Update(70, () => table.AddRow("Dec 20, 2019", "[yellow]Star Wars[/] [grey]Ep.[/] [u]IX[/]", "$245,000,000", "$177,383,864", "$1,074,114,248"))
// Column footer
.Update(230, () => table.Columns[2].Footer("$1,633,000,000"))
.Update(230, () => table.Columns[3].Footer("$928,119,224"))
.Update(400, () => table.Columns[4].Footer("$10,318,030,576"))
// Column alignment
.Update(230, () => table.Columns[2].RightAligned())
.Update(230, () => table.Columns[3].RightAligned())
.Update(400, () => table.Columns[4].RightAligned())
// Column titles
.Update(70, () => table.Columns[0].Header("[bold]Release date[/]"))
.Update(70, () => table.Columns[1].Header("[bold]Title[/]"))
.Update(70, () => table.Columns[2].Header("[red bold]Budget[/]"))
.Update(70, () => table.Columns[3].Header("[green bold]Opening Weekend[/]"))
.Update(400, () => table.Columns[4].Header("[blue bold]Box office[/]"))
// Footers
.Update(70, () => table.Columns[2].Footer("[red bold]$1,633,000,000[/]"))
.Update(70, () => table.Columns[3].Footer("[green bold]$928,119,224[/]"))
.Update(400, () => table.Columns[4].Footer("[blue bold]$10,318,030,576[/]"))
// Title
.Update(500, () => table.Title("Star Wars Movies"))
.Update(400, () => table.Title("[[ [yellow]Star Wars Movies[/] ]]"))
// Borders
.Update(230, () => table.BorderColor(Color.Yellow))
.Update(230, () => table.MinimalBorder())
.Update(230, () => table.SimpleBorder())
.Update(230, () => table.SimpleHeavyBorder())
// Caption
.Update(400, () => table.Caption("[[ [blue]THE END[/] ]]"))
// Finish animation and allow next animation to start
AnsiConsole.MarkupLine("[yellow]Initializing warp drive[/]...");
// Show progress
AnsiConsoleRx.Progress(p =>
.Columns(new ProgressColumn[]
new TaskDescriptionColumn(), // Task description
new ProgressBarColumn(), // Progress bar
new PercentageColumn(), // Percentage
new RemainingTimeColumn(), // Remaining time
new SpinnerColumn(), // Spinner
.Subscribe(async ctx =>
var random = new Random(DateTime.Now.Millisecond);
// Create some tasks
var tasks = CreateTasks(ctx, random);
var warpTask = ctx.AddTask("Going to warp", autoStart: false).IsIndeterminate();
await ctx.Schedule(
() => ctx.IsFinished,
() =>
// Increment progress
foreach (var (task, increment) in tasks)
task.Increment(random.NextDouble() * increment);
// Write some random things to the terminal
if (random.NextDouble() < 0.1)
// Now start the "warp" task
await ctx.Schedule(
() => warpTask.Increment(12 * random.NextDouble()));
// Done
await ctx.Schedule(_ => WriteLogMessage("[green]Done![/]"));
// Progress is finished and will automatically exit
WriteLogMessage("[red]Press ctrl+c to exit[/]");
static List<(ProgressTask Task, int Delay)> CreateTasks(ProgressContext context, Random random)
var tasks = new List<(ProgressTask, int)>();
while (tasks.Count < 5)
if (DescriptionGenerator.TryGenerate(out var name))
tasks.Add((context.AddTask(name), random.Next(2, 10)));
return tasks;
static void GenerateLogMessage() => AnsiConsole.MarkupLine(
"[grey]LOG:[/] " +
DescriptionGenerator.Generate() +
static void WriteLogMessage(string message) => AnsiConsole.MarkupLine($"[grey]LOG:[/] {message}[grey]...[/]");