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221 lines (183 loc) · 9.34 KB



A reactive version of Spectre.Console Live, Progress, and Status

visit for more information on Spectre.Console visit for the original source code of Spectre.Console


An example of using Spectre.Console.Rx to animate some status, a table and a progress bar.

using System.Reactive.Concurrency;
using System.Reactive.Linq;
using ProgressDemo;
using Spectre.Console.Rx;

// NOTE: This code executes synchronously, only one instance of the console context can be executing at a time.
//       This is because the console context is not thread safe.
//       Remember to call IsFinished() on the console context when you're done with it.
var table = new Table().LeftAligned();

        "[yellow]Initializing warp drive[/]",
        p => p.AutoRefresh(true).Spinner(Spinner.Known.Default))
        ctx => ctx.Schedule(async scheduler =>
            // Initialize
            await scheduler.Sleep(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(3000));
            WriteLogMessage("Starting gravimetric field displacement manifold");
            await scheduler.Sleep(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1000));
            WriteLogMessage("Warming up deuterium chamber");
            await scheduler.Sleep(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(2000));
            WriteLogMessage("Generating antideuterium");

            // Warp nacelles
            await scheduler.Sleep(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(3000));
            ctx.Status("[bold blue]Unfolding warp nacelles[/]");
            WriteLogMessage("Unfolding left warp nacelle");
            await scheduler.Sleep(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(2000));
            WriteLogMessage("Left warp nacelle [green]online[/]");
            WriteLogMessage("Unfolding right warp nacelle");
            await scheduler.Sleep(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1000));
            WriteLogMessage("Right warp nacelle [green]online[/]");

            // Warp bubble
            await scheduler.Sleep(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(3000));
            ctx.Status("[bold blue]Generating warp bubble[/]");
            await scheduler.Sleep(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(3000));
            ctx.Status("[bold blue]Stabilizing warp bubble[/]");

            // Safety
            ctx.Status("[bold blue]Performing safety checks[/]");
            WriteLogMessage("Enabling interior dampening");
            await scheduler.Sleep(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(2000));
            WriteLogMessage("Interior dampening [green]enabled[/]");

            // Warp!
            await scheduler.Sleep(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(3000));
            WriteLogMessage("Preparing for warp");
            await scheduler.Sleep(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1000));
            for (var warp = 1; warp < 10; warp++)
                ctx.Status($"[bold blue]Warp {warp}[/]");
                await scheduler.Sleep(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(500));

            // Done
            WriteLogMessage("[bold green]Crusing at Warp 9[/]");

            // Finish animation and allow next animation to start

// Animate
AnsiConsoleRx.Live(table, ld => ld.AutoClear(false).Overflow(VerticalOverflow.Ellipsis).Cropping(VerticalOverflowCropping.Top))
    ctx =>

        // Columns
        ctx.Update(230, () => table.AddColumn("Release date"))
        .Update(230, () => table.AddColumn("Title"))
        .Update(230, () => table.AddColumn("Budget"))
        .Update(230, () => table.AddColumn("Opening Weekend"))
        .Update(230, () => table.AddColumn("Box office"))

        // Rows
        .Update(70, () => table.AddRow("May 25, 1977", "[yellow]Star Wars[/] [grey]Ep.[/] [u]IV[/]", "$11,000,000", "$1,554,475", "$775,398,007"))
        .Update(70, () => table.AddRow("May 21, 1980", "[yellow]Star Wars[/] [grey]Ep.[/] [u]V[/]", "$18,000,000", "$4,910,483", "$547,969,004"))
        .Update(70, () => table.AddRow("May 25, 1983", "[yellow]Star Wars[/] [grey]Ep.[/] [u]VI[/]", "$32,500,000", "$23,019,618", "$475,106,177"))
        .Update(70, () => table.AddRow("May 19, 1999", "[yellow]Star Wars[/] [grey]Ep.[/] [u]I[/]", "$115,000,000", "$64,810,870", "$1,027,044,677"))
        .Update(70, () => table.AddRow("May 16, 2002", "[yellow]Star Wars[/] [grey]Ep.[/] [u]II[/]", "$115,000,000", "$80,027,814", "$649,436,358"))
        .Update(70, () => table.AddRow("May 19, 2005", "[yellow]Star Wars[/] [grey]Ep.[/] [u]III[/]", "$113,000,000", "$108,435,841", "$850,035,635"))
        .Update(70, () => table.AddRow("Dec 18, 2015", "[yellow]Star Wars[/] [grey]Ep.[/] [u]VII[/]", "$245,000,000", "$247,966,675", "$2,068,223,624"))
        .Update(70, () => table.AddRow("Dec 15, 2017", "[yellow]Star Wars[/] [grey]Ep.[/] [u]VIII[/]", "$317,000,000", "$220,009,584", "$1,333,539,889"))
        .Update(70, () => table.AddRow("Dec 20, 2019", "[yellow]Star Wars[/] [grey]Ep.[/] [u]IX[/]", "$245,000,000", "$177,383,864", "$1,074,114,248"))

        // Column footer
        .Update(230, () => table.Columns[2].Footer("$1,633,000,000"))
        .Update(230, () => table.Columns[3].Footer("$928,119,224"))
        .Update(400, () => table.Columns[4].Footer("$10,318,030,576"))

        // Column alignment
        .Update(230, () => table.Columns[2].RightAligned())
        .Update(230, () => table.Columns[3].RightAligned())
        .Update(400, () => table.Columns[4].RightAligned())

        // Column titles
        .Update(70, () => table.Columns[0].Header("[bold]Release date[/]"))
        .Update(70, () => table.Columns[1].Header("[bold]Title[/]"))
        .Update(70, () => table.Columns[2].Header("[red bold]Budget[/]"))
        .Update(70, () => table.Columns[3].Header("[green bold]Opening Weekend[/]"))
        .Update(400, () => table.Columns[4].Header("[blue bold]Box office[/]"))

        // Footers
        .Update(70, () => table.Columns[2].Footer("[red bold]$1,633,000,000[/]"))
        .Update(70, () => table.Columns[3].Footer("[green bold]$928,119,224[/]"))
        .Update(400, () => table.Columns[4].Footer("[blue bold]$10,318,030,576[/]"))

        // Title
        .Update(500, () => table.Title("Star Wars Movies"))
        .Update(400, () => table.Title("[[ [yellow]Star Wars Movies[/] ]]"))

        // Borders
        .Update(230, () => table.BorderColor(Color.Yellow))
        .Update(230, () => table.MinimalBorder())
        .Update(230, () => table.SimpleBorder())
        .Update(230, () => table.SimpleHeavyBorder())

        // Caption
        .Update(400, () => table.Caption("[[ [blue]THE END[/] ]]"))

        // Finish animation and allow next animation to start

AnsiConsole.MarkupLine("[yellow]Initializing warp drive[/]...");

// Show progress
AnsiConsoleRx.Progress(p =>
    .Columns(new ProgressColumn[]
                    new TaskDescriptionColumn(),    // Task description
                    new ProgressBarColumn(),        // Progress bar
                    new PercentageColumn(),         // Percentage
                    new RemainingTimeColumn(),      // Remaining time
                    new SpinnerColumn(),            // Spinner
    .Subscribe(async ctx =>
        var random = new Random(DateTime.Now.Millisecond);

        // Create some tasks
        var tasks = CreateTasks(ctx, random);
        var warpTask = ctx.AddTask("Going to warp", autoStart: false).IsIndeterminate();

        await ctx.Schedule(
            () => ctx.IsFinished,
            () =>
                // Increment progress
                foreach (var (task, increment) in tasks)
                    task.Increment(random.NextDouble() * increment);

                // Write some random things to the terminal
                if (random.NextDouble() < 0.1)

        // Now start the "warp" task
        await ctx.Schedule(
            () => warpTask.Increment(12 * random.NextDouble()));

        // Done
        await ctx.Schedule(_ => WriteLogMessage("[green]Done![/]"));

        // Progress is finished and will automatically exit

WriteLogMessage("[red]Press ctrl+c to exit[/]");

static List<(ProgressTask Task, int Delay)> CreateTasks(ProgressContext context, Random random)
    var tasks = new List<(ProgressTask, int)>();
    while (tasks.Count < 5)
        if (DescriptionGenerator.TryGenerate(out var name))
            tasks.Add((context.AddTask(name), random.Next(2, 10)));

    return tasks;

static void GenerateLogMessage() => AnsiConsole.MarkupLine(
        "[grey]LOG:[/] " +
        DescriptionGenerator.Generate() +

static void WriteLogMessage(string message) => AnsiConsole.MarkupLine($"[grey]LOG:[/] {message}[grey]...[/]");