Releases: Clinical-Genomics/MIP
Releases · Clinical-Genomics/MIP
- Minor changes to the install processes
- Added yamllint
- New store format file in new file: _deliverables.yaml
- Fixed memory error in version_collect due to GATK version command
- Internal code refactoring
- Updated docs for code style and best practise
- ucsc-wigToBigWig: 357
- ucsc-bedToBigBed: 357
- STAR aligns sample fastq files with the same sequnece mode (eg. single-end or paired-end) within one job
- Dropped option to run sambamba markduplicates for RNA
- Added SMNCopyNumberCaller to MIP for SMN calling with WGS data
- Added downlod of vcf2cytosure blacklist file for grch37
- New CLI option for picard markduplicates optical duplicate distance. Default: 2500
- Removed sambamba markduplicates CLI options from RNA
- Removed CLI option markduplicates_no_bam_to_cram
- New analysis recipe option for smncopynumbercaller
- New option for vcf2cytosure "--vcf2cytosure_blacklist"
- vcf2cytosure: 0.4.3 -> 0.5.0
- Arriba: 1.1.0
- Added BAM contigs set to allow for single ladies to get a proper check sex (no pun intended:). Actually it is for all female only analyses.
- Add new recipe to get executable version dynamically and in separate file
- Remove Snpeff and snpsift from MIP
- Add clinvar annotation as vep custom file: CLINVAR_CLNSIG,CLINVAR_CLNVID,CLINVAR_CLNREVSTAT now in CSQ field
- Move frequency annotations from Snpsift to frequency_annotation recipe
- Moves frequency annotation to separate recipe
- Adds upd for trios
- Adds rhocall viz
- Adds chromograph for chromosome visualization
- Moves CNVnator to singularity container
- Moves Manta to singularity container
- Moves VEP to singularity container
- Moves Svdb to singularity container and update version to 2.2.0
- Moves delly to singularity container
- Moved dbNSFP processing from snpsift to VEP as plugin: GERP++_NR,GERP++_RS,REVEL_rankscore,phastCons100way_vertebrate,phyloP100way_vertebrate is now part of VEP CSQ Schema instead of separate keys in the VCF INFO field
- Install CADD via MIPs installer
- Moves STAR to singularity container
- Moves STAR-Fusion to singularity container
- Moves RSeQC to singularity container
- Moves Trim Galore to singularity container
- Removes the py3 and perl5 conda environment for the RNA pipeline
- Moves stringtie to singularity container
- Removed cramtools
- Removes cutadapt
- Supply wgs variantcalls for ASE analysis
- Removes the noupdate option from the installation
New references
- grch37_sv_frequency_vcfanno_filter_config_-v1.2-.toml
- grch37_frequency_vcfanno_filter_config_-v1.3-.toml
- clinvar: 20191013
- gnomad: r2.0.1 -> r2.1.1
- loqusdb: 2018-12-18 -> 2019-11-04
- expansionhunter: 3.0.0 -> 3.1.2
- bedtools: 2.27.1-he941832_2 -> 2.29.0=h6ed99ea_1
- chromograph:
- expansionhunter: 3.0.0 -> 3.1.2
- GATK: ->
- gffcompare: 0.10.6 -> 0.11.2
- manta: 1.5.0-py27_0 -> 1.6.0-py27_0
- multiqc: 1.6 -> 1.7
- picard: 2.18.14-0 -> 2.20.7-0
- rseqc: 3.0.0 -> 3.0.1
- rhocall: 0.4 -> 0.5.1
- rtg-tools: 3.9.1-1 -> 3.10.1-0
- star: 2.6.1d -> 2.7.3a
- star-fusion: 1.5.0 -> 1.7.0
- stranger: 0.5.4 -> 0.5.5
- stringtie: 1.3.4 -> 2.0.3
- svdb: 2.0.0 -> 2.2.0
- trim-galore: 0.5.0 -> 0.6.4
- upd: 0.1
- vcfanno: 0.3.1-0 -> 0.3.2-0
- VEP: 95 -> 97
- Remove upper case in reference file name from test data
- Fixed bug that will cause select vcf files for snv/indel to not be produced if you turn off all SV programs
- Added BAM contigs set to allow for single ladies to get a proper check sex (no pun intended:). Actually it is for all female only analyses.