Releases: Clon1998/mobileraker
Version 1.5.0 - Improved Webcam and Multi-Printer view
- Added Overview page showing all added Printers
- Added the ability to switch between printers by swiping the title
- Added some transition animations for files, console and camera pages
- Added filtering of temperature returns for console
- Replaced Mjpeg stream widget with custom implementation adding FPS view and more stuff
- Enabled local notifications again
- Refactored handling of connection if the app is in the background/comes into the foreground
- Fixed GCode preview in files view now uses the HQ versions
- Fixed the UI for heaters, sensors, outputs, and fans
- Fixed color schema usage
- Fixed webcam stream fetched images while app in background
- 4a810b6 - Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/dev'
- 3bfecaf - Disabled Overview for less than 2 printers
- f16065e - Updated version
- 872b81e - Merge branch 'dev'
- c62b3a1 - Added Printer Overview Page for all added printers!
- 99afe49 - Custom MJPEG implementation and added swipe for next printer
- 587ede4 - Fixed build-Android.yml
- ea7051a - Fixed URL launcher for Android
- 0093ded - Added code to ensure WS is connected once app comes from BG.
- 492a223 - Added Paywall options
- 65bcdf0 - Simplified sync RPC for FileService
- b61b991 - Cleanup
- dd2a1f3 - Moved UI packages
- 8f713d7 - Enabled local notifications again
- cf3bf92 - Wrapped MJPEG in ClipRRect and editing Cams in Settings reflected in UI.
- 28c1e21 - Adjusted some ThemeData.
- 054b92b - Fixed card_with_button to correctly render backgrounds
- fae59c1 - Ensured files view now uses hq images and added Hero anim.
- b503f41 - Corrected shimmer
- 72167a4 - Fixed color schema for console and files
- 164d8f6 - Added filtering for Temps in console and ease in anim.
- 1f2335d - Merge branch 'dev'
- 45d3c03 - Updated version to 1.4.3+8
- 352de24 - Merge branch 'dev'
- 7e51740 - Update
- fb80cc2 - Merge branch 'dev'
- a79355d - Fixed build-Android.yml
- 30a1c34 - Added Console View
- 6c06fa2 - Rearranged Buttons in general_tab for mcu/fw restart
- 150fc3b - Added link to companion in setting view
- b33f64e - Updated Actions to only run on master pushes
- 90801ec - Fixed ios gservices file name
- d7b5fe1 - Fixed wrong path for key.props
- ba4e3f7 - Added more secret to Android build action.
- 7bab793 - Added google service as secret to Android build action.
- 7bb24eb - Added build_runner to android + ios action.
- f24008a - Removed java.home from
- e579e8c - Try#2 fixing Android Github Action
- beb21f1 - Fixed Android Github Action
- ed37808 - Added Android Github Action
- 5a3c322 - Update build-IOS.yml
- 453d6df - Update build-IOS.yml
- fd1d461 - Update build-IOS.yml
- c012f5c - Update build-IOS.yml
- 2f62d2c - Corrected dir for xcodeBuild action
- cd4837c - Added xcodeBuild action
- 746faca - Added workaround to fix detaching of plugins in isolated env.
- 2a3ea33 - Added missing SplashScreen assets
- 78feafa - Optimized imports
- 8340f5d - Fixed some hash, equal overrides and missing nulls
- 7f37917 - ConnectionStateView refactored
- 4a41c79 - Updated dependencies and Splashscreen
- 9452c06 - Disabled local notification on all Platforms and fixed FCM bug.
- 17cf73a - Reverted changes from ab5be86
- dabe68c - File detail view now works if parameters are missing
- e92f7c2 - Ensured Flow+Macros are disabled if printer is not usable!
- aee2ee7 - Added btn to remove macro groups from printer edit view
- f256918 - Replaced text for keys in notification_service
- 4e50d7e - Replaced text for keys in missing UIs
- 26a648e - Added some german translation with en fallback
- 26cdd63 - Added localization code
- ab5be86 - Removed old firebase stuff
- 17b7d9a - Fixed number format
- fb80cc2 - Merge branch 'dev'
Version 1.4.2
I have to apologize for missing out on the last releases here on Github.
For everyone using the APK directly, here you go!
Added Remote notification support via Mobileraker Companion
Added Sort function in STL-Files view
Added Klipper error message handling
Added Confirm Emergency Stop
Added Macro Groups
Added Modifiable steps for movements, baby stepping...
Added Splash screen
Added Ignoring of Pins, Sensors, Fans prefixed with "_"
Added Scroll indicators
Added QR Scanner for API Key
Added Imprint view
Added UI for file detail view
Added preheat option in file detail view
Added "Multiplier" card in control tab for flow and speed modification
Added slider dialog for editing of numbers
Added option to switch between slider and text input number edit dialog
Fixed decimal of num edit dialog
Fixed removing of printer
Fixed helper text for API-Key in edit and add printer view
Happy new year 🎆✨!
I finally finished roughly implementing one of the main features for version 1.4, managing of GCode-Macros.
You will be able to manage the groups for each printer in the printer's settings.
Besides that, I fixed a quite annoying bug that prevented the editing of temp-preset values and names.
The next steps will be polishing the UI + bug fixes and afterwards, I can finally release a 1.4.0 to the stores.
(Removed APK until I fixed a server bug)
Remote Notification Support
Quick release for testing.
Check out the companion for improved and remote push notifications:
- Added settings for steps of the move, baby-stepping and the extruder card
- Added firebase cloud messaging to improve notifications in the background and outside of the printers lan.
- Added native splash screens
Notifications pre-release
Since I don't have enough time nor stuff to print to test the notifications properly I hope some people help and test the new feature.
Also I there is a lot of small things I added since the last version but never felt like it was worth publishing.
- Added Notifications
- Added Settings (#15 confirm EMS, always show baby stepping)
- Added sorting for Files-View
- Added Files-View updating on changes trough another machine
- Added Klipper-Error message showing
- Added Printer control settings (Invert axis, move speed, extrude rate...)
- Fixed current layer info
- Fixed URL launching
- Fixed visibility of heater card's text
- Fixed color swatch
GCode-Files view
Finally managed to add one of the most requested features, the GCode-File viewer.
- Added GCode-File view
- Added webcam fullscreen
- Added switching between webcams
- Added reorder ability for presets in settings
- Fixed pausing floating action button
- Fixed restart MCU
Temperature Presets and Fixes
It got kinda quite recently.
However, I did not stop working on this but due to limited time, this one is only a small update.
- Added Temperature presets
- Added support for all Klipper fan types
- Added a new bottom sheet menu to control klipper.
- Improved edit dialog for Heaters, Fans, Pins...
- Improved keeping web socket connection
- Improved Printer-URL input parsing
- Fixed Output-Pins now use the correct scale values of Klipper's config! #14
- Fixed heaters using the configured max/min values
- Fixed UI-Crash when entering a Port together with an IP
- Fixed "Part Fan" was called "Part Cooling"
- Fixed Part Fan not updating while printing #12
Enjoy, and happy printing 🐾
Authorization support for Moonraker
All users that enabled the [Authorization]
config in moonraker and also added an account need to add the API key in order to establish a connection to moonraker.
The API-Key can be found currently only in Fluidd Settings->Authentication->API-Key