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wikibase docker image

Wikibase extension running on Mediawiki.

If no LocalSettings.php file is mounted then an installation & update will automatically happen. If LocalSettings.php is mounted then the image assumes you will do this yourself.

Automated build.


Image name Parent image
wikibase/wikibase : latest, 1.30, latest-base, 1.30-base mediawiki:1.30
wikibase/wikibase : legacy, 1.29 mediawiki:1.29
wikibase/wikibase : latest-bundle, 1.30-bundle wikibase:1.30

Bundle image

Wikibase-bundle images are built from the base wikibase images and also include the following addtional extensions:


When upgrading between Wikibase versions you will have to run update.php to update your mysql tables.

To do this you can run the following command on the newer container:

docker exec 275129f0ebfe php //var/www/html/maintenance/update.php

Environment variables

Note: MW_ADMIN_NAME and MW_ADMIN_PASS probably shouldn't be here...

Variable Default Description
DB_SERVER "mysql.svc:3306" Hostname and port for the MySQL server to use for Mediawiki & Wikibase
DB_USER "wikiuser" Username to use for the MySQL server
DB_PASS "sqlpass" Password to use for the MySQL server
DB_NAME "my_wiki" Database name to use for the MySQL server
MW_SITE_NAME "wikibase-docker" $wgSitename to use for MediaWiki
MW_SITE_LANG "en" $wgLanguageCode to use for MediaWiki
MW_ADMIN_NAME "admin" Admin username to create on MediaWiki first install
MW_ADMIN_PASS "adminpass" Admin password to use for admin account on first install
MW_WG_SECRET_KEY "secretkey" Used as source of entropy for persistent login/Oauth etc..(since 1.30)

Filesystem layout

Directory Description
/var/www/html Base Mediawiki directory
/var/www/html/skins Mediawiki skins directory
/var/www/html/extensions Mediawiki extensions directory
File Description
/LocalSettings.php.template Template for Mediawiki Localsettings.php (substituted to /var/www/html/LocalSettings.php at runtime)
/var/www/html/LocalSettings.php LocalSettings.php location, when passed in /LocalSettings.php.template will not be used. install.php & update.php will also not be run.
/ Extra code that will be run if LocalSettings.php isn't present (since 1.30)
/ Extra code that will be run from the entrypoint every time (since 1.30)

Running Maintenance Scripts

Maintenance scripts from extensions and mediawiki core can be run with docker exec using the wikibase/wikibase container as the targeted container

For example to run a maintenance script from WikibaseImport:

docker exec <container name / hash> php //var/www/html/extensions/WikibaseImport/maintenance/importEntities.php --entity Q147