- CRAN win-oldrel build error fixed (#30)
- c.seqMeta was not exported (#26)
- version 1.42 of CompQuadForm changed the name of the results (#28)
- Updated to comply with CRAN policy to explicitly import all functions in packages other than base (ex. stats, utils). (#10)
- check_format_skat relied on calling environment to define formula. (#17)
- burdenMeta and singlesnpMeta produced warnings if the standard error was 0. Now returns \code{NA}. (#12, #13)
- prepScores and prepScores2 scaled theta incorrectly when using a kinship matrix. (#15, #16)
- prep family of functions incorrectly stated that the returned maf of a seqMeta object was the "minor allele frequency" when in reality it is the "alternate allele frequency". (#14)
- make sure coxme version is at least 2.2-4. The definition of variance component estimates in lmekin changed. (#20)
- prepCox function calculates the projection matrix incorrectly for collinear variants in the same gene. (#21)
- internal function impute_to_mean could generate an error. (#23)
- added examples to prepScores2 documentation. (#7)
- added verbose functionality to prepScores2. (#11)