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Svelte TS playground

Just a playground app to figure out how good Svelte works in conjunction with TypeScript already...

This branch uses snowpack and its default plugin for svelte.


  • start start the development server.
  • build creates a non-bundled production build.
  • build:bundled creates a bundled production build.
  • test starts unit tests via jest in watch mode.
  • test:ci executes all unit tests in CI mode, i.e. without cache and including coverage.
  • e2e executes all E2E tests. Note that this requires the development server to be available as well, i.e. use the start task in a different terminal tab.
  • lint lints all typescript files in the project, including test files. Note that .svelte files are not linted for now, see the following section for details.
  • format formats all source code (including tests) in the project.
  • check executes svelte-check.
  • serve serves a production build for further preview.

Known issues / problems / glitches

Note: The list below might not (yet) be exhaustive, it is mostly a list of already spotted aspects.

  • HMR with snowpack does not always work properly in conjunction with the routing mechanism. As a result, some components may not be displayed properly. At the moment, it is not entirely clear why this occurs. Also, styles defined in the svelte components are not always re-applied properly in case they change.

  • ESLint in .svelte files does not work in conjunction with TypeScript yet, since a preprocessor is required. See sveltejs/eslint-plugin-svelte3#62
    As such, eslint-plugin-svelte3 will not be used for now.

  • Testing does not work as usually expected atm. due to the way tailwindcss has to be imported to not get removed automatically. To get this working, it was required to mock the TailwindSetup.svelte file. Related issue for svelte-jester: svelteness/svelte-jester#20
    Note that jest-transform-svelte did not work either with or without importing the tailwindcss setup.

  • Coverage reports are still a bit inaccurate. E.g. for the Profile component, the coverage report states:

    File             | % Stmts | % Branch | % Funcs | % Lines | Uncovered
     src/profile     |     100 |    33.33 |     100 |     100 |
      Profile.svelte |     100 |    33.33 |     100 |     100 | 4

    However the component is definitely tested entirely.