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Releases: DrTimothyAldenDavis/SuiteSparse

SuiteSparse v4.4.4

19 Oct 19:01
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SuiteSparse v4.4.4, Mar 24, 2015.

* CHOLMOD version number corrected.  In 4.4.3, the CHOLMOD_SUBSUB_VERSION
    string was left at '4' (it should have been '5', for CHOLMOD 3.0.5).
    This version of SuiteSparse corrects this glitch.
* Minor changes to comments in SuiteSparse_config.
* SPQR version 2.0.1 released (minor update to documentation)


* CHOLMOD 3.0.5: minor bug fix to MatrixOps/cholmod_symmetry

SuiteSparse v4.4.2

19 Oct 18:58
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SuiteSparse v4.4.2, Jan 7, 2015.

* CHOLMOD 3.0.4: serious bug fix in supernodal factorization,
    introduced in CHOLMOD 3.0.0 (SuiteSparse 4.3.0).  Can cause segfault,
    and has no user workaround.

SuiteSparse v4.4.1

19 Oct 18:57
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SuiteSparse v4.4.1, Oct 23, 2014.

Minor update:  two bug fixes (affecting Windows only)

* CHOLMOD 3.0.3:
    minor update to CHOLMOD (non-ANSI C usage in one *.c file, affects
    Windows only)
* KLU 1.3.2:
    minor fix to MATLAB install; no change to C except version nubmer

SuiteSparse v4.4.0

19 Oct 18:56
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SuiteSparse v4.4.0, Oct 10, 2014.

MAJOR UPDATE:  new GPU-acceleration for SPQR

* AMD 2.4.1:
    minor fix to MATLAB install; no change to C except version nubmer
* BTF 1.2.1:
    minor fix to MATLAB install; no change to C except version nubmer
* CAMD 2.4.1:
    minor fix to MATLAB install; no change to C except version nubmer
* CCOLAMD 2.9.1:
    minor fix to MATLAB install; no change to C except version nubmer
* CHOLMOD 3.0.2:
    update to accomodate GPU-accelerated SPQR
    added CHOLMOD/Include/cholmod_function.h
* COLAMD 2.9.1:
    minor fix to MATLAB install; no change to C except version nubmer
* CSparse 3.1.4:
    minor fix to MATLAB install; no change to C except version nubmer
* CXSparse 3.1.4:
    minor fix to MATLAB install; no change to C except version nubmer
* GPUQREngine 1.0.0:
    FIRST RELEASE.  Used by SPQR 2.0.0
* KLU 1.3.1:
    minor fix to MATLAB install; no change to C except version nubmer
    update to KLU/Tcov/Makefile
* LDL 2.2.1:
    minor fix to MATLAB install; no change to C except version nubmer
* RBio 2.2.1:
    minor fix to MATLAB install; no change to C except version nubmer
* SPQR 2.0.0:
    MAJOR UPDATE.  added GPU support.  Up to 11x faster than on CPU
* SuiteSparse_GPURuntime 1.0.0:
    FIRST RELEASE.  Used by SPQR 2.0.0
* UMFPACK 5.7.1:
    minor fix to MATLAB install; no change to C except version nubmer
* MATLAB_Tools:
    modified SSMULT/ssmult_install.m.  No change to C code

SuiteSparse v4.3.1

19 Oct 18:54
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SuiteSparse v4.3.1, July 18, 2014.

Minor update:  added cholmod_rowfac_mask2 function to CHOLMOD

* CHOLMOD 3.0.1:
    added cholmod_rowfac_mask2 function.  Minor fix to build process
* SPQR 1.3.3:
    minor fix to build process

SuiteSparse v4.3.0

19 Oct 18:52
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SuiteSparse v4.3.0, March 26, 2014.

MAJOR UPDATE: first release of CHOLMOD GPU acceleration
minor update: modified all packages to use SuiteSparse_config for
    malloc/calloc/realloc/free, printf, hypot, and divcomplex
    function pointers.

* AMD 2.4.0:
    changed malloc/printf pointers to use SuiteSparse_config
* CAMD 2.4.0:
    changed malloc/printf pointers to use SuiteSparse_config
* CCOLAMD 2.9.0:
    changed malloc/printf pointers to use SuiteSparse_config
* CHOLMOD 3.0.0:
    MAJOR UPDATE to GPU acceleration.  Released at GTC 2014.
* COLAMD 2.9.0:
    changed malloc/printf pointers to use SuiteSparse_config
* CSparse 3.1.3:
    minor update to UFget
* CXSparse 3.1.3:
    minor update to UFget
* KLU 1.3.0:
    changed malloc/printf pointers to use SuiteSparse_config
* LDL 2.2.0:
    changed malloc/printf pointers to use SuiteSparse_config
* RBio 2.2.0:
    changed malloc/printf pointers to use SuiteSparse_config
* SPQR 1.3.2:
    changed malloc/printf pointers to use SuiteSparse_config
* UMFPACK 5.7.0:
    changed malloc/printf pointers to use SuiteSparse_config
* MATLAB_Tools:
    added stats to UFcollection, revised commends in SFMULT,
    minor update to spok

SuiteSparse v4.2.1

19 Oct 18:50
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SuiteSparse v4.2.1, Apr 25, 2013.

minor update

* CHOLMOD 2.1.2:
    minor update to Cholesky/*solve*c (for Windows compiler)
* UMFPACK 5.6.2:
    bug fix in Demo/Makefile for Fortran interface
* MATLAB_Tools:
    minor update to sparseinv

SuiteSparse v4.2.0

19 Oct 18:48
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SuiteSparse v4.2.0, Apr 16, 2013.

minor update and bug fix

* CHOLMOD 2.1.1:
    minor changes to GPU accelerated version, fixed GPU memory leak
* CSparse 3.1.2:
    minor update to cs_sqr.c; no affect on functionality
* CXSparse 3.1.2:
    minor update to cs_sqr.c; no affect on functionality

SuiteSparse v4.1.0

19 Oct 18:47
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SuiteSparse v4.1.0, March 27, 2013.

new features added to CHOLMOD

* CHOLMOD 2.1.0:
    added new features and functions to forward/backsolve:
    cholmod_lsolve_pattern, cholmod_solve2, cholmod_ensure_dense.
* MATLAB_Tools:
    added SFMULT.  minor update to Factorize, problems added to dimacs10

SuiteSparse v4.0.2

19 Oct 18:45
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SuiteSparse v4.0.2, July 17, 2012.

major update to MATLAB_Tools/Factorize.  No change to any C code.

* MATLAB_Tools:
    major update to Factorize, minor update to sparseinv