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239 lines (181 loc) · 7.89 KB

File metadata and controls

239 lines (181 loc) · 7.89 KB


Create and view your own custom hotkey cheatsheet in the terminal


  • Lightweight and quick
  • Fully customizable
  • Fuzzy filtering
  • Vim key bindings
  • Export to stdout for fzf, rofi support


keyb does not support:

  • Auto detection of hotkeys
  • Command selection


I had trouble remembering the various hotkeys that I sometimes use. It got annoying to look them up so I resorted to writing them down on a paper cheatsheet. Then, I thought: maybe there's a tool that does this better. I didn't find one I liked so I built keyb.

With keyb, I can list:

  • Hotkeys that I occasionally forget or am new to
  • Custom key combinations that I defined for my own workflow
  • Short commands that I sometimes use

It is best used as a popup cheatsheet.


keyb supports Linux, MacOS and Windows.

Compiled Binary

Download a compiled binary from the releases page.

Install with Go

$ go install

Build from source

$ git clone
$ cd keyb
$ make build


usage: keyb [options] <command>

  -p, --print     Print to stdout
  -e, --export    Export to file
  -k, --key       Key bindings at custom path
  -c, --config    Config file at custom path
  -v, --version   Version info
  -h, --help      help for keyb

  a, add          Add keybind to keyb file


  • Enter search mode with / to perform fuzzy filtering on all rows
  • Exit search mode again with Esc
  • Alt + d clears the current filter

To perform filtering on section headings only, prefix the search with h:. This will return all matching section headings with their respective rows.


keyb supports printing to stdout for use with other tools:

$ keyb -p | fzf
$ keyb -p | rofi -dmenu

keyb File

keyb requires a yaml file with a list of hotkeys to work. A default file is generated in your system's config directory if no other file is specified.

Hotkeys are classified into sections with a name and (optional) prefix field. When displayed, sections are sorted by alphabetical order while the keys themselves are arranged in their defined order.

- name: bspwm
    - name: terminal
      key: Super + Return

The prefix is a key combination that will be prepended to every hotkey in the section. A key can choose to opt out by including a ignore_prefix: true field. Prefixes are useful for applications with a common leading hotkey like tmux.

- name: tmux
  prefix: ctrl + b
    - name: Create new window
      key: c
    - name: Prev, next window
      key: Shift + {←, →}
      ignore_prefix: true

Refer to the examples for more examples.

Multiline fields are not supported at the moment.

Quick Add

usage: keyb [-k file] add [app; name; key]

  -b, --binding  Key binding
  -p, --prefix   Ignore prefix

You can quick add bindings from the command line to a specified file. If -k file is given and exists, the new keybind will be appended to the file. Otherwise, keyb_path defined in config.yml will be used.

$ keyb add -b "kitty; open terminal; super + enter"

When adding a new keybind, the app name, keybind name and keybind must be specified. It is separated by ; and wrapped in quotes (to prevent parsing errors).


keyb is customized with a config.yml file that is automatically generated in the system's config directory.

By default, the following options are included.

Option Default Description
keyb_path OS-dependent (see below) keyb file path
debug false Debug mode
mouse true Mouse enabled
reverse false Swap the name and key columns
search_mode false Start in search mode
sort_keys false Sort keys alphabetically
title "" Title text
prompt "keys > " Search bar prompt text
prompt_location "top" Location of search bar: top, bottom
placeholder "..." Search bar placeholder text
prefix_sep ";" Separator symbol between prefix and key
sep_width 4 Separation width between columns
margin 0 Space between window and border
padding 1 Space between border and text
border "hidden" Border style: normal, rounded, double, thick, hidden

If set, XDG_CONFIG_HOME will be used in Unix and Darwin systems. Otherwise, keyb will fall back to the default OS config directory:

  • Unix: $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/keyb/keyb.yml,
  • MacOS or Darwin: $HOME/Library/Application Support/keyb/keyb.yml,
  • Windows: %Appdata%\keyb\keyb.yml


Both ANSI and hex color codes are supported.

Color Option Default Description
prompt - Prompt text color
cursor_fg - Cursor foreground
cursor_bg - Cursor background
filter_fg "#FFA066" Filter matching text foreground
filter_bg - Filter matching text background
counter_fg - Counter foreground
counter_bg - Counter background
placeholder_fg - Placeholder foreground
placeholder_bg - Placeholder background
border_color - Border color


Multiple keys may be set for a single binding, separated by commas.

Hotkey Default Description
up, down j, k / Up, Down Move cursor
half_up, half_down Ctrl + u, d Move half window
full_up, full_down Ctrl + b, f Move full window
top, middle, bottom H, M, L Go to top, middle, bottom of screen
first_line, last_line g, G Go to first, last line
search / Enter search mode
clear_search Alt + d Clear current search (remains in search mode)
normal Esc Exit search mode
quit Ctrl + c, q Quit


  • Ability to customize keyb hotkeys
  • Export to additional file formats (json, toml, conf/ini etc.)
  • a, add subcommand to quickly add a single hotkey entry from the CLI
  • Automatic parsing from online cheatsheet repos (eg. cheat/cheatsheets)


keyb requires Go 1.18.

Bug reports, feature requests and PRs are very welcome.

More examples for default keymaps in examples/ are also welcome.

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