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The main goal of this tool is to provide an easy way to fuzz WebAssembly VMs/runtimes. In addition to finding bugs, fuzzing will also generated samples/inputs that can be reused as unittest.

Main features are:

  • Automatic fuzzing of runtimes harnesses (without any user interaction)
  • Multiple fuzzing engines available (honggfuzz, afl, libfuzzer)
  • Multi-threading (depending of the fuzzer, only honggfuzz for now)
  • Crash report/detection


List all subcommands with help:

$ ./warf help

    benchmark-all    Run WebAssembly module on all targets with benchmark
    build            Build all targets for this specific fuzzer
    continuously     Run all fuzz targets
    debug            Debug one target
    execute-all      Run WebAssembly module on all targets
    help             Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
    list             List all available targets
    target           Run one target with specific fuzzer

List available targets (list)

Available fuzzing targets can be listed with:

$ ./warf list


Fuzzing one target (target)

  • Run fuzzing on a target (default fuzzing engine is honggfuzz):
$ ./warf target wasmer_validate


------------------------[  0 days 00 hrs 00 mins 02 secs ]----------------------
  Iterations : 272,647 [272.65k]
  Mode [3/3] : Feedback Driven Mode
      Target : hfuzz_target/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/release/wasmer_validate
     Threads : 4, CPUs: 8, CPU%: 529% [66%/CPU]
       Speed : 171,238/sec [avg: 136,323]
     Crashes : 0 [unique: 0, blacklist: 0, verified: 0]
    Timeouts : 0 [10 sec]
 Corpus Size : 754, max: 8,192 bytes, init: 1,126 files
  Cov Update : 0 days 00 hrs 00 mins 01 secs ago
    Coverage : edge: 3,194/58,784 [5%] pc: 2 cmp: 41,653
---------------------------------- [ LOGS ] ------------------/ honggfuzz 2.0 /-
Size:77 (i,b,hw,ed,ip,cmp): 0/0/0/1/0/0, Tot:0/0/0/3159/2/41623
  • Available options:
$ ./warf target wasmer_validate --help


        --fuzzer <fuzzer>      Which fuzzer to run [default: Honggfuzz]  [possible values: Afl, Honggfuzz, Libfuzzer]
    -n, --thread <thread>      Set number of thread (only for hfuzz)
    -t, --timeout <timeout>    Set timeout per target

    <target>    Which target to run

NOTE: More informations about advanced options and the different fuzzing engines can be found here.

Continuous fuzzing (continuously)

warf in continuous mode will executed all target once then stop.


$ ./warf continuously --help
Run all fuzz targets

    cli continuously [FLAGS] [OPTIONS]

    -h, --help            Prints help information
    -i, --infinite        
    -V, --version         Prints version information

    -q, --filter <filter>      Only run target containing this string
        --fuzzer <fuzzer>      Which fuzzer to run [default: Honggfuzz]  [possible values: Afl, Honggfuzz, Libfuzzer]
    -n, --thread <thread>      Set number of thread (only for hfuzz)
    -t, --timeout <timeout>    Set timeout per target [default: 10]

Prefered command:

$ ./warf continuously -i -t 600
# -i => infinite mode.
# -t => timeout of 10 min, will switch to another fuzzing target every 10 min.

Debug one target (debug)

This command will create a simple debugging tool for the choosen target allowing you to easily analyze the root cause of a crash as shown inside this tutorial:

NOTE: all debugging tools generated with debug subcommand are available inside: workspace/debug/target/debug/.

Execute one wasm module throw all targets (execute-all)

This command will create, build and execute a standalone binary running one wasm module throw all fuzzing targets. NOTE: This binary will be stored in workspace/exec_all allowing you to directly call it later without re-compilation. NOTE 2: Targets do not handle the same type of data that's why it can be perfectly valid to have a target returning an error e.g. if you provide a wasm module to wat_parser, it will return an error.

$ ./warf execute-all workspace/corpora/wasm/fib.wasm


[WARF] execute_all compiled here: "XXX/wasm_runtimes_fuzzing/warf/workspace/exec_all"
Execution of all runtime engine
file_to_process: "workspace/corpora/wasm/fib.wasm"

[O] wasmi_validate: Ok()
[O] wasmi_instantiate: Ok()
[O] parity_wasm_deserialize: Ok()
[O] wasmer_validate: Ok()
[O] wasmer_compile_clif: Ok()
[O] wasmer_compile_singlepass: Ok()
[O] wasmer_instantiate: Ok()
[O] wasmtime_validate: Ok()
[O] wasmtime_validate_all_feat: Ok()
[O] wasmtime_compile: Ok()
[O] wasmtime_compile_all_cranelift: Ok()
[X] wasmtime_compile_all_lightbeam: Err()
[O] wasmtime_instantiate_all_cranelift: Ok()
[X] wasmtime_instantiate_all_lightbeam: Err()
[X] lightbeam_translate: Err()
[O] wasmparser_parser: Ok()
[O] wasmparser_validate: Ok()
[O] wasmparser_validate_all_feat: Ok()
[O] binaryen_ffi: Ok()
[O] binaryen_optimize_ffi: Ok()
[O] wabt_wasm2wat_all_feat_ffi: Ok()
[O] wabt_validate_ffi: Ok()

No crash, everything is OK

Benchmark execution targets speed (benchmark-all)

This command will add benchmarking information into exec_all binary and produce the following result during execution:

$ ./warf benchmark-all workspace/corpora/wasm/fib.wasm


[WARF] execute_all compiled here: "XXX/wasm_runtimes_fuzzing/warf/workspace/exec_all"
Execution of all runtime engine
file_to_process: "workspace/corpora/wasm/fib.wasm"

[O] wasmi_validate: Ok()
benchmark (sec): 0.0000001458
[O] wasmi_instantiate: Ok()
benchmark (sec): 0.0000000711
[O] parity_wasm_deserialize: Ok()
benchmark (sec): 0.0000000218
[O] wasmer_validate: Ok()
benchmark (sec): 0.0000000573
[O] wasmer_compile_clif: Ok()
benchmark (sec): 0.0000023549
[O] wasmer_compile_singlepass: Ok()
benchmark (sec): 0.0000006215
[O] wasmer_instantiate: Ok()
benchmark (sec): 0.0000009492
[O] wasmtime_validate: Ok()
benchmark (sec): 0.0000002413
[O] wasmtime_validate_all_feat: Ok()
benchmark (sec): 0.0000000390
[O] wasmtime_compile: Ok()
benchmark (sec): 0.0000008680
[O] wasmtime_compile_all_cranelift: Ok()
benchmark (sec): 0.0000009030
[X] wasmtime_compile_all_lightbeam: Err()
benchmark (sec): 0.0000000171
[O] wasmtime_instantiate_all_cranelift: Ok()
benchmark (sec): 0.0000012563
[X] wasmtime_instantiate_all_lightbeam: Err()
benchmark (sec): 0.0000000118
[X] lightbeam_translate: Err()
benchmark (sec): 0.0000000257
[O] wasmparser_parser: Ok()
benchmark (sec): 0.0000000154
[O] wasmparser_validate: Ok()
benchmark (sec): 0.0000000267
[O] wasmparser_validate_all_feat: Ok()
benchmark (sec): 0.0000000147
[O] binaryen_ffi: Ok()
benchmark (sec): 0.0000001865
[O] binaryen_optimize_ffi: Ok()
benchmark (sec): 0.0000063538
[O] wabt_wasm2wat_all_feat_ffi: Ok()
benchmark (sec): 0.0000000897
[O] wabt_validate_ffi: Ok()
benchmark (sec): 0.0000000295

No crash, everything is OK