diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 14357e9..c007f2b 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -15,17 +15,23 @@ Example ### TCP ```cs +using Socklient; + + using var client = new SocksClient(IPAddress.Parse("xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx") /* or some server hostname or domain */, 1080 /* or other ports */); await client.ConnectAsync("somewebsite.com", 80 /*or 443 or other ports*/); var stream = client.GetStream(); // Read and Write on this stream -stream.ReadAsync(...) -strea.WriteAsync(...) +await stream.ReadAsync(...) +await stream.WriteAsync(...) ``` ### UDP ```cs +using Socklient; + + using var client = new SocksClient(IPAddress.Parse("xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx") /* or some server hostname or domain */, 1080 /* or other ports */); // Usually, all personal users are NAT, so there is no way to determine the public IP and port they will use before sending.