This project is no longer maintained, and reached its end of life on 28 Sep 2016; the last public release was 1.12.20.
At this time, the repository has been archived, and is read-only.
You can set up a development virtual machine for ZF1 unit testing and library development following these simple instructions.
- VirtualBox (
- Ruby (
- Vagrant (
git clone git:// zf1-dev
cd zf1-dev
vagrant up
This will take a long while as it has to download a VM image and then provision it. Once it has finished, it will exit and leave you back at the command prompt.
vagrant ssh 5.3.11
This also takes a while as it compiles PHP for you!
pe 5.3.11
cd /vagrant/tests
phpunit --stderr -d memory_limit=-1 Zend/Acl/AclTest.php
phpunit --stderr -d memory_limit=-1 Zend/Amf/AllTests.php
Note that you can repeat items 5 and 6 to create any version if PHP.
- The VM will be running in the background as VBoxHeadless
- HTTP and SSH ports on the VM are forwarded to localhost (22 -> 2222, 80 -> 8081)
- The zf1-dev directory you checked out will be mounted inside the VM at /vagrant
- You can develop by editing the files you cloned in the IDE of you choice.
To stop the VM do one of the following:
vagrant suspend # if you plan on running it later
vagrant halt # if you wish to turn off the VM, but keep it around
vagrant destroy # if you wish to delete the VM completely
Also, when any of of the Puppet manifests change (.pp files), it is a good idea to rerun them:
vagrant provision