Date: 2021-07-16
We are using the upstream ckan version of ckanext-spatial. They upgraded the extension to PY3; however, their harvester tests were removed. The waf harvester was not being encoded properly to support PY2 and PY3 so our tests were failing.
We decided to fix the bug and submit a PR upstream.
- Until the fix is merged upstream, the ckanext-geodatagov repo will be tracking a pinned version of ckanext-spatial fork which adds complexity.
- All of the customization of the GSA fork of ckanext-spatial is disregarded. The GSA fork was messy already.
Date: 2021-07-19
We are using the upstream ckan version of ckanext-harvest. They upgraded the extension to PY3; however, there is a PY3-compatibility issue that causes our tests were failing.
We decided to fix the bug and submit a PR upstream.
- Until the fix is merged upstream, the ckanext-geodatagov repo will be tracking a pinned version of ckanext-spatial fork which adds complexity.
- All of the customization of the GSA fork of ckanext-spatial is disregarded. The GSA fork was messy already.
Date: 2021-06-21
The Solr dev image that ckanext-datajson uses was incompatible with ckanext-geodatagov. There was a 'solrsearch issue' that popped up with no clear resolution.
Using the stopped solr from throwing exceptions.
- Consequences unknown.
- All of the ckanext repos shouldn't be using varying versions of solr/postgres/etc..
Date: 2021-06-24
If all of the tables are not initialized, the 'reset_db' function attempts to delete all of the tables and reinitialize everything. Becaues geodatagov requires the postgis tables which has a complicated initialized, the ckan function doesn't support it's maintenance (the current code doesn't support it, it doesn't mean they can't or won't). This is the logic that breaks it. Either way, if reset_db() is called to early, the postgis tables will be deleted and will break the code. If reset_db() is called too late, the db can't initialize and the code breaks.
Implement two customizations.
- Consequences unknown.
- If the commands called in the is called anywhere else, the tests fail.
- If the commands are repeated in multiple files, the tests fail.
- If any test needs to be run in isolation, the test needs to precede it, otherwise the independent test will fail..
Date: 2021-07-08
There are a few libraries that either operate differently in py2 and py3 or have different support for py2 and py3 needed to use two separate version.
- OWSLib == 0.8.6
- pyproj 1.9.6
- factory-boy==2.1.1
- werkzeug (no customization; it installed based on other dependencies)
- OWSLib >= 0.18.0
- pyproj 2.6.1
- factory-boy==2.12.0
The PY3 upgrade for ckanext-harvest and ckanext-spatial had small bugs that were submitted as PRs upstream, until they are accepted, the local change needs to be tracked.
See commit
- A lot of specificity
Date: 2021-07-16
We don't have any customizations to the csw harvesting capability, so we no longer need to test our unique cases.
Remove tests.
- ckanext-spatial or ckanext-harvester are not testing csw harvesting, so there are missing tests overall.
Date: 2021-07-19
The CKAN test suite no longer supports forms in web pages; so custom parsing needs to be done to extract form options and data. The new tests leverage this. The CKAN test suite changed the return type of the test app from 2.8 to 2.9.
Write custom test functions.
- ckanext-spatial or ckanext-harvester are not testing csw harvesting, so there are missing tests overall.
Date: 2022-12-12
The test was trying to create a harvest source with a post request to /harvest/new
; however, we suspect something in ckanext-harvest changed and broke this functionality. Since we are doing harvest tests in, we thought it was acceptable to remove this test altogether.
Remove test
- Less tests?