*** Unit Test Error Report *** PASS .dist/3-UsingAPIs/Week1/unit-tests/ex3-rollDie.test.js api-wk1-ex3-rollDie ✅ should exist and be executable (1 ms) ✅ should have all TODO comments removed ✅ should call `new Promise()` (1 ms) ✅ `resolve()` should be called with a one argument ✅ `reject()` should be called with a one argument ✅ should resolve when the die settles successfully (1 ms) ✅ should reject with an Error when the die rolls off the table (1 ms) Test Suites: 1 passed, 1 total Tests: 7 passed, 7 total Snapshots: 0 total Time: 0.57 s Ran all test suites matching /C:\\Users\\Samira\\Desktop\\API-assignments\\Assignments-cohort51\\.dist\\3-UsingAPIs\\Week1\\unit-tests\\ex3-rollDie.test.js/i. No linting errors detected. No spelling errors detected.