diff --git a/src/UI/UIWindowProgress.js b/src/UI/UIWindowProgress.js
index 85dc5da9f2..3f11185837 100644
--- a/src/UI/UIWindowProgress.js
+++ b/src/UI/UIWindowProgress.js
@@ -26,9 +26,8 @@ import Button from './Components/Button.js';
* @param operation_id If provided, is saved in the data-operation-id attribute, for later lookup.
* @param show_progress Enable a progress bar, and display `(foo%)` after the status message
* @param on_cancel A callback run when the Cancel button is clicked. Without it, no Cancel button will appear.
- * @returns {Promise<{set_progress: *, set_status: *, close: *, element: Element}>} Object for managing the progress dialog
+ * @returns {Promise<{set_progress: *, set_status: *, close: *, show_error: *, element: Element}>} Object for managing the progress dialog
* @constructor
- * TODO: Error display
* TODO: Debouncing logic (show only after a delay, then hide only after a delay)
async function UIWindowProgress({
@@ -37,30 +36,47 @@ async function UIWindowProgress({
on_cancel = null,
} = {}){
const placeholder_cancel_btn = Placeholder();
+ const placeholder_ok_btn = Placeholder();
let h = '';
h += `
- h += `
- // spinner
- h += ``;
- // Progress report
- h += `
- ${i18n('preparing')}`;
+ h += `
+ h += `
+ // spinner
+ h += ``;
+ // Progress report
+ h += `
+ ${i18n('preparing')}`;
+ if (show_progress) {
+ h += ` (0%)`;
+ }
+ h += `
+ h +=`
if (show_progress) {
- h += ` (0%)`;
+ h += `
+ h += ``;
+ h += `
+ if (on_cancel) {
+ h += `
+ h += placeholder_cancel_btn.html;
+ h += `
+ }
+ h += `
+ h += `
+ h += `
+ // Alert icon
+ h += ``;
+ // Progress report
+ h += `
+ `;
+ h += `
h += `
- h +=`
- if (show_progress) {
- h += `
- h += ``;
- h += `
- }
- if (on_cancel) {
+ h += ``;
h += `
- h += placeholder_cancel_btn.html;
+ h += placeholder_ok_btn.html;
h += `
- }
+ h += `
h += `
const el_window = await UIWindow({
@@ -106,6 +122,15 @@ async function UIWindowProgress({
+ const ok_btn = new Button({
+ label: i18n('ok'),
+ style: 'small',
+ on_click: () => {
+ $(el_window).close();
+ },
+ });
+ ok_btn.attach(placeholder_ok_btn);
return {
element: el_window,
set_status: (text) => {
@@ -118,7 +143,12 @@ async function UIWindowProgress({
close: () => {
- // TODO: show_error(), which replaces the window content with a title, error message, and OK button
+ show_error: (title, message) => {
+ el_window.querySelector('.progress-running').style.display = 'none';
+ el_window.querySelector('.progress-error').style.display = 'block';
+ el_window.querySelector('.progress-error-title').innerText = title;
+ el_window.querySelector('.progress-error-message').innerText = message;
+ },
diff --git a/src/helpers.js b/src/helpers.js
index 77c8abe37c..f4e3d134f1 100644
--- a/src/helpers.js
+++ b/src/helpers.js
@@ -2771,9 +2771,7 @@ window.upload_items = async function(items, dest_path){
// error
error: async function(err){
- // TODO: Display error in progress dialog
- upload_progress_window.close();
- // UIAlert(err?.message ?? 'An error occurred while uploading.');
+ upload_progress_window.show_error(i18n('error_uploading_files'), err.message);
// remove from active_uploads
delete window.active_uploads[opid];
diff --git a/src/i18n/translations/en.js b/src/i18n/translations/en.js
index 14ca930f03..ad2abc4795 100644
--- a/src/i18n/translations/en.js
+++ b/src/i18n/translations/en.js
@@ -114,6 +114,7 @@ const en = {
enlarged_qr_code: "Enlarged QR Code",
enter_password_to_confirm_delete_user: "Enter your password to confirm account deletion",
error_unknown_cause: "An unknown error occurred.",
+ error_uploading_files: "Failed to upload files",
feedback: "Feedback",
feedback_c2a: "Please use the form below to send us your feedback, comments, and bug reports.",
feedback_sent_confirmation: "Thank you for contacting us. If you have an email associated with your account, you will hear back from us as soon as possible.",