Responsive web design is building the website to work and be suuitable for every device. it is done by making a flexible layouts
- flexible layouts by building the layout with flexible grid
- media queries which is initialized by either
@ media
or@ import
- flexible media which is done by using
max-width: 100%
property and value
- screen
- tv
- braille
when using logical operators will lead to left off media type. using the height and width for media features may lead to prefixed with min or max quualifiers as building the feature with min-width
or max-width
using the viewport meta tag with height or width will leads to define the property in a best layout depending on the device height and width
float is a layout property added by CSS. it allows the content to flow around the targeted element after floating.
- left
- right
- none
- inhert
for clearing the next elments from float effect then, one of the next values is used after the property clear
- left
- right
- none
- both