Data structure is one of the important things in programming. its how data will be saved due code running. the right data structure can simplify to get the needed data in a simple way and minimze the needed space in memory and run time for the code.
Linked Lists are is kind of linear data structuring so that they have a sequence and an order when they are constructed. lists elements are refered as nodes.
linked lists are similar to arrays so both are linear data structure, however When an array is created we need its amount of memory to be as contiguous block for the same amount of memory for a linked lists, this memory size can be scattered throughout. the other thing is arrays are static data structures so it needs all of its resources to be allocated when the structure is created, while linked lists are dynamic data structures that can shrink and grow in memory. the termonolgy about this that the node in a linked lists only concerns about with the data it contains
- Singly linked lists which have a single track
- doubly linked list the single track can be reversed
- circular linked list where node that acts as the tail of the list so the node after the tail node becomes list start
- data structuring is important because it will specify the Big O notaion for the time and space
- linked lists are more adapted for memories than arrays