- This version of the model is compatible with NEURON versions newer than 8.1 (#19).
- If you would like to use older NEURON (<= 8.1) then you can use tagged release
First we need to build NEURON with CoreNEURON support. In order to do so, you can use following script:
module load profile/base
module load profile/advanced
module load hpc-sdk/2021--binary gnu/8.4.0 cuda/11.0
module load spectrum_mpi/10.3.1--binary boost/1.72.0--spectrum_mpi--10.3.1--binary
module load cmake/3.20.0 python/3.8.2
export OMPI_CXX=nvc++
export OMPI_CC=nvc
export CC=mpicc
export CXX=mpicxx
git clone https://github.com/neuronsimulator/nrn.git
mkdir -p nrn/build && cd nrn/build
# cmake, make and make install
cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$HOME/install \
-DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE=`which python` \
make -j8
make install
Note that above mentioned modules (from May 2022) might change in the future. So make sure to change them if necessary.
Let's clone olfactory bulb model repository from GitHub. For now, we have to use 2to3
branch which has Python 3 support:
git clone https://github.com/HumanBrainProject/olfactory-bulb-3d.git
cd olfactory-bulb-3d/sim
git checkout 2to3
For using NEURON release older than v8.1
, checkout tag v1.0.0
git checkout v1.0.0
We can now build the model nrnivmodl -coreneuron
command. Make sure to change path of nrnivmodl
if you have installed NEURON from source.
module load profile/base
module load profile/advanced
module load hpc-sdk/2021--binary gnu/8.4.0 cuda/11.0
module load spectrum_mpi/10.3.1--binary boost/1.72.0--spectrum_mpi--10.3.1--binary
module load cmake/3.20.0 python/3.8.2
export OMPI_CXX=nvc++
export OMPI_CC=nvc
export CC=mpicc
export CXX=mpicxx
$HOME/install/bin/nrnivmodl -coreneuron .
If there are no errors, special
with CoreNEURON support will be built.
We are now ready to run model. To enable GPU support via CoreNEURON, you can pass the following command line argument to bulb3dtest.py
--coreneuron --gpu
Also, if you are benchmarking model then make sure to select larger test case i.e. changing runsim.build_part_model
in in bulb3dtest.py
We can now submit the job to the cluster using following job script:
#SBATCH -A Pra18_4575_0
#SBATCH -p m100_usr_prod
#SBATCH --time 00:60:00
#SBATCH --job-name=coreneuron_gpu_test
#SBATCH --nodes=2
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=8
#SBATCH --gres=gpu:4
module load profile/base
module load profile/advanced
module load hpc-sdk/2021--binary gnu/8.4.0 cuda/11.0
module load spectrum_mpi/10.3.1--binary boost/1.72.0--spectrum_mpi--10.3.1--binary
module load cmake/3.20.0 python/3.8.2
export PYTHONPATH=$HOME/install/lib/python/:$PYTHONPATH
# gpu run with coreneuron
mpirun ./special_wrapper.ppc64 -python -mpi bulb3dtest.py --tstop=1050 --coreneuron --gpu
Note that we are using special_wrapper.ppc64
instead of ppc64le/special
as a binary to launch. This is because MPS service is currently not enabled on Marconi100. Using wrapper script, we start the MPS service before launching an application.