All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- creation of new logic elements
- node prune location (ohmyform/ohmyform#184)
- add start and end page to form create call
- notifications / hooks / pages and buttons encode and decode their ids
- missing encode / decode for form fields within submissions (
- form field resolvers were missing
- node-gyp update to enable build on osx 12.3
- creating of new fields
- form hooks should only be queryable for form admins
- error sending notification when field is not defined (ohmyform/ohmyform#161)
- allow one field nested data to be submitted
- only update user fields in update mutation if they changed
- form delete
- field submission without value field
- start using hashids to prevent insights into form ids (
- logic backend components
- forms now have multiple notification
- layout for forms
- mariadb / mysql support (fixes ohmyform/ohmyform#143)
- user confirmation tokens
- email verification
- idx for fields and logic to have stable order
- ability to load submission by id if token is present
- anonymous form submissions (fixes ohmyform/ohmyform#108)
- ability to filter for partial / completed or empty submissions
- migration tests for all commits
- switched from mongoose to typeorm, with support right now for postgres and sqlite
- colors object removed the "colors" postfix
- if unsupported database engine is used error is thrown during startup
- improved eslint checks
- validate submission field data and store it json encoded
- forms are no longer finished on 100% but instead on finish mutation
- field default value renamed from value to defaultValue
- env list in doc
- version env variable for yarn
- path argument error (ohmyform/ohmyform#149)
- webhook and form submission (ohmyform#37)
- sqlite migration fixes to allow changes to tables
- upgraded all packages
- more languages
- upgrade to node 14 (ohmyform/ohmyform#99)
- upgraded dependencies
- default index.html for api without bundled ui
- slug for form fields can now be saved
- submission webhooks with ability to customize json payload
{ form: ID submission: ID created: DateTime lastModified: DateTime fields: [ { field: ID slug: String value: any } ] }
- minify containers to reduce layer size
- bug in settings resolver with nullable fields
- bug if user was deleted and form still exists
- container now runs as non root user
- withuser
being the default, making it possible that new users can create their own forms after creatingLOGIN_NOTE
-> markdown for Login Page, to show info text on login pageHIDE_CONTRIB
-> ability to hide contribution banner
- di on setting resolver, prevented signup settings to be visible in ui
- return admin of form also for admins
to prevent users from signing up- travis lints
- startup error with invalid create admin config
- update apollo-server for
- form field options
- form field rating settings
- form field logic jump settings
- improved documentation
- Installation Metrics
- anonymous submission of forms