📷 Unofficial instagram parser to get Instagram photos data by tag search in node-side.
Initial environment is made by npm-webpack-boilerplate.
npm install instaparser
instaparser is available on NPM
Find top 9 Instagram posts data from the tag. This method return Promise
// CommonJS
var Instaparser = require("instaparser");
.then(function(res) {
.catch(function(err) {
throw new Error(err);
Find recent 9 Instagram posts data from the tag. This method return Promise
// CommonJS
var Instaparser = require("instaparser");
.then(function(res) {
.catch(function(err) {
throw new Error(err);
npm install
Dependency module install.
npm run build
Do some magic with ES6 to create ES5 code.
npm run test
Run test with jasmine + jasmine-node
You can find example implementations in the example/
Example server excute
- Mac :
TAG="keyword" npm run example
- Windows
- The first method
set TAG="keyord"
andnpm run example
- The second method
- The first method
You can see result in
- Mac :
- Windows : http://localhost:8081
Make json file using instaparser.
npm run jsonfile
npm run dev
Run develop server You can see result in
OS X :
Windows : http://localhost:8080
MIT License
Copyright (c) 2016 instaparser Team.