diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index d7917581ec..8d71d5edf5 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -55,9 +55,7 @@ This will launch [RViz](http://wiki.ros.org/rviz) and display the depth pointclo
## Known Issues
-* This ROS node does not currently provide RGB point cloud.
* This ROS node does not currently provide any dynamic reconfigure support for camera properties/presets.
-* This ROS node does not currently offer temporal syncronization of depth and color data.
* This ROS node does not currently support [ROS Lunar Loggerhead](http://wiki.ros.org/lunar).
* This ROS node does not currently work with [ROS 2](https://github.com/ros2/ros2/wiki).
* This ROS node currently does not provide the unit-tests which ensure the proper operation of the camera. Future versions of the node will provide ROS compatible unit-tests.
diff --git a/realsense_ros_camera/include/constants.h b/realsense_ros_camera/include/constants.h
index b84d25fff3..e950a07f37 100644
--- a/realsense_ros_camera/include/constants.h
+++ b/realsense_ros_camera/include/constants.h
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
#define STRINGIFY(arg) #arg
#define VAR_ARG_STRING(arg) STRINGIFY(arg)
@@ -18,6 +18,9 @@
namespace realsense_ros_camera
+ const bool POINTCLOUD = false;
+ const bool SYNC_FRAMES = false;
const int DEPTH_WIDTH = 640;
const int DEPTH_HEIGHT = 480;
diff --git a/realsense_ros_camera/launch/demo_pointcloud.launch b/realsense_ros_camera/launch/demo_pointcloud.launch
index 21b656afb2..00b7161173 100644
--- a/realsense_ros_camera/launch/demo_pointcloud.launch
+++ b/realsense_ros_camera/launch/demo_pointcloud.launch
@@ -2,11 +2,21 @@
diff --git a/realsense_ros_camera/launch/rs_camera.launch b/realsense_ros_camera/launch/rs_camera.launch
index 394c94144d..adef737090 100644
--- a/realsense_ros_camera/launch/rs_camera.launch
+++ b/realsense_ros_camera/launch/rs_camera.launch
@@ -38,9 +38,15 @@
diff --git a/realsense_ros_camera/package.xml b/realsense_ros_camera/package.xml
index 7944e27a73..cb715abf83 100644
--- a/realsense_ros_camera/package.xml
+++ b/realsense_ros_camera/package.xml
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
- 1.0.0
+ 2.0.1
The realsense_ros_camera package
Intel RealSense
Apache 2.0
diff --git a/realsense_ros_camera/rviz/pointcloud.rviz b/realsense_ros_camera/rviz/pointcloud.rviz
index f136a01aa6..97eb4cb20b 100644
--- a/realsense_ros_camera/rviz/pointcloud.rviz
+++ b/realsense_ros_camera/rviz/pointcloud.rviz
@@ -55,8 +55,8 @@ Visualization Manager:
Axis: Z
Channel Name: intensity
Class: rviz/PointCloud2
- Color: 85; 0; 255
- Color Transformer: FlatColor
+ Color: 255; 255; 255
+ Color Transformer: RGB8
Decay Time: 0
Enabled: true
Invert Rainbow: false
@@ -68,9 +68,9 @@ Visualization Manager:
Position Transformer: XYZ
Queue Size: 10
Selectable: true
- Size (Pixels): 1
+ Size (Pixels): 3
Size (m): 0.00999999978
- Style: Points
+ Style: Flat Squares
Topic: /camera/points
Unreliable: false
Use Fixed Frame: true
@@ -100,24 +100,25 @@ Visualization Manager:
Class: rviz/ThirdPersonFollower
- Distance: 3.48406529
+ Distance: 6.36999989
Enable Stereo Rendering:
Stereo Eye Separation: 0.0599999987
Stereo Focal Distance: 1
Swap Stereo Eyes: false
Value: false
Focal Point:
- X: -0.697073579
- Y: -0.280089796
+ X: 0
+ Y: 0
Z: 0
- Focal Shape Fixed Size: true
+ Focal Shape Fixed Size: false
Focal Shape Size: 0.0500000007
+ Invert Z Axis: false
Name: Current View
Near Clip Distance: 0.00999999978
- Pitch: 0.659797728
+ Pitch: 0.085398294
Target Frame:
Value: ThirdPersonFollower (rviz)
- Yaw: 3.15039515
+ Yaw: 3.01539803
Saved: ~
Window Geometry:
diff --git a/realsense_ros_camera/src/realsense_camera_node.cpp b/realsense_ros_camera/src/realsense_camera_node.cpp
index 78266b25a0..83da6a268a 100644
--- a/realsense_ros_camera/src/realsense_camera_node.cpp
+++ b/realsense_ros_camera/src/realsense_camera_node.cpp
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
@@ -21,6 +22,8 @@
constexpr auto realsense_ros_camera_version = REALSENSE_ROS_EMBEDDED_VERSION_STR;
@@ -45,7 +48,7 @@ namespace realsense_ros_camera
inline void signalHandler(int signum)
- ROS_INFO("\"Ctrl+C\" is being pressed! Terminate RealSense Node...");
+ ROS_INFO_STREAM(strsignal(signum) << " Signal is received! Terminate RealSense Node...");
@@ -54,6 +57,7 @@ namespace realsense_ros_camera
RealSenseCameraNodelet() :
+ _serial_no(""),
@@ -137,6 +141,13 @@ namespace realsense_ros_camera
_pnh = getPrivateNodeHandle();
+ _pnh.param("enable_pointcloud", _pointcloud, POINTCLOUD);
+ _pnh.param("enable_sync", _sync_frames, SYNC_FRAMES);
+ if (_pointcloud)
+ _sync_frames = true;
+ _pnh.param("serial_no", _serial_no);
_pnh.param("depth_width", _width[DEPTH], DEPTH_WIDTH);
_pnh.param("depth_height", _height[DEPTH], DEPTH_HEIGHT);
_pnh.param("depth_fps", _fps[DEPTH], DEPTH_FPS);
@@ -219,9 +230,14 @@ namespace realsense_ros_camera
_serial_no = _dev.get_info(RS2_CAMERA_INFO_SERIAL_NUMBER);
ROS_INFO_STREAM("Device Serial No: " << _serial_no);
+ auto fw_ver = _dev.get_info(RS2_CAMERA_INFO_FIRMWARE_VERSION);
+ ROS_INFO_STREAM("Device FW version: " << fw_ver);
auto pid = _dev.get_info(RS2_CAMERA_INFO_PRODUCT_ID);
ROS_INFO_STREAM("Device Product ID: " << pid);
+ ROS_INFO_STREAM("Sync Mode: " << ((_sync_frames)?"On":"Off"));
auto dev_sensors = _dev.query_sensors();
ROS_INFO_STREAM("Device Sensors: ");
@@ -261,7 +277,7 @@ namespace realsense_ros_camera
// Update "enable" map
std::vector> streams(IMAGE_STREAMS);
streams.insert(streams.end(), HID_STREAMS.begin(), HID_STREAMS.end());
- for (auto elem : streams)
+ for (auto& elem : streams)
for (auto& stream_index : elem)
@@ -294,7 +310,9 @@ namespace realsense_ros_camera
_image_publishers[DEPTH] = image_transport.advertise("camera/depth/image_raw", 1);
_info_publisher[DEPTH] = _node_handle.advertise("camera/depth/camera_info", 1);
- _pointcloud_publisher = _node_handle.advertise("/camera/points", 1);
+ if (_pointcloud)
+ _pointcloud_publisher = _node_handle.advertise("/camera/points", 1);
if (true == _enable[INFRA1])
@@ -355,7 +373,7 @@ namespace realsense_ros_camera
auto& sens = _sensors[elem];
auto profiles = sens->get_stream_profiles();
- for (rs2::stream_profile& profile : profiles)
+ for (auto& profile : profiles)
auto video_profile = profile.as();
if (video_profile.format() == _format[elem] &&
@@ -366,7 +384,6 @@ namespace realsense_ros_camera
- // Setup stream callback for stream
_image[elem] = cv::Mat(_width[elem], _height[elem], _image_format[elem], cv::Scalar(0, 0, 0));
ROS_INFO_STREAM(_stream_name[elem] << " stream is enabled - width: " << _width[elem] << ", height: " << _height[elem] << ", fps: " << _fps[elem]);
@@ -396,6 +413,60 @@ namespace realsense_ros_camera
+ auto frame_callback = [this](rs2::frame frame)
+ {
+ // We compute a ROS timestamp which is based on an initial ROS time at point of first frame,
+ // and the incremental timestamp from the camera.
+ // In sync mode the timestamp is based on ROS time
+ if (false == _intialize_time_base)
+ {
+ _intialize_time_base = true;
+ _ros_time_base = ros::Time::now();
+ _camera_time_base = frame.get_timestamp();
+ }
+ ros::Time t;
+ if (_sync_frames)
+ t = ros::Time::now();
+ else
+ t = ros::Time(_ros_time_base.toSec()+ (/*ms*/ frame.get_timestamp() - /*ms*/ _camera_time_base) / /*ms to seconds*/ 1000);
+ auto is_color_frame_arrived = false;
+ auto is_depth_frame_arrived = false;
+ if (frame.is())
+ {
+ ROS_DEBUG("Frameset arrived");
+ auto frameset = frame.as();
+ for (auto it = frameset.begin(); it != frameset.end(); ++it)
+ {
+ auto f = (*it);
+ auto stream_type = f.get_profile().stream_type();
+ if (RS2_STREAM_COLOR == stream_type)
+ is_color_frame_arrived = true;
+ else if (RS2_STREAM_DEPTH == stream_type)
+ is_depth_frame_arrived = true;
+ ROS_DEBUG("Frameset contain %s frame. frame_number: %llu ; frame_TS: %f ; ros_TS(NSec): %lu",
+ rs2_stream_to_string(stream_type), frame.get_frame_number(), frame.get_timestamp(), t.toNSec());
+ publishFrame(f, t);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ auto stream_type = frame.get_profile().stream_type();
+ ROS_DEBUG("%s video frame arrived. frame_number: %llu ; frame_TS: %f ; ros_TS(NSec): %lu",
+ rs2_stream_to_string(stream_type), frame.get_frame_number(), frame.get_timestamp(), t.toNSec());
+ publishFrame(frame, t);
+ }
+ if(_pointcloud && is_depth_frame_arrived && is_color_frame_arrived &&
+ (0 != _pointcloud_publisher.getNumSubscribers()))
+ {
+ ROS_DEBUG("publishPCTopic(...)");
+ publishPCTopic(t);
+ }
+ };
// Streaming IMAGES
for (auto& streams : IMAGE_STREAMS)
@@ -414,82 +485,29 @@ namespace realsense_ros_camera
auto stream = streams.front();
auto& sens = _sensors[stream];
- // Enable the stream
- if (stream == DEPTH)
+ if (DEPTH == stream)
auto depth_sensor = sens->as();
_depth_scale_meters = depth_sensor.get_depth_scale();
- // Start device with the following callback
- sens->start([this](rs2::frame frame)
+ if (_sync_frames)
- // We compute a ROS timestamp which is based on an initial ROS time at point of first frame,
- // and the incremental timestamp from the camera.
- if (false == _intialize_time_base)
- {
- _intialize_time_base = true;
- _ros_time_base = ros::Time::now();
- _camera_time_base = frame.get_timestamp();
- }
- double elapsed_camera_ms = (/*ms*/ frame.get_timestamp() - /*ms*/ _camera_time_base) / /*ms to seconds*/ 1000;
- ros::Time t(_ros_time_base.toSec() + elapsed_camera_ms);
- ROS_DEBUG("Frame arrived: stream: %s ; index: %d ; Timestamp Domain: %s",
- rs2_stream_to_string(frame.get_profile().stream_type()),
- frame.get_profile().stream_index(),
- rs2_timestamp_domain_to_string(frame.get_frame_timestamp_domain()));
- stream_index_pair stream{frame.get_profile().stream_type(), frame.get_profile().stream_index()};
- auto& image = _image[stream];
- image.data = (uint8_t*)frame.get_data();
- if((DEPTH == stream) && (0 != _pointcloud_publisher.getNumSubscribers()))
- publishPCTopic(t);
- ++(_seq[stream]);
- auto& info_publisher = _info_publisher[stream];
- auto& image_publisher = _image_publishers[stream];
- if(0 != info_publisher.getNumSubscribers() ||
- 0 != image_publisher.getNumSubscribers())
- {
- auto width = 0;
- auto height = 0;
- auto bpp = 1;
- if (frame.is())
- {
- auto image = frame.as();
- width = image.get_width();
- height = image.get_height();
- bpp = image.get_bytes_per_pixel();
- }
- sensor_msgs::ImagePtr img;
- img = cv_bridge::CvImage(std_msgs::Header(), _encoding[stream], image).toImageMsg();
- img->width = width;
- img->height = height;
- img->is_bigendian = false;
- img->step = width * bpp;
- img->header.frame_id = _optical_frame_id[stream];
- img->header.stamp = t;
- img->header.seq = _seq[stream];
- auto& cam_info = _camera_info[stream];
- cam_info.header.stamp = t;
- cam_info.header.seq = _seq[stream];
- info_publisher.publish(cam_info);
- image_publisher.publish(img);
- ROS_DEBUG("Publish %s stream", rs2_stream_to_string(frame.get_profile().stream_type()));
- return;
- }
- ROS_DEBUG("Skipping publish %s stream. Topic is not subscribed!", rs2_stream_to_string(frame.get_profile().stream_type()));
- });
+ sens->start(_syncer);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ sens->start(frame_callback);
+ }
}//end for
+ if (_sync_frames)
+ {
+ _syncer.start(frame_callback);
+ }
// Streaming HID
for (const auto streams : HID_STREAMS)
@@ -503,7 +521,7 @@ namespace realsense_ros_camera
for (rs2::stream_profile& profile : profiles)
if (profile.fps() == _fps[elem] &&
- profile.format() == _format[elem])
+ profile.format() == _format[elem])
@@ -642,15 +660,22 @@ namespace realsense_ros_camera
_camera_info[stream_index].P.at(10) = 1;
_camera_info[stream_index].P.at(11) = 0;
- // TODO: Depth to Color?
+ rs2::stream_profile depth_profile;
+ if (!getEnabledProfile(DEPTH, depth_profile))
+ {
+ ROS_ERROR_STREAM("Depth profile not found!");
+ ros::shutdown();
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ // TODO: Why Depth to Color?
if (stream_index == DEPTH && _enable[DEPTH] && _enable[COLOR])
+ _depth2color_extrinsics = depth_profile.get_extrinsics_to(_enabled_profiles[COLOR].front());
// set depth to color translation values in Projection matrix (P)
- auto depth_profile = _enabled_profiles[DEPTH].front();
- auto d2c_extrinsics = depth_profile.get_extrinsics_to(_enabled_profiles[COLOR].front());
- _camera_info[stream_index].P.at(3) = d2c_extrinsics.translation[0]; // Tx
- _camera_info[stream_index].P.at(7) = d2c_extrinsics.translation[1]; // Ty
- _camera_info[stream_index].P.at(11) = d2c_extrinsics.translation[2]; // Tz
+ _camera_info[stream_index].P.at(3) = _depth2color_extrinsics.translation[0]; // Tx
+ _camera_info[stream_index].P.at(7) = _depth2color_extrinsics.translation[1]; // Ty
+ _camera_info[stream_index].P.at(11) = _depth2color_extrinsics.translation[2]; // Tz
_camera_info[stream_index].distortion_model = "plumb_bob";
@@ -672,9 +697,18 @@ namespace realsense_ros_camera
+ Eigen::Quaternionf rotationMatrixToQuaternion(float rotation[3]) const
+ {
+ Eigen::Matrix3f m;
+ m << rotation[0], rotation[1], rotation[2],
+ rotation[3], rotation[4], rotation[5],
+ rotation[6], rotation[7], rotation[8];
+ Eigen::Quaternionf q(m);
+ return q;
+ }
void publishStaticTransforms()
- // TODO: Add the extrinsics rotation matrix
// Publish transforms for the cameras
tf::Quaternion q_c2co;
@@ -725,24 +759,29 @@ namespace realsense_ros_camera
d2do_msg.transform.rotation.w = q_d2do.getW();
- // Assuming that all D400 SKUs have depth sensor
- auto& sens = _sensors[DEPTH];
- auto depth_profile = sens->get_stream_profiles().front();
- if (true == _enable[COLOR])
+ rs2::stream_profile depth_profile;
+ if (!getEnabledProfile(DEPTH, depth_profile))
- auto d2c_extrinsics = depth_profile.get_extrinsics_to(_enabled_profiles[COLOR].front());
+ ROS_ERROR_STREAM("Depth profile not found!");
+ ros::shutdown();
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ if (true == _enable[COLOR])
+ {
// Transform base frame to color frame
+ auto q = rotationMatrixToQuaternion(_depth2color_extrinsics.rotation);
b2c_msg.header.stamp = transform_ts_;
b2c_msg.header.frame_id = _base_frame_id;
b2c_msg.child_frame_id = _frame_id[COLOR];
- b2c_msg.transform.translation.x = d2c_extrinsics.translation[2];
- b2c_msg.transform.translation.y = -d2c_extrinsics.translation[0];
- b2c_msg.transform.translation.z = -d2c_extrinsics.translation[1];
- b2c_msg.transform.rotation.x = 0;
- b2c_msg.transform.rotation.y = 0;
- b2c_msg.transform.rotation.z = 0;
- b2c_msg.transform.rotation.w = 1;
+ b2c_msg.transform.translation.x = _depth2color_extrinsics.translation[2];
+ b2c_msg.transform.translation.y = -_depth2color_extrinsics.translation[0];
+ b2c_msg.transform.translation.z = -_depth2color_extrinsics.translation[1];
+ b2c_msg.transform.rotation.x = q.x();
+ b2c_msg.transform.rotation.y = q.y();
+ b2c_msg.transform.rotation.z = q.z();
+ b2c_msg.transform.rotation.w = q.w();
// Transform color frame to color optical frame
@@ -763,6 +802,7 @@ namespace realsense_ros_camera
if (true == _enable[INFRA1])
auto d2ir1_extrinsics = depth_profile.get_extrinsics_to(_enabled_profiles[INFRA1].front());
+ auto q = rotationMatrixToQuaternion(d2ir1_extrinsics.rotation);
// Transform base frame to infra1
b2ir1_msg.header.stamp = transform_ts_;
@@ -771,10 +811,11 @@ namespace realsense_ros_camera
b2ir1_msg.transform.translation.x = d2ir1_extrinsics.translation[2];
b2ir1_msg.transform.translation.y = -d2ir1_extrinsics.translation[0];
b2ir1_msg.transform.translation.z = -d2ir1_extrinsics.translation[1];
- b2ir1_msg.transform.rotation.x = 0;
- b2ir1_msg.transform.rotation.y = 0;
- b2ir1_msg.transform.rotation.z = 0;
- b2ir1_msg.transform.rotation.w = 1;
+ b2ir1_msg.transform.rotation.x = q.x();
+ b2ir1_msg.transform.rotation.y = q.y();
+ b2ir1_msg.transform.rotation.z = q.z();
+ b2ir1_msg.transform.rotation.w = q.w();
// Transform infra1 frame to infra1 optical frame
@@ -795,6 +836,7 @@ namespace realsense_ros_camera
if (true == _enable[INFRA2])
auto d2ir2_extrinsics = depth_profile.get_extrinsics_to(_enabled_profiles[INFRA2].front());
+ auto q = rotationMatrixToQuaternion(d2ir2_extrinsics.rotation);
// Transform base frame to infra2
b2ir2_msg.header.stamp = transform_ts_;
@@ -803,10 +845,10 @@ namespace realsense_ros_camera
b2ir2_msg.transform.translation.x = d2ir2_extrinsics.translation[2];
b2ir2_msg.transform.translation.y = -d2ir2_extrinsics.translation[0];
b2ir2_msg.transform.translation.z = -d2ir2_extrinsics.translation[1];
- b2ir2_msg.transform.rotation.x = 0;
- b2ir2_msg.transform.rotation.y = 0;
- b2ir2_msg.transform.rotation.z = 0;
- b2ir2_msg.transform.rotation.w = 1;
+ b2ir2_msg.transform.rotation.x = q.x();
+ b2ir2_msg.transform.rotation.y = q.y();
+ b2ir2_msg.transform.rotation.z = q.z();
+ b2ir2_msg.transform.rotation.w = q.w();
// Transform infra2 frame to infra1 optical frame
@@ -828,57 +870,84 @@ namespace realsense_ros_camera
void publishPCTopic(const ros::Time& t)
- auto& depth_intrinsic = _stream_intrinsics[DEPTH];
- auto& depth_image = _image[DEPTH];
+ auto color_intrinsics = _stream_intrinsics[COLOR];
+ auto image_depth16 = reinterpret_cast(_image[DEPTH].data);
+ auto depth_intrinsics = _stream_intrinsics[DEPTH];
sensor_msgs::PointCloud2 msg_pointcloud;
msg_pointcloud.header.stamp = t;
msg_pointcloud.header.frame_id = _optical_frame_id[DEPTH];
- msg_pointcloud.width = depth_intrinsic.width;
- msg_pointcloud.height = depth_intrinsic.height;
+ msg_pointcloud.width = depth_intrinsics.width;
+ msg_pointcloud.height = depth_intrinsics.height;
msg_pointcloud.is_dense = true;
sensor_msgs::PointCloud2Modifier modifier(msg_pointcloud);
- modifier.setPointCloud2Fields(3,
+ modifier.setPointCloud2Fields(4,
"x", 1, sensor_msgs::PointField::FLOAT32,
"y", 1, sensor_msgs::PointField::FLOAT32,
- "z", 1, sensor_msgs::PointField::FLOAT32);
- modifier.setPointCloud2FieldsByString(1, "xyz");
+ "z", 1, sensor_msgs::PointField::FLOAT32,
+ "rgb", 1, sensor_msgs::PointField::FLOAT32);
+ modifier.setPointCloud2FieldsByString(2, "xyz", "rgb");
- for (int v = 0; v < depth_intrinsic.height; ++v)
+ sensor_msgs::PointCloud2Iteratoriter_x(msg_pointcloud, "x");
+ sensor_msgs::PointCloud2Iteratoriter_y(msg_pointcloud, "y");
+ sensor_msgs::PointCloud2Iteratoriter_z(msg_pointcloud, "z");
+ sensor_msgs::PointCloud2Iteratoriter_r(msg_pointcloud, "r");
+ sensor_msgs::PointCloud2Iteratoriter_g(msg_pointcloud, "g");
+ sensor_msgs::PointCloud2Iteratoriter_b(msg_pointcloud, "b");
+ float depth_point[3], color_point[3], color_pixel[2], scaled_depth;
+ unsigned char* color_data = _image[COLOR].data;
+ // Fill the PointCloud2 fields
+ for (int y = 0; y < depth_intrinsics.height; ++y)
- for (int u = 0; u < depth_intrinsic.width; ++u)
+ for (int x = 0; x < depth_intrinsics.width; ++x)
- float depth_point[3], scaled_depth;
- uint16_t depth_value;
- int depth_offset, cloud_offset;
- // Offset into point cloud data, for point at u, v
- cloud_offset = (v * msg_pointcloud.row_step) + (u * msg_pointcloud.point_step);
- // Retrieve depth value, and scale it in terms of meters
- depth_offset = (u * sizeof(uint16_t)) + (v * sizeof(uint16_t) * depth_intrinsic.width);
- memcpy(&depth_value, &depth_image.data[depth_offset], sizeof(uint16_t));
- scaled_depth = static_cast(depth_value) * _depth_scale_meters;
- if (scaled_depth <= 0.0f || scaled_depth > 5.0) // TODO: move to constants
+ scaled_depth = static_cast(*image_depth16) * _depth_scale_meters;
+ float depth_pixel[2] = {static_cast(x), static_cast(y)};
+ rs2_deproject_pixel_to_point(depth_point, &depth_intrinsics, depth_pixel, scaled_depth);
+ if (depth_point[2] <= 0.f || depth_point[2] > 5.f)
- // Depth value is invalid, so zero it out.
- depth_point[0] = 0.0f;
- depth_point[1] = 0.0f;
- depth_point[2] = 0.0f;
+ depth_point[0] = 0.f;
+ depth_point[1] = 0.f;
+ depth_point[2] = 0.f;
- else
+ *iter_x = depth_point[0];
+ *iter_y = depth_point[1];
+ *iter_z = depth_point[2];
+ rs2_transform_point_to_point(color_point, &_depth2color_extrinsics, depth_point);
+ rs2_project_point_to_pixel(color_pixel, &color_intrinsics, color_point);
+ if (color_pixel[1] < 0.f || color_pixel[1] > color_intrinsics.height
+ || color_pixel[0] < 0.f || color_pixel[0] > color_intrinsics.width)
- // Convert depth image to points in 3D space
- float depth_pixel[2] = {static_cast(u), static_cast(v)};
- rs2_deproject_pixel_to_point(depth_point, &depth_intrinsic, depth_pixel, scaled_depth);
+ // For out of bounds color data, default to a shade of blue in order to visually distinguish holes.
+ // This color value is same as the librealsense out of bounds color value.
+ *iter_r = static_cast(96);
+ *iter_g = static_cast(157);
+ *iter_b = static_cast(198);
+ else
+ {
+ auto i = static_cast(color_pixel[0]);
+ auto j = static_cast(color_pixel[1]);
- // Assign 3d point
- for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
- memcpy(&msg_pointcloud.data[cloud_offset + msg_pointcloud.fields[i].offset], &depth_point[i], sizeof(float));
- } // for
- } // for
+ auto offset = i * 3 + j * color_intrinsics.width * 3;
+ *iter_r = static_cast(color_data[offset]);
+ *iter_g = static_cast(color_data[offset + 1]);
+ *iter_b = static_cast(color_data[offset + 2]);
+ }
+ ++image_depth16;
+ ++iter_x; ++iter_y; ++iter_z;
+ ++iter_r; ++iter_g; ++iter_b;
+ }
+ }
@@ -968,6 +1037,63 @@ namespace realsense_ros_camera
+ void publishFrame(rs2::frame f, const ros::Time& t)
+ {
+ ROS_DEBUG("publishFrame(...)");
+ stream_index_pair stream{f.get_profile().stream_type(), f.get_profile().stream_index()};
+ auto& image = _image[stream];
+ image.data = (uint8_t*)f.get_data();
+ ++(_seq[stream]);
+ auto& info_publisher = _info_publisher[stream];
+ auto& image_publisher = _image_publishers[stream];
+ if(0 != info_publisher.getNumSubscribers() ||
+ 0 != image_publisher.getNumSubscribers())
+ {
+ auto width = 0;
+ auto height = 0;
+ auto bpp = 1;
+ if (f.is())
+ {
+ auto image = f.as();
+ width = image.get_width();
+ height = image.get_height();
+ bpp = image.get_bytes_per_pixel();
+ }
+ sensor_msgs::ImagePtr img;
+ img = cv_bridge::CvImage(std_msgs::Header(), _encoding[stream], image).toImageMsg();
+ img->width = width;
+ img->height = height;
+ img->is_bigendian = false;
+ img->step = width * bpp;
+ img->header.frame_id = _optical_frame_id[stream];
+ img->header.stamp = t;
+ img->header.seq = _seq[stream];
+ auto& cam_info = _camera_info[stream];
+ cam_info.header.stamp = t;
+ cam_info.header.seq = _seq[stream];
+ info_publisher.publish(cam_info);
+ image_publisher.publish(img);
+ ROS_DEBUG("%s stream published", rs2_stream_to_string(f.get_profile().stream_type()));
+ }
+ }
+ bool getEnabledProfile(const stream_index_pair& stream_index, rs2::stream_profile& profile)
+ {
+ // Assuming that all D400 SKUs have depth sensor
+ auto profiles = _enabled_profiles[stream_index];
+ auto it = std::find_if(profiles.begin(), profiles.end(),
+ [&](const rs2::stream_profile& profile)
+ { return (profile.stream_type() == stream_index.first); });
+ if (it == profiles.end())
+ return false;
+ profile = *it;
+ return true;
+ }
ros::NodeHandle _node_handle, _pnh;
std::unique_ptr _ctx;
rs2::device _dev;
@@ -1006,6 +1132,10 @@ namespace realsense_ros_camera
ros::Publisher _pointcloud_publisher;
ros::Time _ros_time_base;
+ bool _sync_frames;
+ bool _pointcloud;
+ rs2::asynchronous_syncer _syncer;
+ rs2_extrinsics _depth2color_extrinsics;
};//end class
PLUGINLIB_EXPORT_CLASS(realsense_ros_camera::RealSenseCameraNodelet, nodelet::Nodelet)