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Observability module for GO applications



Observer is a wrapper of Logger and Error tracker, it also enables Cloud Profiler. This is the recommended way to use this module.

package main

import (

func main() {
	conf := obs.Config{
		NOGCloudEnabled: true,

	observer := obs.New(conf)
	defer observer.Close()

    observer.Info("Starting program")

	err := fmt.Errorf("main: ups, that was an error")
	observer.ErrorTags("message", map[string]string{"key": "value"}, map[string]string{"body": "{'hi':'bye'}"}, err)


This module also provides functionality to be used with net/http. See how to use it here

  • errtrack.CaptureHTTPError capture requests information along with the user id if X-User-ID header has being set. Also context is used to send more context about the error there you can send until 8kb of data.
  • htop.Logger is a middleware that logs end of each request, along with some useful data about what was requested, what the response status was, and how long it took to return.


It provides a simple interface for logging based on zerolog

Avoid package-global logger

package main

import (

func main() {

    log.Info("hello world")
    log.Infof("hello %s", "world")
    err := fmt.Errorf("be water my friend")
    log.Error("main: He said", err)

    log.Fatal("main: cannot start service", err)

// Output: {"level":"info","time":"2020-10-10T13:21:37+02:00","message":"hello world"}
// Output: {"level":"info","time":"2020-10-10T13:21:37+02:00","message":"hello world"}
// Output: {"level":"error","error":"be water my friend","time":"2020-10-10T13:21:37+02:00","message":"main: He said"}
// Output: {"level":"fatal","error":"be water my friend","time":"2020-10-10T13:21:37+02:00","message":"main: cannot start service"}
// Output: exit status 1

Error tracking

Error tracking provides an interface to send your errors to different providers, it supports sentry and GCP Error Reporting.

On GKE, you must add the cloud-platform access scope when creating the cluster, as the following example command shows: gcloud container clusters create example-cluster-name --scopes

package main

import (

func main() {
	errorTracker := errtrack.New()
    _ = errorTracker.InitGoogleCloudErrorReporting(errtrack.GoogleCloudErrorReportingConfig{})
    _ = errorTracker.InitSentry(errtrack.SentryConfig{})
	defer errorTracker.Close()

	err := fmt.Errorf("main: ups, that was an error")
	errorTracker.CaptureError(err, map[string]string{"key":"value"}, nil)