Author: Jonathan Becker <[email protected]>
Version: v1.0.0-alpha
heimdall -m decompile -t TARGET
Argument | Alias | Required | Variable | Description |
-t | --target | YES | TARGET | Target of operation (file or address) |
-o | --output | NO | PATH | Custom output path |
-c | --chain | NO | ID | Chain ID of target (if applicable) |
-p | --provider | NO | URL | URL of provider / node. Will default to config value if not present |
--default | N/A | NO | N/A | Will automatically select default value when prompted during module execution |
--flush | --ignore-cache | NO | N/A | Won't reuse cached values |
--indent | N/A | NO | N/A | Set the desired indent level for the decompiled contract |
After decompiling a contract, you might find that you see some weird, non-solidity values within decompiled.sol
. These values are values that weren't postprocessed correctly, and will be fixed in the future.
MASK{value & value}
: A masking, usually a conversion from one type to another.LOAD{value}
: Loading a variable from storage
Known issues are present in the issues tab on this repository. They will be marked with a decompiler tag and have other descriptors added.
This module is very experimental, and is still being improved and developed. If you find something weird, open an issue. I also haven't had a chance to add comments, so don't flame me for that.