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Vite (also support Rollup) plugin to convert SVGs to Vue single file components (SFC).


🚀 Features

  • Extract <style> tags from SVG to scoped SFC style block.
  • Support Hot Module Replacement.
  • Support custom import mark.
  • SVGO minification with sensible defaults.



npm i -D vite-plugin-svg-sfc

Then add the plugin to your vite.config.js:

import { defineConfig } from "vite";
import vue from "@vitejs/plugin-vue";
import svgSfc from "vite-plugin-svg-sfc";

// If in commonjs module
// const { default: svgSfc } = require("vite-plugin-svg-sfc");

export default defineConfig({
    plugins: [svgSfc(), vue()],

SVG files can be imported as Vue component using the ?sfc query:

    <img :src="myIconUrl" alt="icon">
    <pre>{{ myIconXml }}</pre>

<script setup>
import MyIconComponent from "../assets/my-icon.svg?sfc";

// vite-plugin-svg-sfc does not affect Vite default asset handling.
import myIconUrl from "../assets/my-icon.svg";
import myIconRaw from "../assets/my-icon.svg?raw";

If you are using TypeScript, vite-plugin-svg-sfc/client can be added to d.ts declaration file.

/// <reference types="vite-plugin-svg-sfc/client" />

You can add more than one of this plugin with different marks.

export default defineConfig({
    plugins: [
        // matches *.svg?icon
        svgSfc({ mark: "icon", svgProps: { class: "icon" } }),
        // matches *.svg?img
        svgSfc({ mark: "img", responsive: false }),

Build a component library:

// index.js
export { default as FooIcon } from "./icons/foo.svg?sfc";
export { default as BarIcon } from "./icons/bar.svg?sfc";
import { defineConfig } from "vite";
import svgSfc from "vite-plugin-svg-sfc";
import vue from "@vitejs/plugin-vue";

export default defineConfig({
    plugins: [svgSfc(), vue()],
    build: {
        rollupOptions: {
            external: "vue",
        lib: {
            formats: ["es"],
            entry: "index.js",

Without Vite

SVGSFCConvertor is exported for convert SVG to SFC code without build tools.

import { SVGSFCConvertor } from "vite-plugin-svg-sfc";

const svg2sfc = new SVGSFCConvertor();
const vueCode = svg2sfc.convert("<svg>...</svg>");
// <template><svg>...</svg></template>...



Type: string

Default: sfc

SVG will be imported as SFC using the query parameter.

// vite.config.js
export default defineConfig({
    plugins: [svgSfc({ mark: "component" }), vue()],

// Vue component.
import Icon from "../assets/my-icon.svg?component";


Type: boolean

Default: true

When set to true, extract all style elements in the svg and put their content into a scoped SFC style block.

Vue template compiler will throw an error when the template contains <style>, so we need to move them to top level.

You may notice that SVGO has a inlineStyles plugin that avoid <style> in the SVG by move styles onto the style attribute, but some features (e.g. media query) can not be inlined.


Type: boolean

Default: true on production mode and false otherwise.

Perform minification for SVG.


Type: boolean

Default: true

When set to true, some attributes on <svg> will be replaced with reactive value:

  • set width & height to "1em".
  • set fill and stroke to "currentColor" if it's not transparent。


Type: Record<string, string>

Default: undefined

Add props to the root SVG tag.


Type: OptimizeOptions | false

Default: {}

Specify the SVGO config to use, set to false to disable processing SVG data.

If svgo.plugins is specified, the extractStyles, minify, svgProps, responsive options and builtin plugins are ignored, you can add them manually:

import svgSfc from "vite-plugin-svg-sfc";

    svgo: {
        plugins: [
                name: "modifySVGAttrs",
                params(attrs) {
                    delete attrs.xmlns;
                    delete attrs.version;
                    delete attrs["xml:space"];