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Supporters |
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juiceshop |
You can attribute your donation to the OWASP Juice Shop project by using this link or the green "Donate"-button while on any tab of the Juice Shop project page!
In order to be recognized as a "Top Supporter" a company must have donated $1000 or more a) to OWASP while attributing it to Juice Shop or b) as a restricted gift to OWASP Juice Shop in the last 12 months.
- secuvera(2018/2019/2023)
- mindsetters OG(2023)
- Heyhack(2022)
- Schutzwerk(2022)
- New Work SE(2019/2021)
- RandoriSec(2021)
- Wild West Hackin' Fest(2020)
- Denim Group(2018-2019)
- PlexTrac(2019)
- Silpion(2019)
- iteratec(2017)
- eSailors(2016)
- XING(2016)
{% assign individual_supporter = site.data.ow_attributions | uniq %} {% for supporter in individual_supporter %}
- {{ supporter | strip_html | strip_newlines | strip }} {% endfor %}
- You want to appear on this list? Donate to OWASP here! 🤲
- #1221, #1356: Panasonic Information Systems Company Europe(2019-2020)
In order to be recognized as a "Corporate-sponsored Code Contribution" an offical written confirmation of waiving all IP to the contributed code must be formally submitted to the OWASP Foundation.
$1,251.68 of royalties from Björn Kimminich's eBook have been donated to the project between 09/2017 and 07/2019.
MultiJuicer was originally developed (and is still maintained primarily) by iteratec. It became an official part of the OWASP Juice Shop project 05/2023.
The OWASP Foundation is very grateful for the support by the individuals and organizations listed. However please note, the OWASP Foundation is strictly vendor neutral and does not endorse any of its supporters.