#!/bin/bash #SBATCH -N 1 # Number of tasks #SBATCH -n 14 # All tasks on one machine #SBATCH -t 3-00:00:00 # walltime, abbreviated by -t ##SBATCH -p gompert-np # Partition on some cluster ##SBATCH -A gompert # General CHPC account #SBATCH -o mitogenomesPP.slurm.out # Standard output #SBATCH -e mitogenomesPP.pairs.slurm.err # Standard error #SBATCH --mail-type=fail #SBATCH --mail-user=vaninatonzo@gmail.com #Load bowtie2 and samtools module spider python/3.10.3 module load bowtie2/2-2.2.9; module load blast/2.11.0 module load spades/3.15.4 while read T; do ./get_organelle_from_reads.py -s liniphidae_c1_xs.fasta -1 ../../00_Trimmomatic/${T}_1_paired.fq.gz -2 ../../00_Trimmomatic/${T}_2_paired.fq.gz -F animal_mt -o ../../HN00176099_hdd1/mitogenomes/${T}_mitogenome -R 15 -w 95 done < TAXA.txt