To begin, your screen should look like this:
This is a JupyterLab environment. Project Jupyter is a non-profit, open-source project, born out of the IPython Project in 2014 as it evolved to support interactive data science and scientific computing across all programming languages. Jupyter will always be 100% open-source software, free for all to use and released under the liberal terms of the modified BSD license.
I encourage you to explore Project Jupyter and understand the directions they are going in and how they support open, transparent, re-purposeable and literate programming.
The JupyterLab Notebook environment supports at this point 40 languages, in kernels, providing a flexible way to achieve not only the ends of what we are trying to do with analysis, but in a well documented, clear and literate manner.
Now that we are at the terminal window, we need to bring our lesson in hand -- and to do that, we are going to begin with forking
our GitHub
We are going to fork the GitHub repository - to do so navigate in your browser to the repository for this course.
Click here Kids First Elements of Style Workflow Creation and Maintenance
In the upper righthand side of the screen, select Fork
and choose to Fork
it into your own personal repository.
If you haven't already made a fork, you will see that you can make a fork now.
A new fork is made, you can accept the defaults.
If you have already made a fork, it would make sense to fetch any upstream changes that may have occured since you last visted. Your screen should look like this:
Navigate to your repository within a new Chrome browser tab
on GitHub - https://github/ [insert your GitHub user name here
In my case, you will see I am 11 commits behind the NIH-NICHD:main.
So I navigate to the button below code and press the
I then get presented the screen:
And we have synchronize success.
Next, navigate to the 🟦Code
button on the right and select HTTPS
and copy the link.
Return to your CAVATICA Window and go back to your JupyterLab notebook.
And select the terminal window
Now we want to clone the repository fork we made:
At the prompt type:
git clone
But, we might get an error.
Because of that, we need to authenticate to our GitHub within CAVATICA.
We need to install GitHub Command Line Interface
- more on this in the next lesson but for now type in the terminal window.
conda install -c conda-forge gh -y
After completing, the installation looks like this:
Now we need to authenticate. We do this with our personal GitHub Token
Step 1 - Navigate to Settings, located just under your profile in the upper right hand corner:
Step 2 - Navigate to the bottom to < > Developer Settings
on the bottom left hand corner:
Step 3 - Select Personal access tokens
third option from the top on the left side:
Step 4 - Select Generate new token
on the upper right corner - put a name in the note I used eos
Step 5 - Select all of the options and select Generate token
Step 6 - Copy the token because as the note mentions - it will not be available again - but you can regenerate tokens now - so don't worry.
Once we have our token, we can now authenticate.
Now that we are authenticated, we can clone successfully.
git clone
And the result should look like this:
First we run the JupyterLab notebook which introduces us to some Command Line Functions that will be useful.
Now follow the folder and select the first notebook in the directory, and we will execute all the command lines interactively.
Navigate to the folder on the left:
- Double click on
- Double click on
- Double click on
- Finally, double click on
to open the notebook
Next, clear the outputs and restart the kernel by selecting from the pull down menu under Kernel
Confirm your desire to restart the Kernel:
And we will walk through all the selected commands.
Note that this notebook had the python
kernel running, normally we would have executed this in a bash
kernel. This Kernel is not yet available on the CAVATICA platform but it has been added to the Seven Bridges Team Backlog.
Next, we will execute the second jupyterlab
notebook, this one is running the R
Look again at the folders on the left and open the second notebook Reading-data-and-plotting-in-R.ipynb
by double-clicking on the notebook.
Again, Restart Kernel and Clear Outputs
Confirm your desire to do so:
This is running the R
Kernel and as we load the libraries we see that there is a [*]
inside the brackets. This indicates that it is executing and looks like this:
When completed, it will look the [*]
becomes [1]
In this lesson:
- We logged into CAVATICA
- We started an interactive analysis with JupyterLab
- We authenticated with GitHub
- We executed and saw some Command Line Functions
- We generated a Volcano Plot in a JupyterLab notebook running an
Agenda for the Day 1: Reasoning
- CAVATICA documentation for the JupyterLab interface:
- Official documentation from project JupyterLab: