Step-by-step installation instructions for Ubuntu 16.04.
Make sure CUDA and cuDNN are installed
We tested on CUDA8/cuDNN6 and CUDA9/cuDNN7. But Caffe typically supports a wide range of CUDA/cuDNN versions.
Install system-wide dependencies
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends \ build-essential \ cmake \ git \ ca-certificates \ wget \ rsync \ vim \ libgl1-mesa-glx \ libgtk2.0-0 \ libatlas-base-dev \ libboost-all-dev \ libgflags-dev \ libgoogle-glog-dev \ libleveldb-dev \ liblmdb-dev \ libprotobuf-dev \ libsnappy-dev \ libpng12-dev \ protobuf-compiler
Install conda and additional packages
wget --quiet -O chmod a+x ./ # you will be prompted to agree on terms and to configure the installation rm source ~/.bashrc conda update --yes conda conda create -n caffe -y python=3.5 conda install -n caffe -c menpo -y opencv3 conda install -n caffe -y cython scikit-image scikit-learn matplotlib bokeh ipython h5py nose pandas pyyaml jupyter
Install Caffe and bilateralNN
CAFFE_ROOT=~/caffe # specify where caffe will be installed (does not need to be inside the main project) git clone -b 1.0 --depth 1 $CAFFE_ROOT cd $CAFFE_ROOT git clone --depth 1 caffe-patch rsync -av caffe-patch/bpcn/ ./ rm -rf caffe-patch source activate caffe mkdir build && cd build cmake -DUSE_CUDNN=1 -Dpython_version=3 .. make -j$(nproc) cd $CAFFE_ROOT/python sed -i -e "s/python-dateutil>=1.4,<2/python-dateutil>=2.0/g" requirements.txt for req in $(cat requirements.txt); do pip install $req; done # 'msgpack' warning message can be safely ignored cd $CAFFE_ROOT echo " # caffe paths export PYCAFFE_ROOT=$(pwd)/python export PYTHONPATH=\$PYCAFFE_ROOT:\$PYTHONPATH export PATH=\$CAFFE_ROOT/build/tools:\$PYCAFFE_ROOT:\$PATH " >> ~/.bashrc # this puts path in your .bashrc file source ~/.bashrc sudo /bin/bash -c 'echo "$(pwd)/build/lib" >> /etc/' sudo ldconfig
Ready to use!
# enter conda environment if you are not already in one source activate caffe
Note that for multi-GPU usage (not used or tested in our experiments and demos) you will also need NCCL:
- Before installing Caffe, install NCCL following official instructions.
- Add
flag for cmake.