23 | 23 | - @showTSQLCommandsBeta parameter is in alpha version and not pretending to be complete any time soon. This output is provided as a basic help & guide convertion to Columnstore Indexes.
24 | 24 | - CLR support is not included or tested
25 | 25 | - Output [Min RowGroups] is not taking present partitions into calculations yet :)
| 26 | +
| 27 | + Changes in 1.0.3 |
| 28 | + * Changed the name of the @tableNamePattern to @tableName to follow the same standard across all CISL functions |
26 | 29 | */
27 | 30 |
28 | 31 | declare @SQLServerVersion nvarchar(128) = cast(SERVERPROPERTY('ProductVersion') as NVARCHAR(128)),
@@ -52,7 +55,7 @@ create procedure dbo.cstore_SuggestedTables(
52 | 55 | @minRowsToConsider bigint = 500000, -- Minimum number of rows for a table to be considered for the suggestion inclusion
53 | 56 | @minSizeToConsiderInGB Decimal(16,3) = 0.00, -- Minimum size in GB for a table to be considered for the suggestion inclusion
54 | 57 | @schemaName nvarchar(256) = NULL, -- Allows to show data filtered down to the specified schema
55 |
| - @tableNamePattern nvarchar(256) = NULL, -- Allows to show data filtered down to the specified table name pattern |
| 58 | + @tableName nvarchar(256) = NULL, -- Allows to show data filtered down to the specified table name pattern |
56 | 59 | @considerColumnsOver8K bit = 1, -- Include in the results tables, which columns sum extends over 8000 bytes (and thus not supported in Columnstore)
57 | 60 | @showReadyTablesOnly bit = 0, -- Shows only those Rowstore tables that can already get Columnstore Index without any additional work
58 | 61 | @showUnsupportedColumnsDetails bit = 0, -- Shows a list of all Unsupported from the listed tables
@@ -194,7 +197,7 @@ begin
194 | 197 | from sys.indexes ind
195 | 198 | where t.object_id = ind.object_id
196 | 199 | and ind.type in (5,6) ) = 0 -- Filtering out tables with existing Columnstore Indexes
197 |
| - and (@tableNamePattern is null or object_name (t.object_id) like '%' + @tableNamePattern + '%') |
| 200 | + and (@tableName is null or object_name (t.object_id) like '%' + @tableName + '%') |
198 | 201 | and (@schemaName is null or object_schema_name( t.object_id ) = @schemaName)
199 | 202 | and (( @showReadyTablesOnly = 1
200 | 203 | and
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