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File metadata and controls

200 lines (170 loc) · 4.85 KB


Port your MySQL data from old schema to the new schema with just a configuration file.

How to

  • Create a config.js file which exports an object with rules and database config.
  • npm install
  • node index.js


config.js must export an object with host, user, password, db and rules. See below for details.

host [String]

  • Host for database

user [String]

  • User for database

password [String]

  • Password for the database

db [Object]

  • Must contain source and destination pairs with database names

rules [Array]

  • Contains the rules for porting
  • One rule for each target table
  • Example:
    rules: [ {}, {}, ... , {} ]

rules[i].table [Object]

  • Object with info about target and source tables
  • Must contain: old and new objects
    • new: String
    • old: String or Object with union and on pairs
  • See old below for details
  • Example:
    table: {
        new: 'NEW_TABLE', 
        old: 'OLD_TABLE'

rules[i].fields [Object]

  • Object with target_attributes as keys and source_attributes or other rules as values
  • See fields below for details
  • Example:
    fields: {
        user: 'login', 
        password: 'pass'
    This SELECTs login and pass fields from old table and puts in user and pass of the new table, respectively

rules[i].query [String]

  • A MySQL query to run instead of target and source pairs
  • If found, table and fields objects are ignored
  • Example:
    query: 'INSERT INTO table (user, password) VALUES ("bits", "goa_ftw!");'
    Runs the query as it is

rules[i].skip [Boolean]

  • If true, the rule is skipped
  • Example:
    rules: [ { skip: true, ... }, {}, {} ]
    This rule is skipped regardless of anything else

rules[i].tables.old [String] or [Object]

  • Must be either a string with table name
  • Or an object with union and on
    • union must be an array with table names
    • on must be a MySQL condition
  • Example:
    old: {
        union: ['t1', 't2', 't3'],
        on: ' = AND ='
    Inner joins the tables with common id

rules[i].fields [Object]

fields[0].if [Object]

  • Evaluates an if condition and enters data accordingly
  • Must contain condition, pass and fail
  • See condition below for details
  • Example:
    if: {
        condition: {
            eval: {}
        pass: 'login',
        fail: {
            value: 'some other'
    Checks if login attribute of old table is equal to "bits". If yes, puts login of old table in the new table else puts a string "some other"

fields[0].switch [Object]

  • Evaluates switch condition and enters data accordingly
  • Must contain condition, cases
  • cases must be an object of key-value pairs
  • Example:
    switch: {
        condition: 'login_type',
        cases: [
            { type1: { value: '1' } },
            { type2: { value: '2' } },
            { other: 'login_type' }
    If login_type equals "type1" put a string "1" or if "type2" put a string "2" or if "other" put the value of login_type attribute of old table

fields[0].value [String]

  • Any field with value will be put as value itself rather than getting it from the source table
  • Example:
    user: { value: 'some value' }
    Puts the string "some value" in user attribute of the new table


rules[i].fields[j].if.condition [Object]

  • Must contain eval or or or and
  • or or and must be an array of objects which must contain eval
  • See eval below for details
  • Example:
    condition: {
        or: [
            { eval: {C1} },
            { eval: {C2} },
                and: [
                    { eval: {C3} },
                    { eval: {C4} }
    Is equivalent to C1 || C2 || (C3 && C4)


rules[i].fields[j].switch.condition.eval [Object]

  • Must contain operator and (first_attribute or first_value) and (second_attribute or second_value)
    • operator must be a constant string
    • X_attribute must be an attribute of the table
    • X_value must be a constant string
  • Example:
    condition: {
            operator: '===',
            first_attribute: 'login',
            second_value: 'bits'
        pass: { value: '1' },
        fail: { value: '0' }
    Put "1" or "0" if login of old table is === to bits of new table