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140 lines (132 loc) · 5.8 KB

File metadata and controls

140 lines (132 loc) · 5.8 KB


Create beautiful pulsey tours for your app


  • users choose html elements that they want to be included in the tour by adding the class 'ps-anchor'
  • users may optionally specify the order of their tour by passing a number to a data-ps-step attribute
    • however, this is not required. if users do not specify a data-ps-step, pulsey will add one for them in the order that they appear in the html. pulsey will also handle the case where the user only sets data-ps-step for some and not others
  • users should specify the content of their tooltip in data-attributes as well, namely data-ps-header and data-ps-note. in future release user will be able to put html inside the tooltip
  • once the 'ps-anchor' classes are set and data-attributes are supplied, users can just add 'pulsey()' to their js and pulsey ...should... just work


  • once pulsey() is called, one of a couple things will happen depending upon how options are configured
    • in all cases, all targeted html elements will receive a pulsey dot at their center
    • if a number is passed to (default is null) then pulsey will automatically start at that step
    • if options.welcome.display is true, pulsey will show an intro screen prior to the first tooltip/dot
  • if options.highlighter.display is true, the target html element will receive a highlighting div that will transition between each step
  • navigate by clicking the next button or the arrow keys
  • if any of the target html elements have fixed position pulsey will have already accounted for this
  • pulsey dots track their html targets responsively
  • each pulsey component has its own class ('pulsey-dot-' + {}) that users can use to easily customize styling
  • no jQuery required (requires Velocity)
  • other awesome stuff, and more to come, maybe

pulsey defaultOptions createSteps create step display style offset top left front width height borderRadius back width height borderRadius tooltipOptions stepIndicator content header note buttonLabels next finish style tooltip width tip stepIndicator offset top left


  • pulsey
    • tourStarted: boolean
    • tourCompleted: boolean
    • tourSkipped: array // if user skips, pulsey creates an array with the step skipped on and how many remaining steps
    • keyboardNav: boolean // currently N/A
    • animateScroll: boolean // currently N/A
  • dot
    • step: integer // default is null; change to a number to specify which step you would like tour to start on
    • offset
      • top: integer
      • left: integer
    • showDots: boolean // gives you option to allow users to pick and choose which dots they want to start on, or else be required to follow the order you specify
  • tooltip
    • width: integer
    • content
      • header: string
      • note: string
    • tip
      • display: boolean
      • side: string // accepts one of 'top', 'bottom', 'left', 'right'
      • size: integer
    • offset
      • left: integer
      • top: integer
    • labels
      • next: 'string' // label for button that triggers next tooltip to be shown
      • finish: 'string' // label for button that is shown on the last tooltip, immediately prior to tourComplete
    • progress: boolean // show or hide a step progress counter
    • edgesense: boolean // currently N/A
    • showButtons // currently N/A
      • close: boolean
      • next: boolean
      • previous: boolean
      • skip: boolean
  • highlighter display: boolean // when true a highlight div is placed underneath the target element and that element's z-index is raised above the underlay
  • welcome
    • display: boolean // an optional welcome modal prior to commencement of tour
    • fixed: boolean // when false, position is absolute
    • header: string // currently N/A
    • note: string // currently N/A
  • farewell
    • display: boolean // an optional farewell modal once last tooltip has been completed
    • fixed: boolean // when false, position is absolute
    • header: string // currently N/A
    • note: string // currently N/A
    • finishButton: boolean
  • underlay
    • clickToClose: boolean // when true clicking anywhere outside of the tooltip (ie clicking the underlay) will close the tooltip
  • storage : 'string' // accepts one of 'localStorage' or 'sessionStorage'; default is 'localStorage'
  • removeStepOnClick: boolean // when true, pulsey will only show a tooltip once
  • hideDotOnClick: boolean // if removeStepOnClick is false, leaving this as true will ensure that the dots are not shown

STYLES // readme forthcoming - still need to determine what needs to be customizable and what doesn't

  • dot
  • tooltip
  • underlay
  • welcome
  • farewell
  • progress


  • create pulseys via javascript
  • potentially make create.step a class, then allow them to override specific parts of the class
  • ability to choose between javascript and data-attribute methods, or use both
  • load successfully in a react app
  • fix all critical ordering bugs


  • various ordering issues, can't arrow key back sometimes, farewell screen doesnt show sometimes, done button doesn't work
  • only want to transition underlay on dotclick() and close() (not nextStep())
  • still using window for a couple variables


  • give user option to use without velocity (and thus no animations)
  • customizable look and animation of dots and tooltips
  • tooltips recognize whether they are overflowing the screen and reposition themselves automatically, unless user decides to turn this functionality off
  • allow users to put html inside tooltip
  • give user a way to modify styles of each individual dot - probably need to object.assign each styles object for each component with whatever the user passes in via pulsey()
  • only mount dots when needed, and unmount when done
  • consider using redux