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Deploying a Database with

Neon Pricing and Registration

Register for an account at

Pricing details are at:

Plan details are at:

Free Tier:

  • Free! No credit card required.

    • Payment methods can be added to access additional features and capacity.
    • Details: For more info, follow this link.
  • Neon’s free database instance type allows you to run a PostgreSQL database.

    • Free databases are limited to one project and allocated one shared CPU and 1 GB of RAM.
    • You can have multiple databases per project
    • Neon uses a branching structure, similar to Git.
    • Branches allow you to iterate and try things, without risking your data.
    • Each branch is limited to 3GB of data.
    • The free account is limited to 10 branches.
    • Free accounts are limited to 100 hours of compute time per month. Once that's exceeded, non-primary branches are suspended but the primary branch remains available.

Setup Neon

Creeate an account

  • From the Sign In/Up page
    • Click one of the options, we recommend choosing GitHub
      • If you chose Email as the option, then click Sign up for an account once you're redirected to the sign-in page.
    • Add in your info, and log in.

Set up your project, and initial database

Neon lets you create one overaching project, which can containe multiple databases.

  • We are following these instructions
    • Head to the Neon Console
    • Select a fun name you can remember
    • Make sure the Postgres version matches what you use in class (likely the default).
    • Choose a name for your first database (we can add more of these later).
    • Choose the region you want to use
      • Regions are the locations of Neon's data centers
      • It will likely default to US East which likley is a fine choice for most users
      • If you knew all of your users are likely to be closer to a different region, you can choose that region instead.
    • You will be greeted with a pop-up that looks like this:
    • Click the "Pooled Connection" checkbox.
    • Click the eye icon, to see the password
    • Copy the connection string (everything between the quotes).
      • You want this:
        • postgresql://
      • Not this:
        • psql 'postgresql://'

Connect to your database from Postico

You can use Postico to access your database, and run SQL queries against it.

  • Paste that connection string into a url bar in any browser, and hit enter
  • This will open Postico and establish the connection in Postico
  • Add in a nickname, so you remember what this connection is for in the future.

You can now use Postico as usual. All your SQL commands for this connection will be sent to your database, instead of the one running on localhost.

Setup your database: database.sql

Because you are a conscientious software engineer, you have kept all of your CREATE TABLE commands in a database.sql file, in your project repo. Connect to your database in Postico, and run all those SQL commands, just as you have before.

Connect to your database from Heroku

Your Node.js app needs to know how to connect to your database. For this, we'll use a DATABASE_URL environment variable when we configure our pg.Pool.

This is a two step process:

  1. Set a DATABASE_URL environment variable on Heroku
  2. Update pool.js to use that DATABASE_URL variable to connect to postgres

Set the DATABASE_URL on Heroku

This setup assumes that your app is already deployed to heroku.

Your app code will run on a server hosted by Heroku (or a similar cloud service). This server will needs to have the DATABASE_URL set, so that your Node.js app will know how to connect to your database.

The value for the DATABASE_URL is the same string we copied above, ex: - postgresql://

In a terminal, cd into your project folder. Then run:

heroku config:set DATABASE_URL=your_db_connection_string

💥 Replace your_db_connection_string with the actual value (use your actual value, not mine)

heroku config:set DATABASE_URL=postgresql://

Update pool.js to use DATABASE_URL

NOTE: If you're using a repo from a Prime assignment, your pool.js may already be setup for you!

Your pool.js file should look something like this:

// server/modules/pool.js
const pg = require('pg');
let pool;

// When our app is deployed to the internet 
// we'll use the DATABASE_URL environment variable
// to set the connection info: web address, username/password, db name
// eg: 
//  DATABASE_URL=postgresql://jDoe354:[email protected]/prime_app
if (process.env.DATABASE_URL) {
    pool = new pg.Pool({
        connectionString: process.env.DATABASE_URL,
        ssl: {
            rejectUnauthorized: false
// When we're running this app on our own computer
// we'll connect to the postgres database that is 
// also running on our computer (localhost)
else {
    pool = new pg.Pool({
        host: 'localhost',
        port: 5432,
        database: 'prime_feedback', 

module.exports = pool;

If you had to change this file, commit and push your changes to Heroku:

git add .
git commit -m 'Update pool.js'
git push origin main
git push heroku main

Your app should now be able to connect to your database. Open your app in a web browser to test it:

heroku open

Create another database for another app

In general, you will want to create a new database for every application you deploy.

  • From the pojects page, click your project (there should be only one on the free tier).
    • You should see a drop-down menu, showing your database.
    • Click on it, and select Create New Database.
    • Enter a name for your new database in the Database name field, and click Create
    • Now, you'll still see the connection details for your existing database, but you can use the same Database drop down menu to toggle between databases.
    • Choose the database you want to use
    • Follow the instrucitons from earlier, to get the connection URL
      • Click the "Pooled Connection" checkbox.
      • Click the eye icon, to see the password
      • Copy the connection string (everything between the quotes).
        • You want this:
          • postgresql://
        • Not this:
          • psql 'postgresql://'


If your app failed to deploy, you will see error messages when running git push heroku main.

If your app is deployed to Heroku but not running, or running with errors, check your app logs on heroku:

heroku logs --tail

You can use console.logs to help troubleshoot your code. eg.

// 💥 Remove this when you're done debugging! 
// 🔒 Logging secrets is a security risk.
console.log('What is my database URL?', process.env.DATABASE_URL);

Just remember to commit and push to heroku after writing your new console.logs.