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Running tests with CoverageTestRunner

Get the version of Qvarn you want to test into a sibling directory named qvarn, e.g.

git clone git://

Install all needed tools and Qvarn itself into a virtualenv:

cd qvarn
mkvirtualenv -p /usr/bin/python2.7 qvarn
pip install -r ../qvarn-testing/requirements.txt
pip install -r requirements.txt --find-links ../qvarn-testing/libs
pip install -e .

For Python 3 (for which you need a Python 3 enabled branch of Qvarn from

cd qvarn
mkvirtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3.4 qvarn-py3
pip install -r ../qvarn-testing/requirements.txt
pip install -r requirements-py3.txt --find-links ../qvarn-testing/libs
pip install -e .

Note that pylint will fail if you run the check script in a Python 2.7 virtualenv on code from the Python 3 branch due to our compatibility shims.

Running tests with py.test

First install dependencies:

pip install coverage pytest pytest-cov

Then you can run the tests:

cd qvarn
py.test \
  -vvx \
  --tb=native \
  -c ../qvarn-testing/pytest.ini \
  --cov-config=../qvarn-testing/pytest.ini \
  --cov-report=term-missing \

Note: this doesn't work for me (py.test fails to recognize --cov-* options), and I've no clue why!

Running integration tests

Install the tools:

cd qvarn-testing
mkvirtualenv -p /usr/bin/python2.7 qvarn-testing
pip install -r requirements-integration.txt
pip install cliapp --find-links libs
pip install ttystatus --find-links libs
pip install cmdtest --find-links libs
pip install -e ../qvarn
pip install -e .

Create Postgresql database user and database:

> sudo -u postgres createuser $USER
> sudo -u postgres createdb qvarn -O $USER

Then initialize the Qvarn database:

qvtestinitdb ../qvarn/resource_type

This will create several configuration files under /tmp/qvtest.

Generate self-signed SSL certificate:

openssl genrsa -out ssl.key 2048
openssl req -new -key ssl.key -out ssl.csr
openssl x509 -req -days 365 -in ssl.csr -signkey ssl.key -out ssl.crt
cat ssl.crt ssl.key > ssl.pem

Run Qvarn instance and Haproxy:

workon qvarn-py3
pip install -e .
qvtestserver ../qvarn/resource_type

Finally you can run tests using this command:

export QVARN_CREATETOKEN_CONF=$PWD/createtoken.conf
cd qvarn
qvtestapi /tmp/qvtest/etc/qvarn.conf --stop-on-first-fail

If something fails, you can run tests like this:

qvtestapi /tmp/qvtest/etc/qvarn.conf -v --stop-on-first-fail -r 'manage a person' --snapshot

This will output more information about test run and also leaves all temporary test files in a snapshot directory.

After running tests one time, in order to run tests again, first you need to clean database, because tests leaves test data in database and will fail if you try to run them again. To clean database, run this command:

sudo -u postgres psql qvarn -f drop_everything.sql
qvtestinitdb ../qvarn/resource_type

Do not forget to turn off uwsgi first (with a Ctrl+C), to unlock database resource for dropping.

How to use real Gluu server?

In order to use real Gluu server you need to modify /tmp/qvtest/etc/haproxy.cfg:

frontend http-in
    bind *:9080
    bind *:9443 ssl crt ssl.pem
    default_backend qvarn

    acl resource_auth path_beg /auth
    use_backend gluu if resource_auth

backend gluu
    server gluu ssl verify none
    option forwardfor
    acl gluu_rewrite path_beg /auth
    reqrep ^(.*)\ /auth/(.*)$ \1\ /oxauth/seam/resource/restv1/oxauth/\2 if gluu_rewrite
    reqadd X-Forwarded-Proto:\ https

Debugging integration tests

When running qvarn with qvtestserver all logs will be written to stdout and to /tmp/qvarn.log. If you want to print something there, you need to print it this way:

qvarn.log.log('debug', msg_text='Your message', key1=v1, key2=v2)

And this will be visible in the output. key1=v1, key2=v2 are optional keyword argument, that will be printed too if provided.

How to read and write yarn test files

Here are some useful resources: