diff --git a/rakudoc_draft_3.rakudoc b/rakudoc_draft_3.rakudoc
index 7ad0634..c0004d3 100644
--- a/rakudoc_draft_3.rakudoc
+++ b/rakudoc_draft_3.rakudoc
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
=begin rakudoc :kind("Language") :subkind("Language") :category("reference")
-=VERSION 2.6.0
=TITLE RakuDoc
=SUBTITLE A Raku slang for documenting Raku software to aid development and use.
+=VERSION 2.7.0
RakuDoc is a markup language with simple instructions for simple tasks and more
complex structures to suit larger projects. There is a clear distinction between
@@ -3074,6 +3074,35 @@ of the bar is not significant.
When the schema is missing, then the C schema is implied, which means that
if the website url is missing as well, the link is to the same host as the document.
+The exact name of the resource to which a link is pointing must be used by the renderer. So
+ C> or C>
+must link to C and to C, with the renderer making no assumption about the
+file format.
+However, a collection of RakuDoc sources may be intended as the base for multiple formats, such
+as C< .html >, C< .md >, or C< .pdf >, and so links within the collection may need to delegate
+the selection of an appropriate file format (if one is needed) to the renderer. This is accomplished explicitly using the C< .* >
+pseudo extension, for example:
+ L< dealing with the filesystem | type/IO.Path.* >
+or for a heading within another resource:
+ L< getting a directory listing | type/IO.Path.*#routine_dir >
+For example, if the output format is Markdown, these links would be rendered
+with C<.md> extensions replacing the C<.*> pseudo-extensions:
+ [dealing with the filesystem](type/IO.Path.md)
+ [getting a directory listing](type/IO.Path.md#routine_dir)
+Or, if the output format is HTML, these links would be rendered
+with C<.html> extensions instead:
+ dealing with the filesystem
+ getting a directory listing
Several schemas are possible:
=item C or C The renderer may style the label and cause a jump in
a networked environment, as is normal for HTML documents.