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Can I use this approach with PDE in 2D? #46

kjrathore opened this issue Feb 14, 2025 · 10 comments

Can I use this approach with PDE in 2D? #46

kjrathore opened this issue Feb 14, 2025 · 10 comments
question Further information is requested


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Can implement the symbolic UDE approach in 2D PDE?
Similar to
since ModelingToolKit provides a nice way of solving the equations and discretization methods. Would be happy to know other way around to apply missing physics UDE in 2D PDEs.

@kjrathore kjrathore added the question Further information is requested label Feb 14, 2025
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This should be fine. You'd just use the same apply function from Lux

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Hi @ChrisRackauckas
I am following the friction example, implemented it for my 1D system. it works!
However, for PDE and discretization:
systems = [nn_in, nn_out] arguments were not recognized by (PDESystem · ModelingToolkit.jl).

Similar to
ERROR: LoadError: type PDESystem has no field nn_in Stacktrace: [1] getproperty(x::PDESystem, sym::Symbol)

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What did you try?

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kjrathore commented Mar 3, 2025

I tried this:

using ModelingToolkitNeuralNets
using ModelingToolkit
import ModelingToolkit.t_nounits as t
import ModelingToolkit.D_nounits as Dt
using ModelingToolkitStandardLibrary.Blocks
using OrdinaryDiffEq
using Optimization
using OptimizationOptimisers: Adam
using SciMLStructures
using SciMLStructures: Tunable
using SymbolicIndexingInterface
using StableRNGs
using Lux
using Plots, Random, Statistics
using MethodOfLines, LinearAlgebra, DomainSets
using ModelingToolkit: Differential
# using DiffEqFlux, Lux, ComponentArrays, Zygote, StableRNGs
# using Optimization, OptimizationOptimisers
rng = StableRNG(1111)

@parameters x y
Dxx = Differential(x)^2
Dyy = Differential(y)^2

# Time and space domains
t_min, t_max = 0.0, 0.1
x_min, x_max = 0.0, 1.0
y_min, y_max = 0.0, 1.0
dx, dy = 0.1, 0.1
order = 2  # Approximation order

# define variables and constants
@variables N(..) P(..)  # Define as callable functions
@constants a=0.3 b=0.5 c=0.5 d=0.05 e=0.08 μ=0.18 τ=0.3
@constants DN=0.5 DP=0.01

# Boundry conditions
bcs = [
    N(t_min,x,y) ~ 0,
    # Dirichlet-like approximation of Neumann for N
    N(t, x_min, y) ~ 0.9, N(t, x_max, y) ~ 0.9,
    N(t, x, y_min) ~ 0.9, N(t, x, y_max) ~ 0.9,

    P(t_min, x, y) ~ 0,
    # Dirichlet-like approximation of Neumann for P
    P(t, x_min, y) ~ 0.25, P(t, x_max, y) ~ 0.25,
    P(t, x, y_min) ~ 0.25, P(t, x, y_max) ~ 0.25

# Space and time domains
domains = [t ∈ Interval(t_min, t_max),
            x ∈ Interval(x_min, x_max),
            y ∈ Interval(y_min, y_max)]

function hab_true()

    eqs = [
        Dt(N(t,x,y)) ~ a - b * N(t,x,y) * P(t,x,y) - e * N(t,x,y) + 
                        DN * (Dxx(N(t,x,y)) + Dyy(N(t,x,y))),
        Dt(P(t,x,y)) ~ c * N(t,x,y) * P(t,x,y) - d * P(t,x,y) 
            - τ * (P(t,x,y)^2 / (μ^2 + P(t,x,y)^2)) 
            + DP * (Dxx(P(t,x,y)) + Dyy(P(t,x,y)))
    # return ODESystem(eqs, ModelingToolkit.t_nounits, name = :hab_true)
    return PDESystem(eqs, bcs, domains, [t,x,y], [N(t,x,y), P(t,x,y)], name=:hab_true)

model_true = hab_true()
# Method of lines discretization
discretization = MOLFiniteDifference([x => dx, y => dy], t) # Discretize space
prob_true = discretize(model_true, discretization) # Convert PDE → ODE system
# simplified_sys = structural_simplify(discretized_sys)
println("Discretized the System.")

# Solution of the ODE system
sol_ref = solve(prob_true, Tsit5(); saveat = 0.001)
println("Solved PDE..")
# println(sol_ref.u)

# # Extract the 3D solution arrays for N and P
N_sol = Array(sol_ref[N(t, x, y)])
P_sol = Array(sol_ref[P(t, x, y)])
println("N sol:",size(N_sol), size(P_sol))
# t = sol.t
N_m = mean(N_sol, dims = 1)
P_m = mean(P_sol, dims = 1)
noise_magnitude = 5e-2
Nₙ = N_sol .+ (noise_magnitude * N_m) .* randn(rng, eltype(N_sol), size(N_sol))
Pₙ = P_sol .+ (noise_magnitude * P_m) .* randn(rng, eltype(P_sol), size(P_sol))
println("Prepared obs data..")

# anim = @animate for t_idx in 1:length(sol_ref.t)
#     p1 = heatmap(N_sol[t_idx, :, :], title="Nutrient (N) at t=$(round(sol_ref.t[t_idx], digits=2))",
#                  xlabel="x", ylabel="y", color=:viridis)
#     p2 = heatmap(P_sol[t_idx, :, :], title="Phytoplankton (P) at t=$(round(sol_ref.t[t_idx], digits=2))",
#                  xlabel="x", ylabel="y", color=:plasma)
#     plot(p1, p2, layout=(1,2))  # Side-by-side plots
# end

# gif(anim, "N_P_solution.gif", fps=10)
# println("========================================\n")

#discretization space
nx = floor(Int64, (x_max - x_min) / dx) + 1
ny = floor(Int64, (y_max - y_min) / dy) + 1
println("Discretization space: $nx, $ny")

#xy space should be the input to Neural Network.
# we may need to flatten the features before passing to NN.
# 2*nx*ny
L = nx*ny
nnf = 2*nx*ny  #number of feature to NN

function hab_ude()    
    @named nn_in = RealInputArray(nin = nnf)
    @named nn_out = RealOutputArray(nout = nnf)

    println("Shape of nn_out.u:", size(nn_out.u))
        # Dt(N(t,x,y)) ~ a - b * N(t,x,y) * P(t,x,y) - e * N(t,x,y) + 
        #                 DN * (Dxx(N(t,x,y)) + Dyy(N(t,x,y))),
        # Dt(P(t,x,y)) ~ c * N(t,x,y) * P(t,x,y) - d * P(t,x,y) 
        #     - τ * (P(t,x,y)^2 / (μ^2 + P(t,x,y)^2)) + DP * (Dxx(P(t,x,y)) + Dyy(P(t,x,y)))
    eqs = [Dt(N(t,x,y)) ~ a .- reshape(nn_in.u[1:L], nx, ny) .- e .* N(t,x,y),
                N(t,x,y) ~ reshape(nn_out.u[1:L], nx, ny),
            Dt(P(t,x,y)) ~ reshape(nn_in.u[L+1:end], nx, ny) .- d .* P(t,x,y) .- τ .* (P(t,x,y)^2 ./(μ^2 .+ P(t,x,y)^2)),
                P(t,x,y) ~ reshape(nn_out.u[L+1:end], nx, ny)

    # return ODESystem(eqs, t, name = :hab, systems = [nn_in, nn_out])
    return PDESystem(eqs, bcs, domains, [t,x,y], [N(t,x,y), P(t,x,y)], 
                name = :hab, systems = [nn_in, nn_out])

model = hab_ude()

chain = Lux.Chain(
    Lux.Dense(nnf => 10, Lux.mish, use_bias = false),
    Lux.Dense(10 => 10, Lux.mish, use_bias = false),
    Lux.Dense(10 => nnf, use_bias = false)
@named nn = NeuralNetworkBlock(nnf, nnf; chain = chain, 
                                rng = rng)
# println("model systems", model.nn_in)

# Combine equations from the model and the neural network connections

eqs = [connect(model.nn_in, nn.output)
       connect(model.nn_out, nn.input)]

ude_sys = complete(PDESystem(eqs, bcs, domains, [t,x,y], [N(t,x,y), P(t,x,y)], name=:ude_sys))
discretization = MOLFiniteDifference([x => dx, y => dy], t) # Discretize space
sys = discretize(ude_sys, discretization) # Convert PDE → ODE system
println("Discretized the UDE.")

function loss(x, (prob, sol_ref, get_vars, get_refs, set_x))
    new_p = set_x(prob, x)
    new_prob = remake(prob, p = new_p, u0 = eltype(x).(prob.u0))
    ts = sol_ref.t
    new_sol = solve(new_prob, Rodas4(), saveat = ts, abstol = 1e-8, reltol = 1e-8)
    loss = zero(eltype(x))
    for i in eachindex(new_sol.u)
        loss += sum(abs2.(get_vars(new_sol, i) .- get_refs(sol_ref, i)))
    return SciMLBase.successful_retcode(new_sol) ? loss : Inf

of = OptimizationFunction{true}(loss, AutoForwardDiff())

prob = ODEProblem(sys, [], (t_min, t_max), [])
get_vars = getu(sys, [sys.hab.N, sys.hab.P])
get_refs = getu(model_true, [model_true.N, model_true.P])
set_x = setp_oop(sys, sys.nn.p)
x0 = default_values(sys)[sys.nn.p]

cb = (opt_state, loss) -> begin
    @info "step $(opt_state.iter), loss: $loss"
    return false

op = OptimizationProblem(of, x0, (prob, sol_ref, get_vars, get_refs, set_x))
res = solve(op, Adam(5e-3); maxiters = 10, callback = cb)

ERROR: LoadError: type PDESystem has no field nn_in

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@SebastianM-C is going to try to get an example together.

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Hi @SebastianM-C,
I'm happy and eager to get your help on this.

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There are several places where a NN could go, I think that starting with a boundary condition is an option. I'm looking at an example with the heat equation. Are you looking for something else?

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I couldn't think of boundary condition options. And Heat equation example has 2 parameters (t,x) whereas I have 3 (t, x, y) in my case, although that is manageable. I am trying this:

I tried this:

using ModelingToolkitNeuralNets
using ModelingToolkit
import ModelingToolkit.t_nounits as t
import ModelingToolkit.D_nounits as Dt
using ModelingToolkitStandardLibrary.Blocks
using OrdinaryDiffEq
using Optimization
using OptimizationOptimisers: Adam
using SciMLStructures
using SciMLStructures: Tunable
using SymbolicIndexingInterface
using StableRNGs
using Lux
using Plots, Random, Statistics
using MethodOfLines, LinearAlgebra, DomainSets
using ModelingToolkit: Differential
# using DiffEqFlux, Lux, ComponentArrays, Zygote, StableRNGs
# using Optimization, OptimizationOptimisers
rng = StableRNG(1111)

@parameters x y
Dxx = Differential(x)^2
Dyy = Differential(y)^2

# Time and space domains
t_min, t_max = 0.0, 0.1
x_min, x_max = 0.0, 1.0
y_min, y_max = 0.0, 1.0
dx, dy = 0.1, 0.1
order = 2  # Approximation order

# define variables and constants
@variables N(..) P(..)  # Define as callable functions
@constants a=0.3 b=0.5 c=0.5 d=0.05 e=0.08 μ=0.18 τ=0.3
@constants DN=0.5 DP=0.01

# Boundry conditions
bcs = [
    N(t_min,x,y) ~ 0,
    # Dirichlet-like approximation of Neumann for N
    N(t, x_min, y) ~ 0.9, N(t, x_max, y) ~ 0.9,
    N(t, x, y_min) ~ 0.9, N(t, x, y_max) ~ 0.9,

    P(t_min, x, y) ~ 0,
    # Dirichlet-like approximation of Neumann for P
    P(t, x_min, y) ~ 0.25, P(t, x_max, y) ~ 0.25,
    P(t, x, y_min) ~ 0.25, P(t, x, y_max) ~ 0.25

# Space and time domains
domains = [t ∈ Interval(t_min, t_max),
            x ∈ Interval(x_min, x_max),
            y ∈ Interval(y_min, y_max)]

function hab_true()

    eqs = [
        Dt(N(t,x,y)) ~ a - b * N(t,x,y) * P(t,x,y) - e * N(t,x,y) + 
                        DN * (Dxx(N(t,x,y)) + Dyy(N(t,x,y))),
        Dt(P(t,x,y)) ~ c * N(t,x,y) * P(t,x,y) - d * P(t,x,y) 
            - τ * (P(t,x,y)^2 / (μ^2 + P(t,x,y)^2)) 
            + DP * (Dxx(P(t,x,y)) + Dyy(P(t,x,y)))
    # return ODESystem(eqs, ModelingToolkit.t_nounits, name = :hab_true)
    return PDESystem(eqs, bcs, domains, [t,x,y], [N(t,x,y), P(t,x,y)], name=:hab_true)

model_true = hab_true()
# Method of lines discretization
discretization = MOLFiniteDifference([x => dx, y => dy], t) # Discretize space
prob_true = discretize(model_true, discretization) # Convert PDE → ODE system
# simplified_sys = structural_simplify(discretized_sys)
println("Discretized the System.")

# Solution of the ODE system
sol_ref = solve(prob_true, Tsit5(); saveat = 0.001)
println("Solved PDE..")
# println(sol_ref.u)

# # Extract the 3D solution arrays for N and P
N_sol = Array(sol_ref[N(t, x, y)])
P_sol = Array(sol_ref[P(t, x, y)])
println("N sol:",size(N_sol), size(P_sol))
# t = sol.t
N_m = mean(N_sol, dims = 1)
P_m = mean(P_sol, dims = 1)
noise_magnitude = 5e-2
Nₙ = N_sol .+ (noise_magnitude * N_m) .* randn(rng, eltype(N_sol), size(N_sol))
Pₙ = P_sol .+ (noise_magnitude * P_m) .* randn(rng, eltype(P_sol), size(P_sol))
println("Prepared obs data..")

# anim = @animate for t_idx in 1:length(sol_ref.t)
#     p1 = heatmap(N_sol[t_idx, :, :], title="Nutrient (N) at t=$(round(sol_ref.t[t_idx], digits=2))",
#                  xlabel="x", ylabel="y", color=:viridis)
#     p2 = heatmap(P_sol[t_idx, :, :], title="Phytoplankton (P) at t=$(round(sol_ref.t[t_idx], digits=2))",
#                  xlabel="x", ylabel="y", color=:plasma)
#     plot(p1, p2, layout=(1,2))  # Side-by-side plots
# end

# gif(anim, "N_P_solution.gif", fps=10)
# println("========================================\n")

#discretization space
nx = floor(Int64, (x_max - x_min) / dx) + 1
ny = floor(Int64, (y_max - y_min) / dy) + 1
println("Discretization space: $nx, $ny")

#xy space should be the input to Neural Network.
# we may need to flatten the features before passing to NN.
# 2*nx*ny
L = nx*ny
nnf = 2*nx*ny  #number of feature to NN

function hab_ude()    
    @named nn_in = RealInputArray(nin = nnf)
    @named nn_out = RealOutputArray(nout = nnf)

    println("Shape of nn_out.u:", size(nn_out.u))
        # Dt(N(t,x,y)) ~ a - b * N(t,x,y) * P(t,x,y) - e * N(t,x,y) + 
        #                 DN * (Dxx(N(t,x,y)) + Dyy(N(t,x,y))),
        # Dt(P(t,x,y)) ~ c * N(t,x,y) * P(t,x,y) - d * P(t,x,y) 
        #     - τ * (P(t,x,y)^2 / (μ^2 + P(t,x,y)^2)) + DP * (Dxx(P(t,x,y)) + Dyy(P(t,x,y)))
    eqs = [Dt(N(t,x,y)) ~ a .- reshape(nn_in.u[1:L], nx, ny) .- e .* N(t,x,y),
                N(t,x,y) ~ reshape(nn_out.u[1:L], nx, ny),
            Dt(P(t,x,y)) ~ reshape(nn_in.u[L+1:end], nx, ny) .- d .* P(t,x,y) .- τ .* (P(t,x,y)^2 ./(μ^2 .+ P(t,x,y)^2)),
                P(t,x,y) ~ reshape(nn_out.u[L+1:end], nx, ny)

    # return ODESystem(eqs, t, name = :hab, systems = [nn_in, nn_out])
    return PDESystem(eqs, bcs, domains, [t,x,y], [N(t,x,y), P(t,x,y)], 
                name = :hab, systems = [nn_in, nn_out])

model = hab_ude()

chain = Lux.Chain(
    Lux.Dense(nnf => 10, Lux.mish, use_bias = false),
    Lux.Dense(10 => 10, Lux.mish, use_bias = false),
    Lux.Dense(10 => nnf, use_bias = false)
@named nn = NeuralNetworkBlock(nnf, nnf; chain = chain, 
                                rng = rng)
# println("model systems", model.nn_in)

# Combine equations from the model and the neural network connections

eqs = [connect(model.nn_in, nn.output)
       connect(model.nn_out, nn.input)]

ude_sys = complete(PDESystem(eqs, bcs, domains, [t,x,y], [N(t,x,y), P(t,x,y)], name=:ude_sys))
discretization = MOLFiniteDifference([x => dx, y => dy], t) # Discretize space
sys = discretize(ude_sys, discretization) # Convert PDE → ODE system
println("Discretized the UDE.")

function loss(x, (prob, sol_ref, get_vars, get_refs, set_x))
    new_p = set_x(prob, x)
    new_prob = remake(prob, p = new_p, u0 = eltype(x).(prob.u0))
    ts = sol_ref.t
    new_sol = solve(new_prob, Rodas4(), saveat = ts, abstol = 1e-8, reltol = 1e-8)
    loss = zero(eltype(x))
    for i in eachindex(new_sol.u)
        loss += sum(abs2.(get_vars(new_sol, i) .- get_refs(sol_ref, i)))
    return SciMLBase.successful_retcode(new_sol) ? loss : Inf

of = OptimizationFunction{true}(loss, AutoForwardDiff())

prob = ODEProblem(sys, [], (t_min, t_max), [])
get_vars = getu(sys, [sys.hab.N, sys.hab.P])
get_refs = getu(model_true, [model_true.N, model_true.P])
set_x = setp_oop(sys, sys.nn.p)
x0 = default_values(sys)[sys.nn.p]

cb = (opt_state, loss) -> begin
    @info "step $(opt_state.iter), loss: $loss"
    return false

op = OptimizationProblem(of, x0, (prob, sol_ref, get_vars, get_refs, set_x))
res = solve(op, Adam(5e-3); maxiters = 10, callback = cb)

Outputs: ERROR: LoadError: type PDESystem has no field nn_in

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@SebastianM-C ?

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SebastianM-C commented Mar 10, 2025

I'm working on a simpler version first, I think it would be good to start from a 1D PDE and then move to 2D. For the heat equation you can do it in more than 1D.

The main thing is that you can't currently use the block components approach with PDEs, so you would have to reformulate it to the direct calls to LuxCore.stateless_apply (see also #53).

In this case your equations would look something like

function hab_ude(chain)
    # @named nn_in = RealInputArray(nin = nnf)
    # @named nn_out = RealOutputArray(nout = nnf)

    # println("Shape of nn_out.u:", size(nn_out.u))
        # Dt(N(t,x,y)) ~ a - b * N(t,x,y) * P(t,x,y) - e * N(t,x,y) +
        #                 DN * (Dxx(N(t,x,y)) + Dyy(N(t,x,y))),
        # Dt(P(t,x,y)) ~ c * N(t,x,y) * P(t,x,y) - d * P(t,x,y)
        #     - τ * (P(t,x,y)^2 / (μ^2 + P(t,x,y)^2)) + DP * (Dxx(P(t,x,y)) + Dyy(P(t,x,y)))
    @variables nn_in(t)[1:nnf]
    @variables nn_out(t)[1:nnf]

    ps_nn_init, st_nn = Lux.setup(StableRNG(1234), chain)
    ca_nn = ComponentArray{Float64}(ps_nn_init)
    @parameters p_nn[1:length(ca_nn)] = Vector(ca_nn)
    @parameters T_nn::typeof(typeof(ca_nn))=typeof(ca_nn) [tunable = false]

    eqs = [Dt(N(t,x,y)) ~ a .- reshape(nn_in[1:L], nx, ny) .- e .* N(t,x,y),
                N(t,x,y) ~ reshape(nn_out[1:L], nx, ny),
            Dt(P(t,x,y)) ~ reshape(nn_in[L+1:end], nx, ny) .- d .* P(t,x,y) .- τ .* (P(t,x,y)^2 ./^2 .+ P(t,x,y)^2)),
                P(t,x,y) ~ reshape(nn_out[L+1:end], nx, ny),
            nn_out ~ LuxCore.stateless_apply(chain, nn_in, lazyconvert(T_nn, p_nn))

    # return ODESystem(eqs, t, name = :hab, systems = [nn_in, nn_out])
    return PDESystem(eqs, bcs, domains, [t,x,y], [N(t,x,y), P(t,x,y)],
                name = :hab)

but currently there are some issues in how discretization interacts with vector quantities, so it doesn't work for now.

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