PacketId | Data |
Login | LoginPacket |
Logout | LogoutPacket |
Accept | AcceptPacket |
Deny | DenyPacket |
Update | UpdatePacket |
Constant Packet Size: 1 byte.
Variable | Data Type | Description |
NameLength | int (4 bytes) | Defines the length of the name variable. |
Name | char[] | The name of the player |
Constant Packet Size: 4 bytes.
Constant Encapsulated Packet Size: 5 bytes.
Variable | Data Type | Description |
Constant Packet Size: 0 bytes.
Constant Encapsulated Packet Size: 1 byte.
Variable | Data Type | Description |
Constant Packet Size: 0 bytes. Constant Encapsulated Packet Size: 1 byte.
Variable | Data Type | Description |
ReasonLength | int (4 bytes) | Defines the length of the reason variable. |
Reason | char[] | The reason of the denial |
Constant Packet Size: 4 bytes.
Constant Encapsulated Packet Size: 5 bytes.
Variable | Data Type | Description |
X | float (4 bytes) | Defines the player X coordinate. |
Y | float (4 bytes) | Defines the player Y coordinate. |
Z | float (4 bytes) | Defines the player Z coordinate. |
Rotation | float (4 bytes) | Defines the player's head rotation in radians. |
CaveDensity | float (4 bytes) | Defines how surrounded the player is in a cave, This is basically used as an echo factor, Server calculation uses this like so... Math.Max(player.CaveDensity, otherPlayer.Value.CaveDensity) * (1.0f - volume) : 0.0f; |
IsUnderwater | bool (1 byte) | Defines wether the player's head is underwater. |
DimensionIdLength | int (4 bytes) | Defines the length of the DimensionId variable. |
DimensionId | char[] | The dimension the player is currently in. |
LevelIdLength | int (4 bytes) | Defines the length of the LevelId variable. |
LevelId | char[] | The world Id the player is currently in. |
ServerIdLength | int (4 bytes) | Defines the length of the ServerId variable. |
ServerId | char[] | The server the player is connected to. Can be IP and Port in string notation e.g. |
Constant Packet Size: 33 bytes.
Constant Encapsulated Packet Size: 34 bytes.
Client > Server: Login Packet
Client < Server: Accept Packet
Server > VCServer: Bind Packet //You can ignore this.
(Looped) Client > Server: Update Packet
Client < Server: Accept Packet
Deny packet will only be used if the client has not sent an update packet within 8 seconds to which another login packet will need to be sent.
Logout packet is used to unbind the player from the VC server so they cannot hear any other players.