Releases: SocialGouv/egapro
Releases · SocialGouv/egapro
2.24.0 (2022-11-02)
Bug Fixes
- better error messages (#1292) (5833892)
- better input type date in chrome (#1172) (33f79b7)
- change footer text (#1301) (255cde4)
- change success img (#1269) (0ff0b07)
- checkbox and wordings (#1195) (7022b6b)
- closes Bug Index Egapro : problème avec le bouton Suivant de la page Infos déclarant #1296 (#1298) (d906798)
- double pdf extension (#1307) (dfd2f45)
- enable back tests api (#1291) (663ac6e)
- error div toujours présent dans la page commencer (#1288) (1ae4a7b)
- excel naming (#1280) (fef6fed)
- foreign-siren (#1263) (76e9466)
- globalError alert message (#1276) (5050670)
- input radio and checkbox (#1271) (7b48363)
- Logout button (#1257) (fb56251)
- move app layout and fix stories aliases (#1196) (6fc7786)
- None cell issue in objectives pdf (#1139) (d3bc63a)
- opmc decla (#1308) (6dcde4f)
- percentages (#1237) (961256d)
- polish alert messages (#1264) (84d9354)
- problem of select with placeholder, which let pass wrongly to next page (#1261) (f7de3d9)
- pull (497b7cd)
- React warning on controlled/uncontrolled inputs (#1278) (459ab55)
- remove extra text assujetti (closes #987) (35a60bf)
- remove percentage char and add more control (#1242) (1ee08ea)
- replace ecart-rep img (#1140) (645f452)
- some buttons submitted wrongly (#1233) (9d699fc)
- storybook ingress.rewriteTarget (71add35)
- storybook ingress.rewriteTarget (d6f36d1)
- typo accueil ecartrep (Closes #1176) (d9db800)
- typo accueil perioide reference (Closes #1071) (7fcddb6)
- typo publication url light validation (Closes #1074) (c44f457)
- validation page types (#1232) (d79ec90)
- wording (#1223) (d180d73)
- wording (#1235) (5be94c3)
- xls representation naming/wording (#1239) (ac48916)
- app: fix Callout unit test (#1080) (8b427e4)
- app: periode-reference-form-validation (#1152) (874ceca)
- wrap ButtonAsLink into forwardRef (9a38fdb)
- routing: fix build failed due to routing (#1060) (6da5647)
- Accessibility (#1210) (14499be)
- add a page for admin of repeq (#1254) (ab59dad)
- add Breadcrumb component (#1156) (17d5f6e)
- Add CGU page (#1203) (10977c9)
- add chapo pages (#1098 ) (#1107) (81e254a)
- add design system setup (#1029) (6b2530e)
- add footer links (#1184) (173abea)
- add FormCheckbox component (#1135) (79a3976)
- add FormLayout ButtonGroup component (#1122) (e557154)
- add GroupLink and Card component (#1131) (e2a575d)
- add illustration on transmission page (#1252) (6a34409)
- add indexes (#1284) (3da45f1)
- add integration tests (#1221) (074f8f6)
- add MainNav component (#1162) (1a5c279)
- Add missing input forwar...