ApplianceHell Game. The totally pointless star collecting game.
- phaser - opensource game engine in js [ A fast, free and fun open source framework for Canvas and WebGL powered browser games. ]
- - project author
- Inspiration: An ex-pat British guy called Rob who (once?) forgot to put the washing machine on
- npm i
- npm start
- visit in a browser
- modify index.html and refresh your browser (no hot module reload here)
- npm run release
- upload /dist/itchio.ziop to itch
- or, copy assets directory and index.html including node_modules to a webserver (phaser required)
- use WASD to collect stars
- you can collect many stars at a time
- once you have collected all visible stars take them to the washing machine
- colliding with the washing machine is enough to drop the stars
- collect all stars in a 'round' and the washing machine will run
- once the washing machine finishes a cycle more stars spawn
- collect all stars in all rounds until you see 'YOU WIN'
- record your time, or don't
- more machines
- randomise the platform elements
- gravity/jump mechanism is a bit odd
- see github issue tracker