TODO, chapter under construction |
OK, but how do I get there from here?
Option 1: carve out microservices one by one
Option 2: refactoring inside your monolith
In either case, you’ll need to figure out what the correct Bounded Context is.
fork the repo and delete stuff that’s not in your bounded context
strangler pattern. can start with just an HTTP proxy
what are peloton doing?
What’s the problem with a monolith? there’s no domain model because everything is trying to be all things to all people
-→ you need to carve out bounded contexts and probably microservices
Is it that all the logic is hard to find because it’s mixed between all the layers?
introducing a Service Layer first
define use cases
messagebus can come later
push all the logic down into the models
once we have rich django models
migrate them one by one to POPO classes
add repository to translate
⇒ now we can refactor the model (semi/more) independently from the DB
and we can keep going and add UoW and a messagebus
now we have the event-driven / command handler pattern
almost any business requirement can be decomposed sensibly
get your system to produce events
consume them in your new service. we now have a separate db and bounded context
the new system produces
either the same events the old one did (and we can switch those old parts off)
or new ones, and we switch over the downstream things progressively
This is a part 2 thing really, but basically, don’t sally forth and implement your own event-driven microservices architecture without reading lots, lots more on the subject. rubytml[Enterprise Integration Patterns] by (as always) Martin Fowler is a pretty good start.