From a559b44f4a28ca80dc54dd3d15a205d862746172 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Keal Jones
Date: Wed, 4 Dec 2019 12:48:03 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 01/13] inital pass
lib/src/component/error_boundary.dart | 35 ++-
.../component/error_boundary_recoverable.dart | 25 ++
...ror_boundary_recoverable.over_react.g.dart | 260 ++++++++++++++++++
.../component/error_boundary_test.dart | 5 +
4 files changed, 324 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
create mode 100644 lib/src/component/error_boundary_recoverable.dart
create mode 100644 lib/src/component/error_boundary_recoverable.over_react.g.dart
diff --git a/lib/src/component/error_boundary.dart b/lib/src/component/error_boundary.dart
index 3db97d23c..fb8feb3e9 100644
--- a/lib/src/component/error_boundary.dart
+++ b/lib/src/component/error_boundary.dart
@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
+import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
import 'package:over_react/over_react.dart';
+import 'package:over_react/src/component/error_boundary_recoverable.dart';
part 'error_boundary.over_react.g.dart';
@@ -22,4 +24,35 @@ class _$ErrorBoundaryState extends UiState with ErrorBoundaryStateMixin {}
@Component2(isWrapper: true, isErrorBoundary: true)
class ErrorBoundaryComponent
- extends UiStatefulComponent2 with ErrorBoundaryMixin {}
+ extends UiStatefulComponent2 with ErrorBoundaryMixin {
+ @override
+ Map getDerivedStateFromError(error) {
+ return (newState()
+ ..hasError = true
+ ..showFallbackUIOnError = true
+ );
+ }
+ @override
+ void componentDidCatch(error, ReactErrorInfo info) {
+ if (props.onComponentDidCatch != null) {
+ props.onComponentDidCatch(error, info);
+ }
+ if (props.onComponentIsUnrecoverable != null) {
+ props.onComponentIsUnrecoverable(error, info);
+ }
+ }
+ @override
+ void componentDidUpdate(Map prevProps, Map prevState, [dynamic snapshot]) {}
+ @override
+ render() {
+ if (state.hasError) {
+ return super.render();
+ }
+ return (RecoverableErrorBoundary()..addProps(props))(props.children);
+ }
diff --git a/lib/src/component/error_boundary_recoverable.dart b/lib/src/component/error_boundary_recoverable.dart
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..474b1ed3d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/src/component/error_boundary_recoverable.dart
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+import 'package:over_react/over_react.dart';
+part 'error_boundary_recoverable.over_react.g.dart';
+/// A higher-order component that will catch ReactJS errors anywhere within the child component tree and
+/// display a fallback UI instead of the component tree that crashed.
+/// Optionally, use the [ErrorBoundaryProps.onComponentDidCatch]
+/// to send error / stack trace information to a logging endpoint for your application.
+/// To make your own custom error boundaries, you can utilize the [ErrorBoundaryPropsMixin],
+/// [ErrorBoundaryStateMixin] and [ErrorBoundaryMixin]s on any component that is annotated
+/// using `@Component2(isErrorBoundary: true)`. See the [ErrorBoundaryMixin] for an example implementation.
+UiFactory RecoverableErrorBoundary = _$RecoverableErrorBoundary;
+class _$RecoverableErrorBoundaryProps extends UiProps with ErrorBoundaryPropsMixin {}
+class _$RecoverableErrorBoundaryState extends UiState with ErrorBoundaryStateMixin {}
+@Component2(isWrapper: true, isErrorBoundary: true)
+class RecoverableErrorBoundaryComponent
+ extends UiStatefulComponent2 with ErrorBoundaryMixin {}
diff --git a/lib/src/component/error_boundary_recoverable.over_react.g.dart b/lib/src/component/error_boundary_recoverable.over_react.g.dart
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..960b566e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/src/component/error_boundary_recoverable.over_react.g.dart
@@ -0,0 +1,260 @@
+// ignore_for_file: deprecated_member_use_from_same_package, unnecessary_null_in_if_null_operators, prefer_null_aware_operators
+part of 'error_boundary_recoverable.dart';
+// **************************************************************************
+// OverReactBuilder (package:over_react/src/builder.dart)
+// **************************************************************************
+// React component factory implementation.
+// Registers component implementation and links type meta to builder factory.
+final $RecoverableErrorBoundaryComponentFactory = registerComponent2(
+ () => _$RecoverableErrorBoundaryComponent(),
+ builderFactory: RecoverableErrorBoundary,
+ componentClass: RecoverableErrorBoundaryComponent,
+ isWrapper: true,
+ parentType: null,
+ displayName: 'RecoverableErrorBoundary',
+ skipMethods: const [],
+abstract class _$RecoverableErrorBoundaryPropsAccessorsMixin
+ implements _$RecoverableErrorBoundaryProps {
+ @override
+ Map get props;
+ static const List $props = [];
+ static const List $propKeys = [];
+const PropsMeta _$metaForRecoverableErrorBoundaryProps = PropsMeta(
+ fields: _$RecoverableErrorBoundaryPropsAccessorsMixin.$props,
+ keys: _$RecoverableErrorBoundaryPropsAccessorsMixin.$propKeys,
+class RecoverableErrorBoundaryProps extends _$RecoverableErrorBoundaryProps
+ with _$RecoverableErrorBoundaryPropsAccessorsMixin {
+ static const PropsMeta meta = _$metaForRecoverableErrorBoundaryProps;
+_$$RecoverableErrorBoundaryProps _$RecoverableErrorBoundary(
+ [Map backingProps]) =>
+ backingProps == null
+ ? _$$RecoverableErrorBoundaryProps$JsMap(JsBackedMap())
+ : _$$RecoverableErrorBoundaryProps(backingProps);
+// Concrete props implementation.
+// Implements constructor and backing map, and links up to generated component factory.
+abstract class _$$RecoverableErrorBoundaryProps
+ extends _$RecoverableErrorBoundaryProps
+ with _$RecoverableErrorBoundaryPropsAccessorsMixin
+ implements RecoverableErrorBoundaryProps {
+ _$$RecoverableErrorBoundaryProps._();
+ factory _$$RecoverableErrorBoundaryProps(Map backingMap) {
+ if (backingMap == null || backingMap is JsBackedMap) {
+ return _$$RecoverableErrorBoundaryProps$JsMap(backingMap);
+ } else {
+ return _$$RecoverableErrorBoundaryProps$PlainMap(backingMap);
+ }
+ }
+ /// Let `UiProps` internals know that this class has been generated.
+ @override
+ bool get $isClassGenerated => true;
+ /// The `ReactComponentFactory` associated with the component built by this class.
+ @override
+ ReactComponentFactoryProxy get componentFactory =>
+ super.componentFactory ?? $RecoverableErrorBoundaryComponentFactory;
+ /// The default namespace for the prop getters/setters generated for this class.
+ @override
+ String get propKeyNamespace => 'RecoverableErrorBoundaryProps.';
+// Concrete props implementation that can be backed by any [Map].
+class _$$RecoverableErrorBoundaryProps$PlainMap
+ extends _$$RecoverableErrorBoundaryProps {
+ // This initializer of `_props` to an empty map, as well as the reassignment
+ // of `_props` in the constructor body is necessary to work around a DDC bug:
+ _$$RecoverableErrorBoundaryProps$PlainMap(Map backingMap)
+ : this._props = {},
+ super._() {
+ this._props = backingMap ?? {};
+ }
+ /// The backing props map proxied by this class.
+ @override
+ Map get props => _props;
+ Map _props;
+// Concrete props implementation that can only be backed by [JsMap],
+// allowing dart2js to compile more optimal code for key-value pair reads/writes.
+class _$$RecoverableErrorBoundaryProps$JsMap
+ extends _$$RecoverableErrorBoundaryProps {
+ // This initializer of `_props` to an empty map, as well as the reassignment
+ // of `_props` in the constructor body is necessary to work around a DDC bug:
+ _$$RecoverableErrorBoundaryProps$JsMap(JsBackedMap backingMap)
+ : this._props = JsBackedMap(),
+ super._() {
+ this._props = backingMap ?? JsBackedMap();
+ }
+ /// The backing props map proxied by this class.
+ @override
+ JsBackedMap get props => _props;
+ JsBackedMap _props;
+abstract class _$RecoverableErrorBoundaryStateAccessorsMixin
+ implements _$RecoverableErrorBoundaryState {
+ @override
+ Map get state;
+ static const List $state = [];
+ static const List $stateKeys = [];
+const StateMeta _$metaForRecoverableErrorBoundaryState = StateMeta(
+ fields: _$RecoverableErrorBoundaryStateAccessorsMixin.$state,
+ keys: _$RecoverableErrorBoundaryStateAccessorsMixin.$stateKeys,
+class RecoverableErrorBoundaryState extends _$RecoverableErrorBoundaryState
+ with _$RecoverableErrorBoundaryStateAccessorsMixin {
+ static const StateMeta meta = _$metaForRecoverableErrorBoundaryState;
+// Concrete state implementation.
+// Implements constructor and backing map.
+abstract class _$$RecoverableErrorBoundaryState
+ extends _$RecoverableErrorBoundaryState
+ with _$RecoverableErrorBoundaryStateAccessorsMixin
+ implements RecoverableErrorBoundaryState {
+ _$$RecoverableErrorBoundaryState._();
+ factory _$$RecoverableErrorBoundaryState(Map backingMap) {
+ if (backingMap == null || backingMap is JsBackedMap) {
+ return _$$RecoverableErrorBoundaryState$JsMap(backingMap);
+ } else {
+ return _$$RecoverableErrorBoundaryState$PlainMap(backingMap);
+ }
+ }
+ /// Let `UiState` internals know that this class has been generated.
+ @override
+ bool get $isClassGenerated => true;
+// Concrete state implementation that can be backed by any [Map].
+class _$$RecoverableErrorBoundaryState$PlainMap
+ extends _$$RecoverableErrorBoundaryState {
+ // This initializer of `_state` to an empty map, as well as the reassignment
+ // of `_state` in the constructor body is necessary to work around a DDC bug:
+ _$$RecoverableErrorBoundaryState$PlainMap(Map backingMap)
+ : this._state = {},
+ super._() {
+ this._state = backingMap ?? {};
+ }
+ /// The backing state map proxied by this class.
+ @override
+ Map get state => _state;
+ Map _state;
+// Concrete state implementation that can only be backed by [JsMap],
+// allowing dart2js to compile more optimal code for key-value pair reads/writes.
+class _$$RecoverableErrorBoundaryState$JsMap
+ extends _$$RecoverableErrorBoundaryState {
+ // This initializer of `_state` to an empty map, as well as the reassignment
+ // of `_state` in the constructor body is necessary to work around a DDC bug:
+ _$$RecoverableErrorBoundaryState$JsMap(JsBackedMap backingMap)
+ : this._state = JsBackedMap(),
+ super._() {
+ this._state = backingMap ?? JsBackedMap();
+ }
+ /// The backing state map proxied by this class.
+ @override
+ JsBackedMap get state => _state;
+ JsBackedMap _state;
+// Concrete component implementation mixin.
+// Implements typed props/state factories, defaults `consumedPropKeys` to the keys
+// generated for the associated props class.
+class _$RecoverableErrorBoundaryComponent
+ extends RecoverableErrorBoundaryComponent {
+ _$$RecoverableErrorBoundaryProps$JsMap _cachedTypedProps;
+ @override
+ _$$RecoverableErrorBoundaryProps$JsMap get props => _cachedTypedProps;
+ @override
+ set props(Map value) {
+ assert(
+ getBackingMap(value) is JsBackedMap,
+ 'Component2.props should never be set directly in '
+ 'production. If this is required for testing, the '
+ 'component should be rendered within the test. If '
+ 'that does not have the necessary result, the last '
+ 'resort is to use typedPropsFactoryJs.');
+ super.props = value;
+ _cachedTypedProps = typedPropsFactoryJs(getBackingMap(value));
+ }
+ @override
+ _$$RecoverableErrorBoundaryProps$JsMap typedPropsFactoryJs(
+ JsBackedMap backingMap) =>
+ _$$RecoverableErrorBoundaryProps$JsMap(backingMap);
+ @override
+ _$$RecoverableErrorBoundaryProps typedPropsFactory(Map backingMap) =>
+ _$$RecoverableErrorBoundaryProps(backingMap);
+ _$$RecoverableErrorBoundaryState$JsMap _cachedTypedState;
+ @override
+ _$$RecoverableErrorBoundaryState$JsMap get state => _cachedTypedState;
+ @override
+ set state(Map value) {
+ assert(
+ value is JsBackedMap,
+ 'Component2.state should only be set via '
+ 'initialState or setState.');
+ super.state = value;
+ _cachedTypedState = typedStateFactoryJs(value);
+ }
+ @override
+ _$$RecoverableErrorBoundaryState$JsMap typedStateFactoryJs(
+ JsBackedMap backingMap) =>
+ _$$RecoverableErrorBoundaryState$JsMap(backingMap);
+ @override
+ _$$RecoverableErrorBoundaryState typedStateFactory(Map backingMap) =>
+ _$$RecoverableErrorBoundaryState(backingMap);
+ /// Let `UiComponent` internals know that this class has been generated.
+ @override
+ bool get $isClassGenerated => true;
+ /// The default consumed props, taken from _$RecoverableErrorBoundaryProps.
+ /// Used in `ConsumedProps` if [consumedProps] is not overridden.
+ @override
+ final List $defaultConsumedProps = const [
+ _$metaForRecoverableErrorBoundaryProps
+ ];
diff --git a/test/over_react/component/error_boundary_test.dart b/test/over_react/component/error_boundary_test.dart
index 66dbd5187..ef5bb9e2c 100644
--- a/test/over_react/component/error_boundary_test.dart
+++ b/test/over_react/component/error_boundary_test.dart
@@ -17,11 +17,16 @@
library error_boundary_test;
import 'package:over_react/over_react.dart';
+import 'package:over_react/src/component/error_boundary_recoverable.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'shared_error_boundary_tests.dart';
void main() {
+ group('RecoverableErrorBoundary', () {
+ sharedErrorBoundaryTests(() => RecoverableErrorBoundary());
+ });
group('ErrorBoundary', () {
sharedErrorBoundaryTests(() => ErrorBoundary());
From b80c85fdbf2ca07c5f2e71347ee05203b45cbda0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Keal Jones
Date: Wed, 11 Dec 2019 08:42:25 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 02/13] fixing up errorboundary tests
lib/src/component/error_boundary.dart | 109 +++++++++++++++++-
.../component/error_boundary_test.dart | 8 +-
.../shared_error_boundary_tests.dart | 83 ++++++++-----
test/over_react_component_test.dart | 22 ++--
4 files changed, 172 insertions(+), 50 deletions(-)
diff --git a/lib/src/component/error_boundary.dart b/lib/src/component/error_boundary.dart
index fb8feb3e9..ad0c230ed 100644
--- a/lib/src/component/error_boundary.dart
+++ b/lib/src/component/error_boundary.dart
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
+import 'package:logging/logging.dart';
import 'package:over_react/over_react.dart';
import 'package:over_react/src/component/error_boundary_recoverable.dart';
@@ -24,10 +24,60 @@ class _$ErrorBoundaryState extends UiState with ErrorBoundaryStateMixin {}
@Component2(isWrapper: true, isErrorBoundary: true)
class ErrorBoundaryComponent
- extends UiStatefulComponent2 with ErrorBoundaryMixin {
+ extends UiStatefulComponent2 {
+ // ---------------------------------------------- \/ ----------------------------------------------
+ // How This ErrorBoundary Works:
+ //
+ // Background Info:
+ // React gives each Error Boundary one chance to handle or recover when an error is throws, if
+ // the Error Boundary's children throw again on its next render after React calls
+ // `getDerivedStateFromError` and `componentDidCatch`, React will ascend the tree to the next
+ // Error Boundary above it and rerender offering it a chance to handle the error. If none of
+ // the parent Error Boundaries have a successful render cycle, React unmounts the entire tree.
+ // __Note:__ When an Error Boundary remounts its children React clears all child components
+ // previous state, including child ErrorBoundaries meaning they lose all previous knowledge
+ // of any errors thrown.
+ //
+ // Solution:
+ // To prevent unmounting the entire tree when React cannot find an Error Boundary that is able
+ // to handle the error we wrap an Error Boundary with another Error Boundary (this one!). The
+ // child Error Boundary will handle errors that are "recoverable", so if an error gets to this
+ // Error Boundary we know it is "unrecoverable" and can present a fallback.
+ //
+ // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Implementation:
+ //
+ // [1] Renders a child Error Boundary that is able to handle Errors thrown outside of the initial
+ // render cycle, allowing it a chance to "recover".
+ //
+ // [2] If we catch an error in this Error Boundary that indicates that the child Error Boundary was
+ // unable to handle or recover from the error, so we know that it was "unrecoverable" and we
+ // haven't had a successful render.
+ //
+ // [2.1] If we have `props.fallbackUIRenderer` we present that.
+ //
+ // [2.2] Present nothing instead of the broken children.
+ // ---------------------------------------------- /\ ----------------------------------------------
+ ReactErrorInfo _errorInfo;
+ String _error;
+ @override
+ Map get defaultProps => (newProps()
+ ..identicalErrorFrequencyTolerance = Duration(seconds: 5)
+ ..loggerName = defaultErrorBoundaryLoggerName
+ ..shouldLogErrors = true
+ );
+ @override
+ get initialState => newState()
+ ..hasError = false
+ ..showFallbackUIOnError = true;
Map getDerivedStateFromError(error) {
+ _error = error;
return (newState()
..hasError = true
..showFallbackUIOnError = true
@@ -36,23 +86,70 @@ class ErrorBoundaryComponent RecoverableErrorBoundary());
- });
+ // group('RecoverableErrorBoundary', () {
+ // sharedErrorBoundaryTests(() => RecoverableErrorBoundary());
+ // });
group('ErrorBoundary', () {
- sharedErrorBoundaryTests(() => ErrorBoundary());
+ sharedErrorBoundaryTests(() => ErrorBoundary(), isWrapper: true);
diff --git a/test/over_react/component/shared_error_boundary_tests.dart b/test/over_react/component/shared_error_boundary_tests.dart
index 60088cd41..107d8a4b3 100644
--- a/test/over_react/component/shared_error_boundary_tests.dart
+++ b/test/over_react/component/shared_error_boundary_tests.dart
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
import 'dart:html';
import 'package:logging/logging.dart';
+import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
import 'package:over_react/over_react.dart';
import 'package:over_react_test/over_react_test.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
@@ -9,8 +10,10 @@ import './fixtures/flawed_component_on_mount.dart';
import './fixtures/flawed_component_that_renders_a_string.dart';
import './fixtures/flawed_component_that_renders_nothing.dart';
-void sharedErrorBoundaryTests(BuilderOnlyUiFactory builder) {
- TestJacket jacket;
+/// `isWrapper` identifies an ErrorBoundary that wraps another Error Boundary in order to handle
+/// render cycle "unrecoverable" errors.
+void sharedErrorBoundaryTests(BuilderOnlyUiFactory builder, { bool isWrapper = false }) {
+ TestJacket> jacket;
ReactElement dummyChild;
setUp(() {
@@ -26,7 +29,7 @@ void sharedErrorBoundaryTests(BuilderOnlyUiFactory builder) {
Component That Throws A Caught Error On Mount (everytime)
(Default ErrorBoundary Component)
Modify the source of /web/demos/faulty-component.dart
to play
+ around with the component rendered below.
Component That Throws A Caught Error
(Custom Error Boundary Component)
diff --git a/web/component2/src/demos.dart b/web/component2/src/demos.dart
index bf3a1e7d7..d29910e51 100644
--- a/web/component2/src/demos.dart
+++ b/web/component2/src/demos.dart
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ export 'demos/custom_error_boundary.dart';
export '../src/demo_components/prop_validation_wrap.dart';
export '../../src/demos/faulty-component.dart';
+export '../../src/demos/faulty-on-mount-component.dart';
export 'demos/list-group/list-group-basic.dart';
export 'demos/list-group/list-group-tags.dart';
diff --git a/web/src/demos/faulty-on-mount-component.dart b/web/src/demos/faulty-on-mount-component.dart
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f96305e67
--- /dev/null
+++ b/web/src/demos/faulty-on-mount-component.dart
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+import 'package:over_react/over_react.dart';
+part 'faulty-on-mount-component.over_react.g.dart';
+// ignore: undefined_identifier
FaultyOnMount = _$FaultyOnMount;
+class _$FaultyOnMountProps extends UiProps {}
+// AF-3369 This will be removed once the transition to Dart 2 is complete.
+// ignore: mixin_of_non_class, undefined_class
+class FaultyOnMountProps extends _$FaultyOnMountProps with _$FaultyOnMountPropsAccessorsMixin {
+ // ignore: undefined_identifier, undefined_class, const_initialized_with_non_constant_value
+ static const PropsMeta meta = _$metaForFaultyOnMountProps;
+class FaultyOnMountComponent extends UiComponent2 {
+ @override
+ render() {
+ throw 'lol';
+ }
diff --git a/web/src/demos/faulty-on-mount-component.over_react.g.dart b/web/src/demos/faulty-on-mount-component.over_react.g.dart
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2e50675c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/web/src/demos/faulty-on-mount-component.over_react.g.dart
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+// ignore_for_file: deprecated_member_use_from_same_package, unnecessary_null_in_if_null_operators, prefer_null_aware_operators
+part of 'faulty-on-mount-component.dart';
+// **************************************************************************
+// OverReactBuilder (package:over_react/src/builder.dart)
+// **************************************************************************
+// React component factory implementation.
+// Registers component implementation and links type meta to builder factory.
+final $FaultyOnMountComponentFactory = registerComponent2(
+ () => _$FaultyOnMountComponent(),
+ builderFactory: FaultyOnMount,
+ componentClass: FaultyOnMountComponent,
+ isWrapper: false,
+ parentType: null,
+ displayName: 'FaultyOnMount',
+abstract class _$FaultyOnMountPropsAccessorsMixin
+ implements _$FaultyOnMountProps {
+ @override
+ Map get props;
+ static const List $props = [];
+ static const List $propKeys = [];
+const PropsMeta _$metaForFaultyOnMountProps = PropsMeta(
+ fields: _$FaultyOnMountPropsAccessorsMixin.$props,
+ keys: _$FaultyOnMountPropsAccessorsMixin.$propKeys,
+_$$FaultyOnMountProps _$FaultyOnMount([Map backingProps]) =>
+ backingProps == null
+ ? _$$FaultyOnMountProps$JsMap(JsBackedMap())
+ : _$$FaultyOnMountProps(backingProps);
+// Concrete props implementation.
+// Implements constructor and backing map, and links up to generated component factory.
+abstract class _$$FaultyOnMountProps extends _$FaultyOnMountProps
+ with _$FaultyOnMountPropsAccessorsMixin
+ implements FaultyOnMountProps {
+ _$$FaultyOnMountProps._();
+ factory _$$FaultyOnMountProps(Map backingMap) {
+ if (backingMap == null || backingMap is JsBackedMap) {
+ return _$$FaultyOnMountProps$JsMap(backingMap);
+ } else {
+ return _$$FaultyOnMountProps$PlainMap(backingMap);
+ }
+ }
+ /// Let `UiProps` internals know that this class has been generated.
+ @override
+ bool get $isClassGenerated => true;
+ /// The `ReactComponentFactory` associated with the component built by this class.
+ @override
+ ReactComponentFactoryProxy get componentFactory =>
+ super.componentFactory ?? $FaultyOnMountComponentFactory;
+ /// The default namespace for the prop getters/setters generated for this class.
+ @override
+ String get propKeyNamespace => 'FaultyOnMountProps.';
+// Concrete props implementation that can be backed by any [Map].
+class _$$FaultyOnMountProps$PlainMap extends _$$FaultyOnMountProps {
+ // This initializer of `_props` to an empty map, as well as the reassignment
+ // of `_props` in the constructor body is necessary to work around a DDC bug:
+ _$$FaultyOnMountProps$PlainMap(Map backingMap)
+ : this._props = {},
+ super._() {
+ this._props = backingMap ?? {};
+ }
+ /// The backing props map proxied by this class.
+ @override
+ Map get props => _props;
+ Map _props;
+// Concrete props implementation that can only be backed by [JsMap],
+// allowing dart2js to compile more optimal code for key-value pair reads/writes.
+class _$$FaultyOnMountProps$JsMap extends _$$FaultyOnMountProps {
+ // This initializer of `_props` to an empty map, as well as the reassignment
+ // of `_props` in the constructor body is necessary to work around a DDC bug:
+ _$$FaultyOnMountProps$JsMap(JsBackedMap backingMap)
+ : this._props = JsBackedMap(),
+ super._() {
+ this._props = backingMap ?? JsBackedMap();
+ }
+ /// The backing props map proxied by this class.
+ @override
+ JsBackedMap get props => _props;
+ JsBackedMap _props;
+// Concrete component implementation mixin.
+// Implements typed props/state factories, defaults `consumedPropKeys` to the keys
+// generated for the associated props class.
+class _$FaultyOnMountComponent extends FaultyOnMountComponent {
+ _$$FaultyOnMountProps$JsMap _cachedTypedProps;
+ @override
+ _$$FaultyOnMountProps$JsMap get props => _cachedTypedProps;
+ @override
+ set props(Map value) {
+ assert(
+ getBackingMap(value) is JsBackedMap,
+ 'Component2.props should never be set directly in '
+ 'production. If this is required for testing, the '
+ 'component should be rendered within the test. If '
+ 'that does not have the necessary result, the last '
+ 'resort is to use typedPropsFactoryJs.');
+ super.props = value;
+ _cachedTypedProps = typedPropsFactoryJs(getBackingMap(value));
+ }
+ @override
+ _$$FaultyOnMountProps$JsMap typedPropsFactoryJs(JsBackedMap backingMap) =>
+ _$$FaultyOnMountProps$JsMap(backingMap);
+ @override
+ _$$FaultyOnMountProps typedPropsFactory(Map backingMap) =>
+ _$$FaultyOnMountProps(backingMap);
+ /// Let `UiComponent` internals know that this class has been generated.
+ @override
+ bool get $isClassGenerated => true;
+ /// The default consumed props, taken from _$FaultyOnMountProps.
+ /// Used in `ConsumedProps` if [consumedProps] is not overridden.
+ @override
+ final List $defaultConsumedProps = const [
+ _$metaForFaultyOnMountProps
+ ];
From 727ebc401a438bc0f5e5525673d687d5c598104e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Keal Jones
Date: Thu, 12 Dec 2019 14:59:24 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 04/13] uncomment out tests
test/over_react/component/error_boundary_test.dart | 6 +++---
1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
diff --git a/test/over_react/component/error_boundary_test.dart b/test/over_react/component/error_boundary_test.dart
index d903d487c..c56d1dfeb 100644
--- a/test/over_react/component/error_boundary_test.dart
+++ b/test/over_react/component/error_boundary_test.dart
@@ -23,9 +23,9 @@ import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'shared_error_boundary_tests.dart';
void main() {
- // group('RecoverableErrorBoundary', () {
- // sharedErrorBoundaryTests(() => RecoverableErrorBoundary());
- // });
+ group('RecoverableErrorBoundary', () {
+ sharedErrorBoundaryTests(() => RecoverableErrorBoundary());
+ });
group('ErrorBoundary', () {
sharedErrorBoundaryTests(() => ErrorBoundary(), isWrapper: true);
From 5ea09a8d616959f4907d234d7a8e15fe90e88a5e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Keal Jones
Date: Thu, 12 Dec 2019 15:00:41 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 05/13] more test uncommenting
test/over_react_component_test.dart | 22 +++++++++++-----------
1 file changed, 11 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)
diff --git a/test/over_react_component_test.dart b/test/over_react_component_test.dart
index 60e48841d..e99193743 100644
--- a/test/over_react_component_test.dart
+++ b/test/over_react_component_test.dart
@@ -41,16 +41,16 @@ void main() {
- // abstract_transition_test.main();
- // abstract_transition2_test.main();
- //error_boundary_mixin_test.main();
+ abstract_transition_test.main();
+ abstract_transition2_test.main();
+ error_boundary_mixin_test.main();
- // forward_ref_test.main();
- // dom_components_test.main();
- // prop_mixins_test.main();
- // prop_typedefs_test.main();
- // resize_sensor_test.main();
- // fragment_component_test.main();
- // context_test.main();
- // typed_factory_test.main();
+ forward_ref_test.main();
+ dom_components_test.main();
+ prop_mixins_test.main();
+ prop_typedefs_test.main();
+ resize_sensor_test.main();
+ fragment_component_test.main();
+ context_test.main();
+ typed_factory_test.main();
From d388adba71eb240e32eb4679ad9088e831bdee2c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Keal Jones
Date: Fri, 13 Dec 2019 14:56:18 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 06/13] address cr feedback
lib/src/component/error_boundary.dart | 9 ++++++---
lib/src/component/error_boundary_mixins.dart | 9 ++++++---
lib/src/component/error_boundary_recoverable.dart | 13 +++++--------
web/component2/index.dart | 3 ---
web/component2/index.html | 6 +++---
web/src/demos/faulty-on-mount-component.dart | 7 ++++++-
6 files changed, 26 insertions(+), 21 deletions(-)
diff --git a/lib/src/component/error_boundary.dart b/lib/src/component/error_boundary.dart
index fa954bf8d..bcc07992d 100644
--- a/lib/src/component/error_boundary.dart
+++ b/lib/src/component/error_boundary.dart
@@ -57,14 +57,16 @@ class ErrorBoundaryComponent (newProps()
+ get defaultProps => (newProps()
..identicalErrorFrequencyTolerance = Duration(seconds: 5)
..loggerName = defaultErrorBoundaryLoggerName
..shouldLogErrors = true
@@ -110,7 +112,7 @@ class ErrorBoundaryComponent See: [ErrorBoundaryMixin] for a usage example.
+@Deprecated('Building custom error boundaries with this mixin will no longer be supported in version 4.0.0.'
+ 'Use ErrorBoundary and its prop API to customize error handling instead.')
abstract class _$ErrorBoundaryPropsMixin implements UiProps {
@@ -109,6 +111,8 @@ abstract class _$ErrorBoundaryPropsMixin implements UiProps {
/// within a custom component.
/// > See: [ErrorBoundaryMixin] for a usage example.
+@Deprecated('Building custom error boundaries with this mixin will no longer be supported in version 4.0.0.'
+ 'Use ErrorBoundary and its prop API to customize error handling instead.')
abstract class _$ErrorBoundaryStateMixin implements UiState {
@@ -158,9 +162,8 @@ abstract class _$ErrorBoundaryStateMixin implements UiState {
/// return Dom.h3()('Error!');
/// }
/// }
-/// __Deprecated.__ Use `ErrorBoundary` component and its props to handle errors instead.
+@Deprecated('Building custom error boundaries with this mixin will no longer be supported in version 4.0.0.'
+ 'Use ErrorBoundary and its prop API to customize error handling instead.')
mixin ErrorBoundaryMixin
on UiStatefulComponent2 {
diff --git a/lib/src/component/error_boundary_recoverable.dart b/lib/src/component/error_boundary_recoverable.dart
index 474b1ed3d..9ecaf5937 100644
--- a/lib/src/component/error_boundary_recoverable.dart
+++ b/lib/src/component/error_boundary_recoverable.dart
@@ -2,15 +2,12 @@ import 'package:over_react/over_react.dart';
part 'error_boundary_recoverable.over_react.g.dart';
-/// A higher-order component that will catch ReactJS errors anywhere within the child component tree and
-/// display a fallback UI instead of the component tree that crashed.
+/// A higher-order component that will catch "recoverable" ReactJS errors, errors outside of the render/mount cycle,
+/// anywhere within the child component tree and display a fallback UI instead of the component tree that crashed.
-/// Optionally, use the [ErrorBoundaryProps.onComponentDidCatch]
-/// to send error / stack trace information to a logging endpoint for your application.
-/// To make your own custom error boundaries, you can utilize the [ErrorBoundaryPropsMixin],
-/// [ErrorBoundaryStateMixin] and [ErrorBoundaryMixin]s on any component that is annotated
-/// using `@Component2(isErrorBoundary: true)`. See the [ErrorBoundaryMixin] for an example implementation.
+/// __NOTE:__
+/// 1. This component is not / should never be publicly exported.
+/// 2. This component should never be used, except as a child of the outer (public) `ErrorBoundary` component.
UiFactory RecoverableErrorBoundary = _$RecoverableErrorBoundary;
diff --git a/web/component2/index.dart b/web/component2/index.dart
index e84f885c8..6a00dfe9f 100644
--- a/web/component2/index.dart
+++ b/web/component2/index.dart
@@ -37,9 +37,6 @@ void main() {
- ..fallbackUIRenderer = (error, info) {
- return Dom.div()('It totally crashed.');
- }
..onComponentDidCatch = (error, info) {
print('Consumer props.onComponentDidCatch($error, $info)');
diff --git a/web/component2/index.html b/web/component2/index.html
index b2c4a84ff..fbe88db78 100644
--- a/web/component2/index.html
+++ b/web/component2/index.html
@@ -59,10 +59,10 @@ Component That Throws A Caught Error
Component That Throws A Caught Error On Mount (everytime)
Component That Throws A Caught Error On Mount (every time)
(Default ErrorBoundary Component)
Modify the source of /web/demos/faulty-component.dart
to play
- around with the component rendered below.
Modify the source of /web/demos/faulty-on-mount-component.dart
to play
+ around with the component rendered below. By default nothing is rendered except an empty div.
diff --git a/web/src/demos/faulty-on-mount-component.dart b/web/src/demos/faulty-on-mount-component.dart
index f96305e67..64e48e98f 100644
--- a/web/src/demos/faulty-on-mount-component.dart
+++ b/web/src/demos/faulty-on-mount-component.dart
@@ -21,6 +21,11 @@ class FaultyOnMountProps extends _$FaultyOnMountProps with _$FaultyOnMountPropsA
class FaultyOnMountComponent extends UiComponent2
render() {
- throw 'lol';
+ throw Shade();
+class Shade extends Error {
+ @override
+ toString() => 'lol';
From 6ceea56bd726f464dea09c691254eda915973651 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Keal Jones
Date: Fri, 13 Dec 2019 14:56:56 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 07/13] remove accidental print
lib/src/component/error_boundary.dart | 1 -
1 file changed, 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/lib/src/component/error_boundary.dart b/lib/src/component/error_boundary.dart
index bcc07992d..b6df8e323 100644
--- a/lib/src/component/error_boundary.dart
+++ b/lib/src/component/error_boundary.dart
@@ -122,7 +122,6 @@ class ErrorBoundaryComponent
Date: Mon, 16 Dec 2019 16:03:17 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 08/13] cleanup fallbackUIRenderer logic and update tests
lib/src/component/error_boundary.dart | 32 +++-----
.../shared_error_boundary_tests.dart | 80 ++++++++++++++-----
web/component2/index.dart | 12 +++
web/component2/index.html | 7 ++
4 files changed, 88 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-)
diff --git a/lib/src/component/error_boundary.dart b/lib/src/component/error_boundary.dart
index b6df8e323..37f85d6e2 100644
--- a/lib/src/component/error_boundary.dart
+++ b/lib/src/component/error_boundary.dart
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
import 'package:logging/logging.dart';
+import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
import 'package:over_react/over_react.dart';
import 'package:over_react/src/component/error_boundary_recoverable.dart';
@@ -53,18 +54,11 @@ class ErrorBoundaryComponent (newProps()
..identicalErrorFrequencyTolerance = Duration(seconds: 5)
@@ -86,9 +80,6 @@ class ErrorBoundaryComponent buil
expect(jacket.getNode(), hasAttr(defaultTestIdKey, 'ErrorBoundary.unrecoverableErrorInnerHtmlContainerNode'));
- test('and props.fallbackUIRenderer is set', () {
- ReactElement _fallbackUIRenderer(_, __) {
- return Dom.h4()('Something super not awesome just happened.');
- }
+ if (!isWrapper) {
+ test('and props.fallbackUIRenderer is set', () {
+ ReactElement _fallbackUIRenderer(_, __) {
+ return Dom.h4()('Something super not awesome just happened.');
+ }
- jacket = mount((builder()..addProps(ErrorBoundaryPropsMapView({})..fallbackUIRenderer = _fallbackUIRenderer))(dummyChild));
- final component = jacket.getDartInstance();
- component.setState(component.newState()..hasError = true);
+ jacket = mount((builder()..addProps(ErrorBoundaryPropsMapView({})..fallbackUIRenderer = _fallbackUIRenderer))(dummyChild));
+ final component = jacket.getDartInstance();
+ component.setState(component.newState()..hasError = true);
- expect(jacket.getNode(), hasNodeName('H4'), reason: '${ErrorBoundaryPropsMapView(jacket.getProps()).fallbackUIRenderer}');
- expect(jacket.getNode().text, 'Something super not awesome just happened.');
- });
+ expect(jacket.getNode(), hasNodeName('H4'), reason: '${ErrorBoundaryPropsMapView(jacket.getProps()).fallbackUIRenderer}');
+ expect(jacket.getNode().text, 'Something super not awesome just happened.');
+ });
+ }
group('and then switches back to rendering the child', () {
setUp(() {
@@ -182,21 +184,23 @@ void sharedErrorBoundaryTests(BuilderOnlyUiFactory buil
final component = jacket.getDartInstance();
..hasError = true
- ..showFallbackUIOnError = true
expect(getByTestId(jacket.getInstance(), 'dummyChild'), isNull);
- expect(getByTestId(jacket.getInstance(), 'fallbackNode'), isNotNull);
+ if (!isWrapper) {
+ // wrapper ErrorBoundary doesn't use `props.fallbackUIRenderer` because `ResolvableErrorBoundary`
+ // will display it on first error. Meaning wrapper ErrorBoundary will never be reached if it is set.
+ expect(getByTestId(jacket.getInstance(), 'fallbackNode'), isNotNull);
+ }
- if (!isWrapper) {
- test('when reset() is called', () {
- (jacket.getDartInstance() as dynamic).reset();
- expect(jacket.getDartInstance().state.hasError, isFalse);
- expect(jacket.getDartInstance().state.showFallbackUIOnError, isTrue);
- expect(getByTestId(jacket.getInstance(), 'dummyChild'), isNotNull);
- expect(getByTestId(jacket.getInstance(), 'fallbackNode'), isNull);
- });
- }
+ test('when reset() is called', () {
+ dynamic component = jacket.getDartInstance();
+ (component as dynamic).reset();
+ expect(component.state.hasError, isFalse);
+ expect(component.state.showFallbackUIOnError, isTrue);
+ expect(getByTestId(jacket.getInstance(), 'dummyChild'), isNotNull);
+ expect(getByTestId(jacket.getInstance(), 'fallbackNode'), isNull);
+ });
group('when a new child is passed in', () {
test('', () {
@@ -272,7 +276,7 @@ void sharedErrorBoundaryTests(BuilderOnlyUiFactory buil
- void sharedSetup({dynamic errorBoundaryChildren}) {
+ void sharedSetup({dynamic errorBoundaryChildren, Map errorBoundaryProps}) {
final customChildrenUsed = errorBoundaryChildren != null;
errorBoundaryChildren ??= (Flawed()..addTestId('flawedComponent'))(
@@ -293,6 +297,7 @@ void sharedErrorBoundaryTests(BuilderOnlyUiFactory buil
..onComponentIsUnrecoverable = (err, info) {
calls.add({'onComponentIsUnrecoverable': [err, info]});
+ ..addAll(errorBoundaryProps ?? {})
attachedToDocument: true);
@@ -363,6 +368,37 @@ void sharedErrorBoundaryTests(BuilderOnlyUiFactory buil
expect(errorInfoSentToComponentDidCatchCallback, errorInfoSentToComponentIsUnrecoverableCallback);
+ group('and they occurred on every render and fallbackUIRenderer is set', () {
+ setUp(() async {
+ sharedSetup(
+ errorBoundaryChildren: FlawedOnMount()(),
+ errorBoundaryProps: (ErrorBoundaryPropsMapView({})
+ ..fallbackUIRenderer = (_, __) => (Dom.div()..addTestId('fallbackUIRenderer'))()
+ ),
+ );
+ });
+ test('the components wrapped by the ErrorBoundary get unmounted', () {
+ expect(getByTestId(jacket.getInstance(), 'flawedComponent'), isNull,
+ reason: 'The flawed component should have been unmounted');
+ expect(jacket.getDartInstance().state.showFallbackUIOnError, isTrue,
+ reason: 'Fallback UI should be rendered instead of the flawed component tree');
+ expect(jacket.getNode(),
+ hasAttr(defaultTestIdKey, 'fallbackUIRenderer'));
+ calls.clear();
+ });
+ test('the correct callbacks are called with the correct arguments', () {
+ expect(calls.any((call) => call.keys.single == 'onComponentDidCatch'), isTrue,
+ reason: 'onComponentDidCatch should have been called');
+ _setCallbackVarValues();
+ expect(errorSentToComponentDidCatchCallback, isA());
+ expect(errorInfoSentToComponentDidCatchCallback, isA());
+ });
+ });
diff --git a/web/component2/index.dart b/web/component2/index.dart
index 6a00dfe9f..0103a063e 100644
--- a/web/component2/index.dart
+++ b/web/component2/index.dart
@@ -44,6 +44,18 @@ void main() {
+ react_dom.render(
+ (ErrorBoundary()
+ ..onComponentDidCatch = (error, info) {
+ print('Consumer props.onComponentDidCatch($error, $info)');
+ }
+ ..fallbackUIRenderer = (_, __) {
+ return (Dom.div() = 'FallbackUi')('I am a fallback.');
+ }
+ )(FaultyOnMount()()),
+ querySelector('$demoMountNodeSelectorPrefix--faulty-on-mount-fallback-component'),
+ );
..onComponentDidCatch = (error, info) {
diff --git a/web/component2/index.html b/web/component2/index.html
index fbe88db78..10e16152e 100644
--- a/web/component2/index.html
+++ b/web/component2/index.html
@@ -65,6 +65,13 @@ Component That Throws A Caught Error On Mount (every time)
around with the component rendered below. By default nothing is rendered except an empty div.
Component That Throws A Caught Error On Mount with Fallback (every time)
(Default ErrorBoundary Component)
Modify the source of /web/demos/faulty-on-mount-component.dart
to play
+ around with the component rendered below. By default nothing is rendered except an empty div.
Component That Throws A Caught Error
(Custom Error Boundary Component)
From bdacdd8df475e3e8a7b805e741acb8406a386aa1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Keal Jones
Date: Mon, 16 Dec 2019 16:04:38 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 09/13] fix find replace mistake
test/over_react/component/shared_error_boundary_tests.dart | 4 ++--
1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
diff --git a/test/over_react/component/shared_error_boundary_tests.dart b/test/over_react/component/shared_error_boundary_tests.dart
index f391d799e..b8fc835fd 100644
--- a/test/over_react/component/shared_error_boundary_tests.dart
+++ b/test/over_react/component/shared_error_boundary_tests.dart
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ void sharedErrorBoundaryTests(BuilderOnlyUiFactory buil