Releases: XOOPS/xmf
XMF XOOPS Module Framework
XOOPS Module Framework is a selection of classes and supporting files intended to help simplify many of the routine tasks commonly needed in module development.
Release v1.2.22 includes:
- fixes in Debug for Kint 3.3
XMF XOOPS Module Framework
XOOPS Module Framework is a selection of classes and supporting files intended to help simplify many of the routine tasks commonly needed in module development.
Release v1.2.21 includes:
- Library updates
- XOOPS standardization
- Minor code cleanups
XMF XOOPS Module Framework
XOOPS Module Framework is a selection of classes and supporting files intended to help simplify many of the routine tasks commonly needed in module development.
Release v1.2.20 includes:
- \Xmf\Module\Helper\AbstractHelper::serializeForHelperLog() fix logging of a resource type
- Unit test updates for latest version of Webmozart\Assert
XMF XOOPS Module Framework
XOOPS Module Framework is a selection of classes and supporting files intended to help simplify many of the routine tasks commonly needed in module development.
Release v1.2.19 includes:
- \Xmf\Yaml::read() eliminate PHP warning if specified file does not exist.
XMF XOOPS Module Framework
XOOPS Module Framework is a selection of classes and supporting files intended to help simplify many of the routine tasks commonly needed in module development.
Release v1.2.18 includes:
- PHP 7.4 ready
- fix error in Database\Table::loadTableFromYamlFile()
- add Uuid::packAsBinary() and Uuid::unpackBinary() methods
- add Module/Helper/GenericHelper::uploadPath() and uploadUrl() methods
- add proxy support in IPAddress::fromRequest();
XMF XOOPS Module Framework
XOOPS Module Framework is a selection of classes and supporting files intended to help simplify many of the routine tasks commonly needed in module development.
Release v1.2.17 includes:
- Docblock corrections
XMF XOOPS Module Framework
XOOPS Module Framework is a selection of classes and supporting files intended to help simplify many of the routine tasks commonly needed in module development.
Release v1.2.16 includes:
- Fix database column quoting
XMF XOOPS Module Framework
XOOPS Module Framework is a selection of classes and supporting files intended to help simplify many of the routine tasks commonly needed in module development.
Release v1.2.15 includes:
- Fix database column quoting for prefix indexes
- Add dirname() method to helper classes
- Changes Request::hasVar() default for $hash to 'default'
XMF XOOPS Module Framework
XOOPS Module Framework is a selection of classes and supporting files intended to help simplify many of the routine tasks commonly needed in module development.
Release v1.2.14 includes:
- add serialization to non-scalar log data
- improved handling of custom key storage
- add some unit testing
- add roave/security-advisories requirement to catch security issues at build time
- Synchronization with XoopsCore
XMF XOOPS Module Framework
XOOPS Module Framework is a selection of classes and supporting files intended to help simplify many of the routine tasks commonly needed in module development.
Release v1.2.12 updates the supporting Kint library to version 2.2.